Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1048: offended

The strength of Vol'jin and Sen'jin blocked the first wave of the Darkspear troll's attack.

The momentum of the attack was lingering in Razor Hill, but the people behind the scenes didn't seem to be in a hurry, consuming the power of the Darkspear clan unhurriedly, and then delaying time.

But the casualties of the Darkspear clan made Senjin unbearable. "If we fight like this, the Darkspear clan will be finished!"

No matter how many were captured, they were bound in the canyon with strong enchanted ropes, but after all, head-on conflict was unavoidable, and all the casualties were the power of the Darkspear clan.

"Father, let me lead the team," Vol'jin said.

Between the Heart of Order and Razor Hill, a large group of players galloped on their mounts; they were the players from the Eastern Kingdom who had come across the sea. They possessed the strength of a diamond high-level, and could play an important role in the current war. Not a small role.

The main quest of Heart of Order can attract new players as well as them.

The favorability of the Darkspear clan, the related plots of the Tauren clan, and even the Ashenvale that has not yet been opened to them... These are all important races directly related to Azeroth, and I believe they can get it from these clans. Yes, there is no need to have poor human power in the Eastern Kingdom!

Of course, corruption is also a very attractive part. The strength of these monsters is indeed very strong, and the drop is also quite good. Every piece of equipment is completely in line with their strength.

With the addition of such a real-time combat force, the defense pressure of the Heart of Order has been greatly reduced. Although Shen Chen's battle with the nightmare monster has attracted all his attention, Sister Luoluo is also fine-tuning the power of the Heart of Order.


At this time, another army of nightmares is also killing the Heart of Order.

Ghosts and Naga trapped in dreams on the beach, they finally turned into another form of night corruption, Satyr.

In the War of the Ancients, the dark titan Sargeras, punished and repurposed Xavius, the Queen's most trusted advisor; although he brought the Legion to Azeroth, the Legion does not need waste!

So he reforged Xavius, with the horns of a diabolical goat, the ghastly twisted face of the night, the legs of a sheep and its cracked hooves, the long tail of a lion, and the claws that scarred corruption and death !

Later, Xavius ​​was shot by Shandris Feathermoon's bow and arrow with hatred, and then turned into a big tree by Malfurion, trying to use such natural power to seal and purify Xavius.

He passed on this body with a curse, and at the same time, with the help of natural bonds, he became part of the nightmare.

The ghosts and Naga of the coast, both members of the ancient elves, were also directly affected by nightmares and curses; they turned into twisted monsters full of hatred and chaos, with bodies in the same shape as Xavius, and the status bar The name on it is Sartre.

Some of them rushed towards Ashenvale, where the battle required their service and dedication.

And more, chaotic genes guide them, rushing to the canyons of Sanssouci and the Heart of Order.

The gladiators sounded the horn of warning, and they were responsible for guarding the defense line north of the Heart of Order, and the narrow Taniguchi had not yet had time to widen, and only a space for a carriage to pass, forming an excellent defensive geography.

The power left behind in the Hall of Fame quickly came to support, and the long-range magic firepower kept these low-level satyrs stagnant, but the energy of the Heart of Order was pulled away again; if you don’t count logistical supplies, it’s almost in the 4th tier. Combat!

It's just that it's a little bit bad~

Sanssouci Palace.

A goblin hero, before Gallywix, built a manor here for the heroes to vacation. Heroes of the goblin family often meet here to discuss their experiments and the normative work of unsafe technologies.

Shen Chen noticed this, and he specifically instructed the members of the Order Development Group not to disturb these heroes easily; unlike Shurima, the goblin heroes were obviously more violent, or in other words, they were not so reasonable when they were drunk.

The chaotic Sartre, who only wanted to kill, obviously didn't know this, and even if they knew, they might kill him desperately up the mountain!

The goblin robots received these uninvited guests.

"This is the goblin's private party venue, outsiders, please show the invitation!" It politely repeated what it said to Shen Chen.

A head-on claw left a scratch on his hard head.

"Warning, under Section 25 of the Goblin Act..."

The impact of the shadow threw the reception robot into the sky. After repeatedly beating, it fell to the ground, and it seemed to have been scrapped.


The robot made such a sound in a weak voice, but Sartre obviously didn't care, and they rushed up the mountain.


One after another fireworks exploded halfway up the mountain, like the sound of firecrackers in the New Year, but every movement and sound was inexplicably frightening.

Sartre's body was like a cloth bag thrown into the sky. The handsome man flew hundreds of meters away from a distance, and when he fell, it turned into a puddle of meat.

This did not scare them away, and attracted more Sartre, from the original other route, to this mountain, it was surrounded by layers.

If Shen Chen saw this scene, he would definitely laugh out of joy. This corrupting force, gathered together, could drown the heart of order, or cause greater pressure on Ashenvale's line of defense.

But if you provoke a group of legends or even king-level heroes who play "chemistry", you can only mourn for them.

The minefield that opened was the last warning for these heroes who did not want to involve the mortal world. Layers of minefields were stripped of their coats under the seduction of the fearless Sartre's flesh and blood.

Suddenly, a goblin robot looks very simple from the outside, and its manufacturing materials are even worse than Shen Chen's mechanical factory.

It will do one thing, charge forward.

But in these marching robots, there is the core of the wisdom and technology of other heroes. In Sanssouci Palace, they have just finished a "chemical" technology evaluation The props at hand are worrying. There is no place to compare.

Poisons, explosives and engineering items, the first thing that comes into play is a layer of spreading corrosive mist, not the corrosion of darkness, but the corrosion of chemical agents.

Sartre's demon skin seemed to be exposed in holy water. In a blink of an eye, only a layer of white bones remained. When it was hit by the marching robot, it fell silently to the ground.

The movement of the bomb was obviously larger. This time, a more powerful model was used, and the legendary power Hui Mang was quietly in the magic power of the explosive. One explosion was equal to a round of the Kul Tiras battleship. shoot!

As for engineering props, we must first push the mechanical barrage, which is brought by the robot and spews all kinds of sharp mechanical parts around. Sartre's defense does not seem to work in the face of this, and it is directly torn apart. .

The heroes failed to decide the winner, but all the satyrs under the mountain died here. Of course, they were not completely useless.

The sacrifice of blood, the illusion of a layer of nightmares steamed up from the blood, if this is the Heart of Order or Ashenvale, then it is a big trouble!

But in Klai Kangwon Palace, the heroes were really irritated by this provocation!

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