In fact, Li Tianhe's guess is already indispensable.

Jiang Cheng is also very clear.

As early as the time of the dinosaurs, there should have been alien civilizations on Earth.

Of course, maybe because the civilizations on the earth were too backward at that time, these alien civilizations may have left without much interest.

That meteorite caused the annihilation of dinosaurs and other large creatures on the earth. Whether it was a natural disaster or the handwriting of an alien civilization is not clear to Jiang Cheng.

However, this prehistoric giant shark is a technological product left by those alien civilizations.

Imitation bio-implantation technology, and the implanted object is a prehistoric giant shark, it is enough to see how advanced the technology of alien civilization is.

Moreover, it is preliminary estimated that the level of development of these alien civilizations that have been to the earth is at least the second-level civilization, or even the third-level civilization, and it is impossible to say the third-level civilization up.

Take the science and technology of humans on earth now, only Jiang Cheng can achieve bio-like technology. It is enough to see how huge the technological gap between humans and advanced civilizations is.

Of course, this kind of imitation creature can be said to be alive and dead, and the target implanted by the imitation creature has no intelligence. So far, this prehistoric giant shark has only left a vicious characteristic of its own species. .

However, the relevant central system implanted in it should have 370 certain program settings. For this kind of thing, it is necessary to use brute force to completely destroy it, which is relatively expensive and very troublesome.

Another way is to directly rewrite the central programming system in his head.

"Zu, help me."

Taking advantage of the central system of this prehistoric giant shark's brain supplement temporarily malfunctioning due to their previous attack, Jiang Cheng was ready to do it.

"Yes, father."

Jiang Cheng, directly through the ancestor, began to invade the central nervous system of this prehistoric giant.

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................

After seeing Jiang Cheng's move, everyone in the live broadcast room was boiling again.

"Hey, what is the great god doing?"

"If my reasoning is good, the great god should want to control the central system of this prehistoric giant shark through hackers."

"Biomimetic technology, if implemented for this kind of creature, should be alive and dead. If you control the central system, you can control it."

"Fuck, is the great god intending to control this prehistoric giant shark?"

"Tianxiu, really 6666."

"Such a scene is really rare in a hundred years. It is worth my life to understand this before I die."

"Human beings are indeed frogs at the bottom of the well. There are indeed many advanced civilizations in the universe."

"Suddenly look forward to the arrival of the real future technological era."

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................

At this time, Jiang Cheng, who was constantly hacking into this prehistoric giant shark central system program, was shocked.

It is undoubtedly a technological product left behind by higher civilizations.

As he goes deeper, the high-level chips and the programs of these central systems are set up in a very special language, not a language mastered by humans on earth.

It belongs to a high-level language in a high-level civilization, and is somewhat similar to the language he used when he became an ancestor.

These things are definitely the science and technology that mankind now masters, and only those higher civilization planets have it.

However, although this is a product of a higher civilization planet, what Jiang Cheng's system allows Jiang Cheng to learn is obviously not inferior to this higher civilization planet.

Because Jiang Cheng can crack.

"How long will it take, Zu."

"It can be done in five minutes, father."


Jiang Cheng has already done what he needs to do, and his ancestors can handle the rest.

"How is it going?"

"What's wrong, Jiang Cheng, are you all right."

At this time, Cao Meng and Li Tianhe called and asked.

"I'm fine." Jiang Cheng said, "It will take five minutes to get it done."

"That's good."

"You kid can do it."

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Li Tianhe and Cao Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, even if they are wearing steel suits, fighting against such a big guy will indeed cause a huge psychological pressure.

This f*ck is like fighting monsters in the deep sea.

Time passed a little bit, finally~

"It was successfully cracked, father, I have mastered its central system, and now you can give instructions to it, father." Zu's voice came.

"Pretty." Jiang Cheng smiled.

Jiang Cheng got off this huge prehistoric head and floated in front of this prehistoric giant shark.


Jiang Cheng gave the order.

In the next second, I saw this prehistoric giant shark really nodded at Jiang Cheng.

"Flicking his tail." Jiang Cheng said again.

The prehistoric giant shark honestly complied.

Before, because the central system was in an unowned state, the activities of this prehistoric giant shark were basically derived from the remaining biological characteristics of itself, as well as the basic operating instructions of the central system.

Now that Jiang Cheng has mastered its central system, Jiang Cheng has become the master of this prehistoric giant shark.

At the same time, Jiang Cheng suddenly discovered that the damaged place that was attacked by the prehistoric giant shark was slowly healing at this time.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng was surprised: "It's interesting."

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