From Refuge To Doomsday

Chapter 18: There's an extra girl

Yu Guo smiled and pinched the little guy's face. Nia looked at the cows and said in a low voice, "It's not safe in the yard."

Yu Guo looked at the main entrance, and it was obvious that he couldn't get in. He suddenly thought of the oil storage plant. There was an underground door there, but it couldn't be opened because of the lock. Yu Guo now has a welding torch and a strong mechanical arm, so the basement should be able to be opened.

"Anna is watching the door at home, you go back and wait for me first. Nia comes with me."


Although she didn't know what Yu Guo was going to do, Niya nodded cooperatively.

When he came to the yard of the oil storage plant, Yu Guo blew up the underground warehouse door. He still doesn't know what it is.

Yu Guo tried to cut and unlock the door, and pulled the door forcefully with the mechanical exoskeleton. The twenty-five horsepower was indeed not changed.

He exerted all his strength, and the door creaked, and after Yu Guo opened a door, he found that this was also a garage. The cars in the garage are long gone, but there are still some tools, and it's very spacious. Yu Guo said with a smile: "This place can be used as a place to raise cattle temporarily. We lock it at night and let them out during the day! Cow dung can also be used for farming and as fuel."

"Well! Good!" Nia seemed to understand that Yu Guo estimated that they should have used it in the tribe.

Yu Guo rushed the three cows, and Nia cut some grass and put them in. Then he found an iron rod and a few short iron pipes and welded them directly.

After the lock was locked, Yu Guo went back in peace.

When Anna saw Yu Guo and Nia coming back, she immediately ran over happily and said, "Dad, how is it going outside?"

"Tomorrow, Nia and I will go to the small town to deal with the remaining bandits, and then we will take the cows to empty the place over there. We can dismantle many things down the mountain and bring them back to the mountain for use. We are taking them for a few days. Evacuate that side within a few days, I calculated that if we are bringing cattle, the speed should be very fast. We will try to tear down their kennels, and then fix around our shelter."

Nia nodded with a smile, and she whispered, "Well, good. I'll go with you."

Anna danced excitedly and said, "So, I can be safe at home?"

"Of course, let's eat first. After dinner, I will go out and feed the cows. Try to make them full."

"I'll go with you, those cows belong to our tribe." Niya said seriously.

"I'll tell you where the cows come from!"

"That's the high priest's bull. He said it was the messenger of the gods, the mount of the gods. Now that the tribe is gone, they should have run away during the fight."

Yu Guo nodded, and he said with a smile, "Really? That's really a coincidence, but they eat a lot, right?"

"It's not too much. They can eat enough if they are placed in the yard during the day."

Yu Guo thinks about it, the area they circled is really not small, and feeding them is really nothing.

After dinner, Yu Guo got some grass for them. After all, let them work tomorrow, so there can be no problems.

In the garage, he found a lot of ropes for pulling goods. When Yu Guo picked up these nylon ropes, they were still usable. He went on to prepare the goods. There were many pockets on the ground, which were left over from the original. The pockets were made for military use. Even now they are still very strong. It seems that they are not cloth, but some kind of chemical products. What it is, Yu Guo doesn't know. But this thing is solid.

Yu Guo fixed the bag and the rope, and Niya helped a lot. After finishing everything, they went back to see what Yu Guo had harvested today.

Opening the backpack that Yu Guo brought back, many of them were unknown to Nia.

After putting down the things, Yu Guo took out the clothes and carefully picked them out.

At that time, I didn't have time to look at it. The clothes were dirty and torn. There were only two clothes I could wear, and none of them were pants.

It seems that it can only be used as fuel.

Yu Guo was worrying, he suddenly thought of scissors, and then looked at Nia, he continued to smile and said: "Yes, just cut a skirt for the little guy!"

Anna didn't quite understand, but Nia seemed to understand. Yu Guo taught her how to use scissors, and Nia quickly mastered the usage of these tools, and then Yu Guo brought needles. Nia took scissors and needlework and changed a piece of clothing for Anna into a small predator-style skirt. The ribbon-cut sleeves and Nia's original leather skirt were made into leggings.

Although it looked a bit bulky, Anna felt a lot more comfortable after wearing it.

The little guy is bouncing around, it's quite fun to watch.

Anna was running around excitedly. She looked at Yu Guo and said, "Dad, these are my new clothes, don't they look good?"

"Well, Anna looks good in anything."

Nia then held the lubricating oil bucket for no apparent reason, and she frowned after smelling it.

Yu Guo laughed loudly: "This is for lubrication. It will be easier to close the door by pouring it on the door latch. And the engine is also used. I need to find some more tomorrow."


Although Niya didn't understand it, she put it away honestly when she knew it was useful.

Anna obediently fell asleep first, while Yu Guo took the fishing net to the underground lake.

Nia went there with Yu Guo, and the two of them blocked the fishing net at the water outlet, and then took a hot bath together.

Of course it took a while to take a shower.

After exercising, the two of them washed up again, lay down on the bed contentedly, and fell asleep.

Nia woke up early the next morning. She changed her clothes and was ready to set off with Yu Guo.

Yu Guo first asked Nia to graze the cows while he made breakfast.

Not to mention, those cows seemed to listen to Nia very much. After she released them, the three cows grazed in the yard obediently. The grass in the yard of the oil factory was tall and dense, and the three cows were not No matter how you go, you can have a full meal.

After breakfast, Yu Guo stretched his arms and said, "I've prepared Anna's lunch. You can watch at home today, don't wander around."

"Well, I know." Anna nodded obediently, and she said with a smile: "Dad, I will clean at home today."

"Anna is so good!" Yu Guo pinched Anna's small face with a smile on her face. It seemed that she was a little fleshy, much fatter than before.

The little guy really looks much better when he is fatter.

Then, Yu Guo prepared their lunch, and then took the weapons, fully armed, and Nia led the three cows and prepared to set off.

When she came out, Nia had already prepared the bags and ropes, and the three cows had already hung bags on them. Seeing Nia's proficiency, she used to use cows a lot in the past.

Pulling the cow down the mountain, Yu Guo and Anna followed each other, keeping alert at all times.

This time Yu Guo went down the mountain and made a detour, the two came to the side near the red house, Yu Guo pointed to the distance and said, "See it?"

"Well, there seems to be no one there."

Nia pointed to the place, Yu Guo looked and found that the door was open, and it was knocked open by something. Yu Guo said in a low voice, "Tie the cow here first, and we'll start."


The two of them tied the cow together, and then Yu Guo took Nia and slipped cautiously to the small town.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Yu Guo found two bandits. They were lying on the ground motionless because of hunger. They seemed to be looking for food, but they couldn't find it. Yu Guo gave Nia a look.

Niya understood it and hitched two arrows!

Yu Guo was stunned, but Yu Guo didn't know that Nia was a female warrior of the Saintess Guard, and she was the strongest woman in the whole family. Although they didn't seem to be very effective at fighting, it was because they couldn't eat all the time. Full, often suffer from hunger and hunger, and the combat effectiveness cannot reach the highest state.

But it was different now. Nia had enough food, clothing, warmth and rest every day, and her combat effectiveness was always at its best.

She is the sharpshooter and freewalker among predators!

Not to mention the speed, and the bow and arrow are still hitting the target.

Whizzing! !

Yu Guo stared at Nia's two arrows and hit two people respectively.

After the two bandits were shot by the arrows, they struggled twice and died because they were too hungry.

Yu Guo gave Nia a thumbs up: "Niube..."

"Huh?" Apparently Niya didn't understand, Yu Guo smiled and said, "Praise you!"

"Yeah!" Niya belongs to the kind of simple and honest woman who doesn't like to talk. She prefers to do things rather than talk.

Of course, it's wilder at night.

Yu Guo took Nia out, he carefully touched the corpse to prevent them from pretending to die, and directly repaired the knife again.

After killing the two bandits, Yu Guo was sure that there should be no one left in the yard.

He took Nia to the red house. Just as he got to the red house, Yu Guo found that the people in the courtyard were dead and two wolves were eating them...

Yu Guo and Anna looked at each other, and Yu Guo whispered: "Get rid of the wolf, you and me one by one."

Niya nodded. She pointed a bow and arrow at a wolf, and the arrow shot directly through the wolf's eye.

The other wolf rushed over immediately after discovering them. When it rushed towards Yu Guo and Nia with its mouth full of blood, Yu Guo punched down with the arm with the mechanical exoskeleton. The 25-horsepower exoskeleton arm knocked the wolf to the ground with a single punch, and then Yu Guo swung the knife down to the stomach, and blood spurted out directly.

The mutant wolf died suddenly, and Nia looked at Yu Guo with admiration at this time. She seemed to be very hard to refuse this kind of scene, because a man challenged a mutant wolf in melee. In Nia's view, this It is God of War.

Nia looked at Yu Guo with sparkling eyes, and then followed Yu Guo's example and gave her a thumbs up: "Bull beep!"

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