From Mortal Flesh To Smashing Planets

Chapter 953 Encirclement and Suppression

Starry sky universe.

The supreme beings gathered together.

The location is clearly where the Supreme Council of the Human Race is.

Different from the past, the highest number gathered here at this time is not just nine people from the human race, but more than forty.

And these more than 40 supreme beings looked towards the human race that appeared, their eyes filled with awe.

Even if...

He is merely an incarnation.

"Welcome to the arrival of the great transcendent one."

After the figure arrived, more than 40 supreme figures in the field bowed and saluted at the same time.

The transcendent one.

There is only one transcendent person in the entire starry sky universe.

That is Li Mi, the founder of the Transcendental Alliance.

"Everyone is here."

The incarnation of Li Ma who stayed in the starry sky universe nodded to everyone: "During this period, I have deployed nine rule artifacts in various places to trigger the rules of the star world. I will help you all."

The forty-odd supreme leaders said quickly: "Your Majesty, the Transcendent One, has given me the reward. This is what we should do."

Everyone spoke with respect in their brows.

It’s not okay to be disrespectful.

In just a few hundred star years, under the orders of Li Mu, those creatures from the ancient star world era have wiped out the top races and the supreme races one after another.

The number of beheads was dozens or hundreds.

The rest is supreme...

Either flee into the chaotic void in despair and wait for three or four thousand years before being completely unable to withstand the erosion of the chaotic void and sink into the chaotic void, or you can only continue to wait for death to come.

The forty or so of them were able to survive entirely because they had accumulated good deeds over the years and had good relations with the human race. Otherwise, they might not have been able to escape the same fate as the supremes of other races.

"Now that people are here, let's start rewriting the rules of the star realm."

Li Ma said: "You have also read the rules of the star world. You will not make mistakes when writing them."

"No, absolutely not."

All the supreme leaders spoke one after another.

At the same time, they couldn't help but think of the most critical items in the rules...

All living beings must practice specific types of Dharma before they can enter the star realm.

And those specific categories of methods, without exception, all come from the human race.

Although Li Ma did not let those creatures wipe out all ethnic groups other than the human race, as long as he wants to enter the star realm and become a star god, he must learn the human race's methods, understand the human race's civilization, and join the human race's sect forces...

Over time, the cultures of other races and civilizations will inevitably be replaced by human culture, and all living creatures will only know the human race and not other ethnic groups.

In this way, even if those ethnic groups do not look exactly like the human race, who can say that they do not belong to the human race?

In particular, if other ethnic groups can become Star Gods without life for a long time, considering that the lifespan of creatures outside the star realm is only one century, it won't be long before these ethnic groups completely disappear into the vast starry sky.

"Then let's get started."

Li Ming said.

"The rules of the star realm, use what you said? Through the self-operation of the star realm itself, throw out some star gods who cannot ensure the growth of their own strength?"

Taiyi Zhigao appeared next to Li Mu.

"Let's solve the problem of Gui Xu Zhili first."

Li Ma said with a slight pause in her tone: "As for the self-rotation of the star realm and throwing out the star god, let's think about it later."

Taiyi Zhigao was slightly startled.

What came to his mind next: "Supreme?"

"I don't think there will be a new supreme one in the future, but there will be a Tao realm."

Li Midao said: "The new Dao realm will inevitably interfere with the normal operation of the rules of the star realm. Who can guarantee that no one will rescue the thrown out star gods? Therefore, the most important point is to increase the stability of the star realm. Make sure that no matter how powerful the Tao realm is, it has no ability to interfere with the star realm."

"Increase the stability of the star realm?"

Taiyi Zhigao thought for a while and quickly realized something: "You mean to increase the energy level of the star realm? But the current energy level of the star realm is already very high, equivalent to the center of the starry sky universe. If it is raised again..."

"Perhaps we can increase the energy level of the entire starry sky and universe?"

Li Midao said: "Let the starry sky universe become more stable and be able to accommodate more stable and advanced energy forms. As long as the energy level of the starry sky universe increases, the energy level and stability of the star realm at its core will naturally increase. , by that time, the new Dao realm will naturally no longer be able to casually interfere with the operation of the star realm, and even if the Dao realm is not strong enough, it may not be able to leave the star realm and advance to transcendence."


Taiyi Zhigao was slightly startled: " to improve this?"

"I didn't really know much about it before, so I just took it one step at a time, but now... maybe, I've found a reference method."

As Li Mu spoke, she raised her head and looked up, her eyes seeming to cross the starry sky and look into the depths of chaos and nothingness far beyond the starry sky and universe.

"For countless years, the supreme beings of the Starry Sky Universe have divided their speculations about the chaotic void into two factions. One faction believes that there must be other lives and universes in the chaotic void. Otherwise, they would be too lonely in this world. The other faction believes that the Starry Sky Universe is The only thing is that they are the first universe born out of chaos and nothingness.”

His tone paused: "It's just that compared to the first faction, the supreme leaders of this faction themselves know that this possibility is extremely small. The possibility of chaos and nothingness with only one universe in the starry sky is almost non-existent. Among them, So thinking this way is just an idea that was destroyed after being unable to penetrate into the chaos and nothingness. In order to ensure their authority, they propagate this idea everywhere to maintain their position that their knowledge is the truth."

After saying that, he withdrew his gaze and turned to Tai Yi Zhigao: "However, at this moment, I can give you an extremely accurate answer. The starry sky and the universe are not alone in the chaos and nothingness."

Taiyi Zhigao's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help but lost his voice: "You... have you really found that mysterious existence? Isn't that terrifying pursuer a figment of these creatures in order to survive?"

Li Fei nodded slightly.

At the same time, look up.

The huge world not far away in the starry sky and universe has undoubtedly completely crushed the truth that was whitewashed by one group of supreme beings.

A great being who claims to be the King of Gods follows the traces left by the ancient supreme beings and leaves the starry sky and the universe...

Already close at hand.

At this time, in the universe of the King of Gods, there is a huge plane that towers over countless planes, called the Supreme God Realm.

And somewhere in the Supreme God Realm, there is a towering temple.

The person in charge of this temple is a god emperor named Yaohui.

The cultivation system in this universe is obviously different from that in the starry sky universe. Standing at the top is a god.

Similar to the star gods in the starry sky universe, the gods in this world are simply divided into three categories based on their strength.

Inferior, medium, superior.

Due to the differences in cultivation systems, the power of the gods in this world is almost equivalent to being given by the world.

The gods only need to practice to a certain level, and they can naturally integrate with certain forces in this world and master powerful strength and authority.

Among them, the inferior gods control the changes of matter and energy, and the power they can enjoy is not inferior to that of Lord Zhou Guang.

The creation of the Kingdom of God by medium-level gods is, to a certain extent, analogous to the creation of the Supreme Being in the small universe.

As for the superior gods...

From then on, they no longer relied entirely on the world, broke away from external forces, and began to derive laws, that is, to carve out their own "Tao".

To a certain extent, it is equivalent to the existence of the "Tao Realm" level.

Since the power of the "Tao Realm" is no longer completely dependent on the world and becomes independent, they can almost deprive the middle gods and lower gods of the power and authority, and then become extremely powerful in the form of expression.

In addition, each superior god will establish his own divine system. Therefore, these superior gods with divine systems will call themselves God King, God Emperor, and God Emperor.

These names are somewhat similar to the gods of the "Void Divine Hidden World".

At this time, the Yaohui God Emperor obtained the will of the great Supreme God Realm.

An extraterrestrial demon has sneaked into the God Realm, and the area it belongs to is the plane group under the jurisdiction of his divine system.

That plane group has been blocked and isolated.

But for the great Supreme God, the extraterrestrial devil is too small, so small that with his greatness, he can't "see clearly" where the extraterritorial devil is.

So he sent down the supreme oracle to the Brilliant God Emperor and mobilized the power of all the gods in his pantheon to search for the extraterrestrial demon.

The oracle of the Supreme God is extremely rare even for the God Emperor.

Emperor Yaohui was overjoyed to receive the oracle. He accepted the order without any hesitation. He immediately descended from the Supreme God Realm and went to the plane group under the jurisdiction of his own divine system. He immediately sent his oracle spread to every god.

"I will be surrounded and suppressed by the entire divine world."

Li Mu knew this very well.

"However, the only good news is that my body relied on my incarnation to provide him with coordinates, and finally accurately locked the position of this terrifying existence, so that he would not have to be beaten passively. Similarly, with the restraint of my body, this Even this terrifying existence cannot spare enough energy to search for me and deal with me..."

Where there is good news, there will naturally be bad news.

There's more bad news.

First, this terrifying being was more powerful than he expected.

Second, after he realized that he had been exposed, he seemed not to intend to slowly weaken his power and engage in a continuous war with him. Instead, he chose to attack in an all-out manner and attack his body and the starry sky and the universe.

The bad news doesn't stop there.


He was able to avoid the black lightning by "falling into nothingness" and exerting the power of time and space. Soon, his incarnation would be gradually swallowed up by "nothingness", completely severing the connection with his true body.

And once he loses this incarnation, this terrifying existence is on guard again. Next time, he will never let his incarnation lurk into the enemy's base camp again.

"We must obtain as much useful information as possible for the main body before the incarnation is swallowed by the 'emptiness', and reverse the current situation of the main body, otherwise..."

Li Ming, who was in a state of nothingness, did not speak, but sensed the strongest aura of this "plane" and went straight to the temple where it was located.

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