"There are fifty-two people giving academic reports in the mathematics lecture hall of this forum." Dong Siyuan took his mobile phone and checked the official website of the forum: "You are the fifth from the bottom."

"So, today and tomorrow have nothing to do with you. I won't see you until the afternoon of the day after tomorrow."

Ye Fei nodded, that was fine. He could spend two and a half days listening to the report with peace of mind and learn a lot of knowledge.

At around two o'clock, the host came on stage and introduced the leaders present.

The leaders are all mathematics professors and government officials from well-known universities in Shanghai.

Then the leader came to the stage to speak and said a lot of official words.

Ye Fei felt sleepy listening to this. Ever since he was a child, what bothered him the most was the leader's speech.

The key is that these leaders talked eloquently for dozens of minutes.

No consideration for the audience at all. No one wants to hear a lot of nonsense from the leader.

At around three o'clock, the leader's speech finally ended, and scholars began to come on stage to give academic reports.

Ye Fei cheered up and began to listen to academic reports.

"You've come to this academic report." At six o'clock in the evening, I left the lecture hall and walked to the hotel.

"These scholars come from the top universities and research institutes in many countries in Asia."

"They themselves are among the best young mathematicians in Asia."

“Their mentors are world-renowned mathematicians.”

“A lot can be learned from them.”

Ye Fei looked at the system and saw that the task progress had reached 68%.

Before coming, the mission progress was 50%.

In just three hours, his mission progress increased by 8%.

"If we say an 8% increase in three hours, it's almost a 2.6% increase in one hour."

"Then in the next few days, you can listen to 17 hours of report meetings, and the task can be improved by 44.2%."

Ye Fei was shocked by the progress: "If we calculate according to this, then the task progress will reach 94.2% if we don't wait until the forum is finished."

"A forum, the mission is almost completed."

"Then should I go back to do research with my mentor?"

"Isn't it possible that the problem of the minimal tower was proven by me before I even got back?"

"That's wrong!" Ye Fei shook his head: "The progress of scientific research cannot be calculated mathematically with equal proportions. The further the research goes, the more difficult it becomes and the slower the progress will be."

"But no matter how slow it is, the mission progress should reach 80%."

"Ye Fei, let's go, I'll take you to a fun place." Dong Siyuan said with a smile.

"Aren't we going to eat?" Ye Fei said in surprise.

After listening to the report meeting for a long time, I was hungry.

"Ye Fei, you have to remember that activities like this are not just for you to listen to the report, but more importantly, for you to make friends."

“In academic circles, ability is very important, and so are connections.”

"Especially in the Xia Kingdom, connections are our national quality."

"Having a wide network of contacts is very convenient for exchanging knowledge, scientific research cooperation, obtaining scientific research funds and job promotion."

"Even the selection of academicians is based on connections."

Dong Siyuan looked around carefully and whispered: "In the academic circle, there are some people who are well-connected and don't have much real talent, but they are still doing well."

"In this day and age, it's better to laugh at the poor than at the prostitutes."

"Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his magical powers!"

"As long as you can fool around, others don't care whether you have real talent or not."

"Of course, only a real boss can ignore everything."

"For example, Mr. Qiu and Mr. Qiu won the Fields Medal."

"He is a network of people and a scientific research center. If he wants a position and scientific research funds, he can easily get them."

"When someone brings it to him, it depends on whether he likes it or not."

"But we are not Mr. Qiu after all, and no one in the entire Xia Kingdom can compare with him."

"He can ignore all this, but we can't."

Ye Fei nodded.

"I'll take you to meet some people." Dong Siyuan smiled.

"Senior, please don't say my name. After all, you know that there are many people here for me, and I don't want to attract attention."

"Okay!" Dong Siyuan thought for a moment and then said, "Then I'll just say you are my junior, and I won't say your name."


Soon, they entered a hall where a party was taking place.

In the middle is a long table with a lot of food on it.

All the young scholars were holding dinner plates or wine glasses and communicating with others in the hall.

Dong Siyuan stepped forward to talk to people he knew, and introduced Ye Fei as a junior to get acquainted with the world.

The people present were not only engaged in mathematics, but also in physics, chemistry, materials and energy.

Various disciplines are mixed with exchanges and various ideas collide.

There are also exchanges on set theory. Ye Fei occasionally interjects a sentence in the side, which is often to the point and attracts attention.

But they just took a look at Ye Fei and marveled at his cleverness, and then they continued to communicate with others.

The same goes for day one and day two.

The time has come for the third day. This afternoon, it is Ye Fei who takes the stage.

At this time, his mission progress reached 85%.

Today's audience is also the largest in recent days. After all, many people are here for Ye Fei.

According to the list on the forum’s official website, Ye Fei took the stage on the afternoon of the third day.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the host walked onto the stage and said: "Welcome Ye Fei from Zhonghu University!"

"Pa bang bang..."

Ye Fei walked onto the stage amidst warm applause.

"It's him?"

Many people were surprised when they saw Ye Fei.

Because they saw Ye Fei at the dinner these two days.

Many people thought that Ye Fei was very clever at the time, but they did not expect that this person was Ye Fei. No wonder he had many novel ideas about set theory.

Some people regret not having a good chat with Ye Fei. After all, Ye Fei proved singular cardinal numbers and is very capable. He will definitely have a place in the mathematics world in the future.

For such a person, you should make friends with him and expand your network.

Of course, many people marveled at Ye Fei's youth. As expected, he looked like only about 22 years old, just like an ordinary college student.

Ye Fei walked onto the stage and said: "Hello everyone, I am Ye Fei."

Then he began to explain singular cardinal numbers, writing down the proof steps on the whiteboard while explaining.

At the same time, it is displayed on a large LCD screen through the camera.

This way, everyone in the room can clearly see what’s on the whiteboard.

[Suppose there are two graphs G1 and G2, the vertices are V=V(i=0, 1, 1,., j=0, 1, 2,.)...]

Most people present looked confused.

"Fuck...I can't understand..."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's so profound. I spent a month studying his thesis beforehand, but I still don't understand it."

"I have a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Shuimu University. I can't understand the thesis of a low-ranking 985 PhD student. It's a shame."

"I have a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Tokyo, but I can't understand the mathematical proof process of a Natsu scholar, Amaterasu!"


It was Ye Fei's first time giving a lecture and he had no experience, so what he said could only be understood by people who have a deep understanding of set theory.

And only a handful of these people were present.

Dong Siyuan discovered this situation because he couldn't understand it either.

He sent a WeChat message to Ye Fei, asking Ye Fei to speak as simply as possible.

Ye Fei could only try to simplify the content so that more people could understand it.

But there is a problem. I want to simplify the content so that more people can understand it.

Then the amount of content to be discussed should be increased, starting from the bottom.

For example, 2x2 cannot be said 2x2, but 1+1+1+1.

Starting from the simplest content, deriving it upward layer by layer, so that the content can be reduced from simplicity to complexity in terms of quantity, and from complexity to simplicity in terms of quality.

When Ye Fei changed his thinking, many people present took a long breath and finally understood.

This also shocked many people. They did not expect that Ye Fei was stronger than them at such a young age.

As expected, I can’t accept it!

Many people marveled that he was a mathematical genius.

If you want to study mathematics deeply, only a genius can do it.

Half an hour later!

Ye Feidao: "When A is contained in B, and A has a strong finite commutative property, then A is equal to B..."

Suddenly Ye Fei was stunned. He recalled what he just said in his mind, A equals B.

"A equals B..."

All the knowledge in the brain is integrated and slowly forms a set of proof formulas.

Seeing Ye Fei's dull expression and no longer speaking, many people looked at each other in confusion, discussed with each other, and guessed what was wrong with Ye Fei.

The place became noisy.

Dong Siyuan looked at Ye Fei worriedly. He didn't know what was wrong with Ye Fei.

The host wanted to go on stage to remind Ye Fei and let him continue his speech.

But before the host came on stage, a middle-aged man sitting in the leadership seat waved to stop the host.

The middle-aged man is from Fudan University, a mathematics professor at the Department of Mathematics of Fudan University, and a doctoral supervisor.

One of the top mathematicians in China, he mainly studies recursion theory and mathematical logic.

Set theory is also one of his studies.

He knew Ye Feilai, so he came to the forum as a leader and wanted to hear this young man who had recently become famous, his ideas on proving strange cardinal numbers.

He looked at Ye Fei in surprise and exclaimed: "He is a born mathematician. He is just giving lectures and he is inspired."

Others couldn't tell, but he could tell that Ye Fei had an inspiration.

You can't disturb him at this time, otherwise the inspiration will be cut off.

After a long time, Ye Fei raised his head and said with a smile: "Sorry, I just thought of some questions. Let's continue to explain."

Ten minutes later, the explanation is over!

Then there were questions, and Ye Fei answered them all perfectly.

When Ye Fei was about to step down, the Fudan professor asked: "Ye Fei, can I ask, what were you thinking about just now?"

Ye Fei looked at the professor and said: "In the minimal tower problem, p=t."

"Wow..." Many people present exclaimed.

The minimal tower problem is one of the core problems in set theory.

There are two major problems, p=t and proving p=t under ZFC.

If it is proved that p=t, we have completed three-quarters of the minimal tower problem and are not far away from proving the minimal tower problem.

The professor asked in surprise: "Are you telling the truth?"

The professor has also proved the minimal tower problem before, but failed.

But this was not the reason for his surprise. You must know that Ye Fei only proved the singular cardinality a month and a half ago.

Prove p=t again in one and a half months?

The time is too short and the speed is too fast.

Cantor can't even be reborn.

Not only the professor didn’t believe it, but everyone present didn’t believe it.

"You can follow me on Arxiv. I'm going back to writing the paper now. You can see my first draft in two hours."

Regarding the paper p=t, Ye Fei has already started writing it, but the core part has never been proved, which is the proof formula of p=t.

Now fill in the core part and the paper is complete.

Besides, this is just a first draft, so it doesn’t need to be too formal.

After all, many revisions will be made later.

After saying that, Ye Fei left the lecture hall.

Many people present were shocked. Did Ye Feizhen prove p=t?

They were not in the mood to listen to the rest of the report.

Many people are leaving!

The remaining four people giving academic reports looked helpless after watching the audience leave for more than half.

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