From Witcher to Lord of the Empire

Chapter 71 Sometimes I really lose confidence in love in this era

When Prince Raymond returned home, his attendants told the prince that he had changed the color of his hat. So the angry prince slit the throat of the talkative squire and had Duchess Anna imprisoned for questioning.

After forcing the Duchess to tell the truth with severe torture, he ordered the soldiers of the Principality to arrest the poet who seduced his wife, intending to torture him with his heart. Then he fried the poet's heart and forced Anna to eat it under the watchful eyes of the whole court. Lose.

But Prince Raymond didn't get what he wanted, because the poet had already left the Principality early, but the Duke himself was so angry that he had a stroke and was paralyzed for half a year. When Prince Raymond recovered, he could only barely continue walking. But he continued to seduce Toussaint's women, and eventually suffered another stroke and died at the hands of one of his mistresses a few years later. Due to his poor reign, Prince Raymond's death did not cause much sadness in the Duchy.

Lane did not expect that Raymond is still alive now. After all, the Duchess was already a free and pretty widow when she appeared in the novel and the game.

By the way: the bard who seduced the Duchess is also of extraordinary status, it is Dandelion, the best friend of the wolf faction demon hunter "White Wolf" Geralt (crossed out)!

Of course, Lane did not intend to reveal these "secrets" to others. He still needed to establish a good relationship with Duchess Anna.

After expressing his condolences to the other party's dying husband out of courtesy, Lane went on to say: "Thank you for allowing us to enter the country despite the prejudice of war. I admire your tolerance."

Knight culture is prevalent in Toussaint, which made the Duchess quite fond of knights like Lane who came out of poetry, and at the same time she was quite curious about Geralt beside him. She had obviously heard the story of the "White Wolf" too.

The Duchess laughed when she heard Lann's words: "Earl Lannister flattered me too much, and underestimated Toussaint's magnanimity too much. We are not as good at and value swords as Sintra. The war so long ago, and How can it interfere with us now?"

previous wars?

Lan En was stunned after hearing the Duchess's words, and suddenly had an impolite guess in his mind.

"His Royal Highness Anna?" Lane tentatively asked, "But the war is still going on?"

"What are you talking about, Earl Lannister? The war is already over!" The Duchess raised her nose. "I mentioned this in a letter to my cousin Emhyr v. Enrith. In the letter, I firmly demanded that he stop the senseless killing. He also promised me peace."

Lan was more certain about the conjecture in his heart, and he retorted softly: "But just yesterday, our soldiers were still fighting Nilfgaard. The war occupied all our energy, and Cintra couldn't even spare it." A craftsman to help build my domain."

This answer was obviously beyond the expectations of the Duchess. She froze for a moment, then raised her chin even higher, and her voice became harsh:

"How is this possible? The war is still going on? Why did no one tell me, Minister Tremblay?"

"Your Highness, I..." A nobleman wearing a gold chain knelt down on the ground, "I just don't want to make you worry... make you uneasy... Your Highness..."

"Guard!" roared the Duchess. "Take him to the Tower! You are out of my favour, Mr. Tremblay! Chancellor! Clerk!"

"At your service, enlightened lady..."

"Let our foreign minister write immediately to my cousin the Emperor Nilfgaard. We demand that he immediately - I mean, immediately - sign peace and stop the war! For war and conflict are evil! Conflict will only Weaken national power and destroy harmony!"

"Your Highness, you are so wise." The palace steward replied.

"Gentlemen, what are you still doing here? I have issued an order. Make haste!"

Lane looked around. The nobles and officials remained expressionless, as if similar things had happened frequently in the court.

Toussaint - the kingdom of fairy tales. No wonder it can become a kingdom in fairy tales.

Duchess Anna took the handkerchief, touched the tip of her nose, and smiled at Lane.

"As you can see, Lord Lannister, the war will be over soon," she said. "My cousin is actually very understanding, and I also apologize to Sintra for his waywardness. Toussaint will I sold a batch of wine to Sintra at a discount as an apology. I will also present a barrel of 'East of the East' to the royal family of Sintra in my own name, and I hope that the unpleasant things will not damage our friendship."

East of East Wine, the jewel of Toussaint, is revered almost sacredly by the people of Toussaint. The Beauclair Palace has its own East-to-East cellar. A ceremony has been carried out every year so far, and two barrels of that year's wine are stored on the shelf. According to the Principality's decree "Wine of the Holy East", if you open these wine barrels yourself, you will be sentenced to death.

The corner of Lan's mouth twitched, and he said in an almost coaxing tone, "Okay, Your Highness. Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness."

Duchess Anna smiled reservedly, then turned to Geralt and said, "Is this your follower? He is... a witcher?"

Lan shook his head: "That's not true. He is my comrade-in-arms and best friend, and he was invited by me to help this time."

Geralt glanced at Lane, bowed to Anna and said, "I am Geralt of Rivia, as you can see - I am a witcher."

"It's great that it's you, Mr. Geralt, Dan... I've heard many glorious stories about you!" Duchess Anna happily called out, "I have one thing to ask of you."

"I would like to hear more about it, Your Royal Highness the Duchess."

"This is the common plea of ​​many virtuous women in Toussaint. Nightmares are haunting their homes. Some monster, some demon in the form of a woman, some succubus too shameless to describe, is slaying their loyal and chaste spouse.

She would come into their chambers at night and commit all kinds of base, abominable, and depraved deeds that are ashamed to be described. You are an expert in this field, so you must know the specifics. "

Geralt nodded and said, "Yes, Your Highness the Duchess."

"This has been a long time coming for the ladies of Toussaint, and I beg you to put an end to this indecent practice. I assure you, we will be most grateful."

Geralt looked distressed: "Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty the Duchess. But I have an entrustment, and now I have no resources. Please wait for me to finish the matter at hand, and then I will be happy to bring you Toussaint Come... um, peace."

Duchess Anna showed a satisfied smile, and several people exchanged a few words. Before the separation, the Duchess kindly invited Lan En to attend today's dinner, and Lan En readily agreed.

On the way back to the residence, the expressions of Lann, Geralt and the three attendants were quite strange, but it was inconvenient for them to say anything because of the soldiers and the royal housekeeper who were leading their way.

Several people soon arrived at the residence arranged for them by the royal family.

"If you have any other orders, I'll be downstairs. I'll serve you the rest of your days in Beauclair."

The royal steward bowed to Lan and closed the door.

The three attendants in the house finally relaxed, and after holding back their words, they began to take deep breaths as if they had just landed from a dive, and looked at each other with absurd faces.

Thanks to book friend Pluto006 for the reward of 500 starting coins, and to book friend Foshan Wang Shouyi for the reward of starting coins, thank you~

Thanks to the following book friends for their monthly support: Book friends 2022081405506823, Fist Meow, Hedayet, Lord of the Hall, Emperor Yu, I am very happy today, Oath, Guan Wugui, Lang San Dao Kuang, Ahe's Road, Orange or Orange .

Thanks again, everyone, and the new book period is coming to an end. It’s not easy for newcomers and new books, thank you for your support along the way!

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