Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1271: Frost Castle

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Although the legendary ability of the ice worm is very strong, after all, it needs to stack several layers to play its full role; however, it depends on the player's test experience.

Paladins can stand up to invincibility, the Holy Seal of Holy Blessing Order can force the removal of magic effects, and it can also be effectively restrained; while some warriors ignore the advanced skill of pain [Awakening of Pain], only suffer a lot of instant damage, and can also clear the negative The effect is the same, adding considerable strengthening power to yourself.

As for the treatment, the purification of the priest's soul, the natural sympathy of the shaman, etc., compared with those skills that Shen Chen remembered, the system of the world of gods and demons is more complete, and the battles of different genres are all empowered by corresponding skills!

A single ice worm, a single skill effect, only temporarily stopped the player.

What's more, the current unit is fighting, and it seems that the drop will be poor, so the player does not hold back at all.

The endless stream of ice worms encountered the player army that continued to reach the entrance of the cave;

In the current situation, although Zudrak rescued Gamir, the battle of the Calamity Troll has been completely provoked by the players who have entered the game.

Both sides were able to allow their battle to fail, Yu Duan put his strength on the battlefield, and the scale of the battle continued to increase. Now, the combined strength of the two sides has exceeded 300,000 light trolls!

The number of the undead is the core of its combat power, and the elites are also used to fight against the elites of the alliance in the northern wind tundra. Therefore, in the Zuldak battlefield, 3 psychics/necromancers are stationed in 2 undead empty fortresses, controlling the ground number. An army of millions of skeletons, ghouls and zombies.

The terrain of Zudrak makes it easier to exert the advantage of quantity. Overlooking the power of Zhipang from the sky, it is like a piece of seawater polluted by oil, hitting the troll defense line with a single blow like a wave;

In such a situation, no matter whether the Legion of Inheritors or the Alliance troops in sufficient numbers can run on that battlefield, once they are involved, they have no chance of surviving.

Since the road to the north has been cut off, and the direction of the swarm of crypts, it is obvious that it can lead to the storm cliffs, so it can be blamed for all players to choose a route.

As a result, the number of ice worms is indeed small, and no matter how short or short the Frost Giant is, they are all affected by it.

All are established, the number of clans; and now the players who are pouring into Northrend, half of them are heading north, no matter how strong they are, they all want to take a peek at the main story of tomorrow's army commander~~

, a wave of over 3,000 players clustered, the crypt became a "disaster", and the mouth became a blocked high-speed intersection. As for the field of ice worms...

"Equipment is afraid of points!"

"Quickly grab the right to pick up!"

Buton was confident that he knew the inheritor very well, and the crazy scene of the eyes still surprised Shizhan, and the players who rushed to the cave naturally saw the little bit who was unfamiliar or familiar.

Familiarity is very simple, few players participate in or watch the battle of Buton Silithus, and take over the heavy tasks of the Adventurer's Association from their hands.

The current Bouton, with the most heavy hat damaged, looked very embarrassed, surrounded by several ice worms, trying his best to protect his heavy flying machine.

"The hidden mission [Location of Bronzebeard] has been completed, please report the location to the army commander immediately to get the support of the alliance!" The logs of countless players immediately popped up. Of course, there are so many numbers, so The reward of points is naturally weakened!

Shen Chen, who flew to Frost Castle, was the first to get the news. Helpless, he missed the most rewarding reward for finding Buton, so he simply sent a letter to the Explorers Association to send a few teams immediately to meet at Frost Castle.

In addition, Shen Chen also directly released the task of [Protect Bouton] to the player, begging to protect Bouton to reach the Frost Castle, so at least the reward of Muradin's Bronzebeard belongs to himself~~

The player receives a quest. Although there are thousands of points and almost no equipment or special rewards, the experience value of the reputation of the three forces is still wrong.

With the help of the map sign given by Shen Chen, since the way to the Temple of Storms is Frost Castle, then together... send Bouton for a ride.

Buton was also confused, and the players rushed to solve the remaining ice worms without explaining anything. They only told the Frost Castle that they would meet them tomorrow, and they lifted the helicopter. They also asked what they were going to do, and went to their destination. rush.

You know, those players on the northern line have already seized the opportunity, and if they arrive late, then the quest line of the Titan Guardian will be opened by the family!

"Forget it, the current state is also very good, and the rotorcraft needs to be repaired again. Let's meet the guy tomorrow and see what the alliance plans to do." Buton and the player, looking at the wait, can only speed up the pace, " These guys, at first glance, they are the seedlings of explorers~~”

Outside the Frost Castle.

Loken's attack on Frost Dwarf began when the Earthlings were expelled from Ulduar, the early creations of the Earthlings, the guardians of the Titans;

To be able to obey himself, in order to cover up his betrayal, and to weaken the power of the remaining guardians, although he did not do it himself, he also sent his own creations.

Iron dwarf and thunder cast dwarf, after the fall of Doloken, a brand-new power created by the Titan facility.

Part of the Loken army, the casting materials of the body, are the auxiliary metal materials of Titan ingots, and their quality seems to be weaker than cobalt ingots, even close to the point of Saronite iron.

The Titan rune rewritten by Loken with his wisdom activates the creations made of steel and stone, and makes them gain stronger defense or strength; of course, it also makes the dark magic gradually corrupt some dwarfs and obey the creations. At the same time, he was also influenced by Yogg-Saron and gradually became the servant army of the ancient gods!

The location of Frost Castle allowed Frost Dwarf to barely withstand the attack of Loken's creation. It could only accommodate several mountain roads, and only a strong Dwarf could hold the first line, so it would be difficult for the enemy to complete the breakthrough.

One point, it is more similar to the Ironforge during the Beast War. Of course, even if the **** is afraid, even if the beast force increases ten times, it is difficult to attack~~

Loken's servants can only contact the local creatures, namely the harpies, hoping that some flying monsters can cause some trouble for the dwarfs of Frostcastle.

It's really useful. Shen Chenkong saw that Frost Dwarf's attack on the harpie was very difficult to deal with. His physical strength was excellent in melee combat, and the banshee was close, and Sora used wind and thunder spells to harass.

Seeing Frost Dwarf Luofeng, Shen Chen didn't observe or hide much. After all, the player's support is in place; then reappearing will only add to the icing on the cake~~

The dragon's wings stretched out, and Shen Chen was like a giant dragon plundering from the sky; the harpy even had time to react, and a blazing light came close to him.

Then, the terrifying blow directly broke the wings, and even the airflow around it could carry the agitating wings again.

The banshees fell straight to the ground, and Frost Dwarf would have a good chance to set out, so he naturally swung the hammer in his hand and gave some banshees a fierce and destructive attack.

Shen Chen swept through the air, using the power of the attack and the swirling airflow to jump high into the sky again, again and again.

The harpie was terrified. Although it only attacked suddenly, the power of the attacker was like an invincible dragon. No matter how safe the territory belonged to, Yu screamed and fled towards the surrounding canyons.

Loken's servants also sensed the changes in the battlefield. Without the harassment of the harpies, Frost Dwarf's counterattack would soon be able to start; they were also fighting, leaving the corpses on the ground and quickly evacuated.

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