After arriving in Berlin, Zhang Xian checked into a hotel directly, and while preparing documents, he was also thinking about how to deal with the review of the hearing.

For the past two days, he didn't intend to go out.

To this end, he hung a do-not-disturb sign on the door so that the cleaners would not disturb him while cleaning.

The news of Zhang Xian's going to Berlin was not known to Mary and others until the next day after a phone call.

During the phone call, Zhang Xian’s voice was very calm. On the one hand, he asked them to appease the first team and not let them be affected. Fenheim club account statement and appraisal.

In addition to these, Zhang Xian also asked Mary to contact those sponsors, and asked them to attend this hearing as a witness as much as possible.

The task was arduous, and Mary had no time to linger, so she hung up the phone and started to work.

The coaching staff such as Koch returned to the first team and continued training. They smiled and comforted the players that the club had found a way to deal with it, which made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

But there are people who are as sensitive as Duran Bob, but they are all smart and don't say it out loud.

The two sides chose to avoid this matter in an unusually tacit agreement.

The Bafuzhou media still want to contact Hoffenheim to get some more detailed information. After all, after this incident was exposed, not only in the football circle, but also in various fields of Bafuzhou. And it has also become one of the talking points of many people.

Many people are even ridiculing that Bafuzhou may not have the strongest team, but they have the team with the highest debt ratio in German football.

These are traffic, such a good opportunity, how could the media let it go?

When Hoffenheim officials did not give a response, they could only travel to the small village of Hoffenheim to collect materials.

At this time, it was the weekend, and Hoffenheim ushered in the thirteenth round of the league.

The coincidence of this game was Sandhausen. For one of the whistleblowers, Hoffenheim can be said to hate it.

On this day, 5,000 people flooded into the Jurgen Stadium, and even an extra group of people stayed outside the Jurgen Stadium and never left.

Seeing this scene, the media from Bafuzhou were at a loss for a while.

Is this really a competition in the sixth division of Germany?

Why are their attendance rates so high? !

In this game, Sandhausen tried what the devil called the main pressure.

The 5,000 people were horrified by the angry abuse, the noise they made, and the frenzied boos.

Every time the Sandhausen players touch the ball, there will be wild boos all over the sky, which makes them feel weak in their feet for a while.

The angry Hoffenheim players were also fully fired, scoring 4 goals in 90 minutes of the game.

The confrontation in this game was also extremely fierce. Bialdini, Duran Bob, Mario and others were already a little angry, and their shots became more fierce. The whole game was full of gunpowder.

After the game, Coach Sandhausen was aggrieved in front of the media.

"Hoffenheim's players are too brutal, they are not playing football, but kicking people! I will definitely report this game to the Football Association!"

In this regard, the hot-tempered Koch directly slapped the head coach of Sandhausen in the face.

Report the dog! It's addictive!

The two almost fought because of this, but luckily it was stopped in time.

Those Sandhausen fans said in front of the media that they felt like they had come to the home court of their arch-enemy. Throughout the game, they were afraid of those crazy fans breaking through the fence and breaking into the stadium.

Regarding the words of the Sandhausen player, Hoffenheim fans said: Are you worthy of being our sworn enemy? !

Moreover, this guy's vague reflection of the irregularity of Hoffenheim's home court also made the fans angry.

If you have the ability to check your home court, I don't believe that you have no violations.

It can be said that after this period of time, Hoffenheim and these three clubs have completely quarreled.

The Hornham fans were grumpy, but at the same time represented their urgency.

The hearing will be held soon, and the future of Hoffenheim is uncertain, which is a great torment for them.

It can be said that this hearing is the biggest crisis Hoffenheim has faced since its establishment.


On November 10, Mary went to Berlin alone to bring the required materials to Zhang Xian.

In the hotel room, Mary was in a trance for a moment looking at the energetic Zhang Xian.

She thought that Zhang Xian should be in a very bad state at this time, and the hearing would put too much pressure on him.

But after seeing Zhang Xian, she realized that she was wrong.

Zhang Xian's face was rosy, and he didn't look like he was resting well. There were some documents on the desktop, but they were neat and not worn, as if they hadn't been read at all.

Seeing this scene, Mary couldn't help feeling angry.

They were so nervous that they were dying, but Zhang Xian had a relaxed expression on his face, what a matter.

Perhaps seeing Mary's uncertain expression, Zhang Xian nodded to check the file and said, "Don't scare yourself."

Mary was a little indignant.

Can it be scary!

This is the Football Association hearing!

In response, Zhang Xian couldn't help chuckling.

This time, he was completely sure.

It was because he thought too much before and forgot that UEFA did not have any strict "Financial Fair Play" bills.

The so-called balance sheet is a standard in a broad sense, and this "broad" has a great meaning.

This hearing depends on what Zhang Xian has to say.

It is true that Hoffenheim is burdened with a huge debt of 20 million euros, but they are fully capable of repaying it.

He just needs to explain in detail Hoffenheim's financial situation.

Here, Zhang Xian is really grateful that there are no bills similar to "Financial Fair Play".

The so-called 'financial fairness' is to constrain clubs to spend while making a profit.

In other words, if Hoffenheim earned 5 million euros this year, they can only spend 5 million euros next year. There is a certain amount of room for fluctuation, but not too much.

If this is the case, Hoffenheim has a debt of 20 million euros, and they will definitely enter the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

But today's Europe has not yet introduced a similar policy. Therefore, the debt of 20 million euros seems huge, but as long as Hoffenheim shows that they have the qualifications for repayment.

Zhang Xian flipped through the documents in his hand, and suddenly asked: "I see that some advertisers don't have certificates."

Regarding this, Mary had no choice but to explain; "They are unwilling to provide written proof!"

Zhang Xian nodded, this was something he had expected.

They are all capitalists, and their interests come first!

When things were going well for Hoffenheim, they couldn't wait to invest more.

But Hoffenheim was in trouble, and the group began to distance themselves frantically.

For this kind of thing, Zhang Xian didn't think there was any problem.

After all, people invest in Hoffenheim to make money, and they are not obliged to pay for the risks that Hoffenheim is about to take.

Of course... no obligation is no obligation, but I feel unhappy after all,

Since they refused to share the risk, they would have no share in the profit sharing after the risk!

"Keep these advertisers in mind and look for new advertisers to take their place after the contract expires."

Zhang Xian put the document aside and said.

Mary nodded and noted that according to the popularity of the Hoffenheim football market, they have no shortage of advertisers.

They just have to get through this and everything will be back to how it was before.

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