When everyone finished watching the excitement and returned to the classroom, they saw Mo Fan's face that was smiling like a chrysanthemum.

Looking around the Awakening Stone, wisps of flames were burning in the void, and the temperature was even higher than the previous fire systems.

Sure enough, what I said when I was sour just now was right, whether the theory is good or not, in fact, it does not matter, the important thing is good luck.

Xue Musheng's vision of Mo Fan also changed greatly.

Although Mo Fan's failure to awaken had little impact on him, after all, it was not that he taught badly, but that he did not have this talent in the first place.

And now the situation is different, Mo Fan's talent looks even better than that of Teacher Zhou's daughter, Zhou Min.

As long as Zhou Min, Mu Bai, Yang Yan, and Mo Fan in the class can cultivate well, then it will not be far from his promotion and salary.

After the magic awakening ended, Xue Musheng gave everyone a period of rest, and then it was the first lesson of his high school career.

And in this first lesson, the homeroom teacher Xue Musheng taught all the magic students the steps of magic release.

There are three steps to unleashing magic.

The first step is meditation.

Meditation, which is easy to understand, is to concentrate on cultivating magical power.

After the magician awakens, he closes his eyes and can feel the corresponding stardust appear in the spiritual world in his mind.

The next step is to use the stardust that appears in his mind to slowly absorb the magic power that wanders between heaven and earth.

Every magician has to spend a lot of time meditating, which is the same as the internal strength in martial arts practice and the spiritual energy in immortal cultivation, which is the foundation.

The second step is control.

Around the stardust, there are seven stars operating irregularly, and control is the need to control these seven uncommanded stars.

Train them like soldiers, order and forbidden, and let these stars operate regularly at any time, that is control.

The third step, release.

As for the final release, it would require seven star links to depict a fixed star trajectory so that the magic could take shape.

Coupled with the magic energy you entered, you can successfully release it, and the release is not just releasing magic.

There is also the hit rate, the timing of the unleashed magic, and so on.

However, these were not what these magic apprentices who had just awakened their magic could imagine.

Soon, the first class was over.

The head teacher Xue Musheng assigned everyone a long-term homework, that is, to insist on meditation every day.

Only when the magic power successfully reaches the level of a beginner mage can it truly release magic.

Although magicians sound like a tall profession, if you want to become a real magician, it is more difficult than ordinary people, if you don't work hard enough, even if your talent is good, it is useless.

After the class, school is over, today is this class, the rest of the time, need to give these excited students to calm their mood.

He waved his hand with Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou, and Yang Yan left the school.

He didn't take a car, but after walking for about ten minutes, Yang Yan came to a high-end community, which was Yang Yan's home.

Speaking of which, the situation in Yang Yan's family is still very good, and his father and mother are all mages.

Although Yang Yan's father is only a beginner mage, because Yang Yan's father is a rare magic tool maker, the situation in Yang Yan's family is also relatively good.

Last year, because Yang Yan's mother broke through to a middle-rank mage, Yang Yan's father was ready to prepare a middle-level mage's magic tool for Yang Yan's mother.

Because of the need for the beast soul, so as a last resort, Yang Yan's father also went to the outside of the An Realm together.

I don't know if it was their bad luck or they couldn't suppress Yang Yan's crossing aura, and they never came back.

Although Yang Yan came through the past, from childhood to adulthood, for more than ten years, it is false to say that there is no emotion.

Originally, after crossing over, his parents were not dead, and Yang Yan was still relatively happy, but this happened.

Back in his room, Yang Yan picked up a book and read it, which was exactly the method of making magic tools handed down by Yang Yan's father.

Yang Yan has never understood that this kind of inheritance is already rare, enough to support a family, and I don't know how his cheap father fell to this point.

Sighing, he put down the book, closed his eyes, and called the system in his heart.

Yes, Yang Yan is still a plug-in teenager with a system.

Yang Yan's plugin is related to a king game played before crossing.

When the mobile phone exploded, Yang Yan was operating at the limit, resurrecting a second for Hui Yue, and then changing the name knife in seconds, and the result happened to be the explosion of the mobile phone.

In addition to Yang Yan crossing over, even the King Shop also crossed over.

However, the equipment of the king's shop does not appear out of thin air, and it needs to be made by sacrifices of beast souls and different scales and bones.

If Yang Yan's father is still there, maybe he can use his father's identity to do something, and now there is no chance.

Although he also learned how to make magic tools in this world, it was difficult for the woman to cook without rice, and he couldn't experiment without anything.

Helplessly, with the system still unable to work, Yang Yan can only put down the book, sit up crossly, and prepare to meditate.

For a long time to follow, meditation was the main thing.

He continued to meditate until he was exhausted, and Yang Yan directly lay down and prepared to sleep.

The next day, I came to school and learned a lot of new knowledge, and the reason why Yang Yan was able to study so well was also partial.

Since there were methods for making magic tools at home, Yang Yan was of course most interested in the types of demons and various materials.

After the day's class, Yang Yan returned home and ate something casually and continued to meditate.


Every day of life forms a two-point line, every day is either in school or at home meditation.

A month passed quietly, and Yang Yan had already felt that his stardust had changed.

The stardust of that plant line has been about to move for several days, and today it has quietly expanded by a level.

At this moment, Yang Yan really became a junior mage, but he had not yet been able to release magic.

After Stardust expanded, Yang Yan couldn't wait to try to control it.

To control the stars is to use your own spiritual thoughts to control these stars.

Let them obey their own orders, and obediently connect into a specific trajectory, the star track is connected, so that the power of magic can be transmitted through this star track, turned into real magic, and released.

Hoshiko's control is a difficult and time-consuming task.

Everyone can only control two hours a day, even if Yang Yan has two departments, it is only four hours.

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