A month later, a building boat slowly docked.

Three big and one small, four figures, colorful, slowly walked down the stairs.

The oldest woman looks to be about 30 years old. Although she is a woman, she is 180 centimeters tall.

Her sea-blue hair was straight and smooth, falling to the ground, her beautiful face, and her bright red robe couldn't hide her devilish figure at all, but her temperament was noble and elegant, which made people dare not feel profane.

And next to her was also a woman, but this woman was dressed in white, and if her silver-white long hair hadn't been tied in a knot in the middle, she would definitely be dragged on the ground.

She was spotless, without any gorgeous ornaments all over her body, but she looked so noble and pure, as if that immortal who did not eat the fireworks of the world came to the world.

There are two beauties, one is like a devil who is seductive, with a powerful aura that makes people unable to lift their heads and dare not look at her, the other is like a banished fairy descending, although there is no strong aura, it can be seen However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of shame.

The last woman wore a green gown, with a slender figure and a delicate face, with a wild and glamorous beauty.

As for the only young man, his appearance was also outstanding. Although his face was abnormally pale, it seemed that he had a power that could infect people and made people feel close to him.

These four were exactly Ye Han's group.

When they left, they spent a full year looking for Sea God Island.

But when I came back, it only took a month, and the gap was obvious.

The entire port was originally crowded with people and bustling, but the moment the four of them appeared, it suddenly became completely silent, and needles could be heard.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and couldn't help lowering their heads, secretly looking at the four people who walked off the deck out of the corner of their eyes.

"Then, who is that?"

It wasn't until the four of them left that everyone started whispering.

"Then, that's not a human, it's obviously a god, okay? No one looks like that."

"Yeah! That aura is too strong, I feel pain in my eyes just by looking at it."

"That should be a powerful soul master, right?"


After leaving the port, the three girls restrained their aura under Ye Han's reminder, and then took out their masks to cover their peerless faces.

However, after glancing at a few people, Ye Han still couldn't help shaking his head.

After all, a beauty is a beauty, and it cannot be covered up by a veil.

But it is also impossible for him to let a few girls pretend to be ugly on purpose. Now he can only hope that the people he meets will have more brains.

However, reality is more bloody than fiction.

The Douluo Continent was originally a place where the weak preyed on the strong, and it was the most chaotic period during this period. Fights between soul masters, wars between empires, bandits and bullies were rampant. Out of the soul ring, a few people bought a carriage, and they left the city smoothly.

The wilderness is even more disorderly, full of barbarism and fighting.

It was only a hundred miles away, and the few people encountered three waves of bandits blocking the road and robbery, and two waves of fighting between soul masters.

Floating corpses floated, bones filled the fields, and the air was filled with a tragic atmosphere.

Soul masters' lives are at stake, let alone ordinary people?

Along the way, Ye Han couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion at the scene in front of him.

"The people of Douluo Continent must thank that woman with a tragic fate!"

If it weren't for her appearance, the chaos in Douluo Continent would have lasted for an unknown amount of time.

Three months later, several people entered Heaven Dou City.

Although Tiandou City at this time is more prosperous than other places, it is also very limited.

The smell of rich wine and meat, and frozen bones on the road, this is the truest portrayal of today's world.

Tiandou City, a noble mansion with a high family,

The poor do not have half a roof tile on their heads. Such things abound. The gap between the rich and the poor is not the slightest bit.

As soon as Ye Han's carriage entered the city, it was surrounded by a group of ragged beggars.

"My lord, have pity on us!"

"Please, give me something to eat!"

"grown ups....."

Although he is not a human being in this life, looking at the scene before him, Ye Han couldn't help being touched.

It's really a dog's life in troubled times!

With a flick of the hand, a handful of silver coins poured out like a fairy scattered flowers.

Wow! ~

The crowd dispersed instantly and looted.

"Thank you, my lord."

"My lord is merciful and merciful, may God bless you."

"My lord lives forever."

Dozens of silver coins were quickly looted, and those with conscience took the lead in kneeling and shouting to the sky.

Ye Han laughed dumbly, if they hadn't blocked his way, would he have shown kindness?

"Although troubled times are sad, people's hearts are very simple and easy to be satisfied. Maybe this is the reason why Wuhun Palace can quickly win people's hearts?" Ye Han thought to himself.

After inquiring, several people came to a mansion.

The tall gate of the courtyard is made of marble, and the word "Dugu" is written on it.

"What are you going to do?" Bo Saixi looked at the door in front of her, frowned slightly, and asked displeasedly.

She came to the mainland with a clear purpose.

However, this young man on the boat, who looked like everything was easy to discuss and wrapped around me, never mentioned anything about that man after he stepped into the mainland.

Every time she asked, the boy always talked about him, but didn't say a word about that man.

"I want to heal my wounds." Ye Han said lightly.

Then he motioned to Xue Di to let her release her breath.

Upon hearing the words, Xue Di didn't even think about it, so he did it directly.

After her aura was released, not to mention the small Dugu Mansion, even the entire Heaven Dou City was shaken.

All the strong men above the Soul Sage realm in Tiandou City felt it, as if a catastrophe was imminent, their hairs stood on end, they all looked in the direction where the Snow Emperor was, the stronger the strength, the deeper the feeling.

Some people boasted that their strength was extraordinary, released their aura, and wanted to wrestle with the Xuedi's aura, but they spit out blood from the pressure in an instant, and became sluggish.

In today's world, even level ninety-nine limit Douluo would not dare to say that he would win the Snow Emperor, let alone these ordinary cultivators.

These people may be very strong in their own one-third of an acre of land, and some are even ancestors of the same clan, but compared to the Snow Emperor who has cultivated for more than 600,000 years, they are nothing.

Dugu Mansion was the first to bear the brunt of the unparalleled momentum, and the people inside were directly alarmed.

Not long after, a tall and thin green-robed man came to the door like a phantom.

"The younger generation, Dugu Bo, does not know that His Majesty is coming, and if he is far away, he welcomes and hopes to forgive his sins."

The man bowed and said respectfully, cold sweat unconsciously broke out on his forehead.

"You are Dugu Bo?" Ye Han signaled Xuedi to restrain his momentum, and then said.

Looking carefully, Ye Han found that Dugu Bo looked only in his forties at this time, and he was not a Titled Douluo.

"I'm here, I don't know, who are you, little brother?" Dugu Bo raised his head and glanced at Ye Han, he couldn't help asking anxiously.

People are sitting at home, disaster comes from the sky, this is the truest portrayal of Dugu Bo's heart at this time.

He was extremely depressed, and he didn't know where to provoke such a strong man.


The Bingdi on the side snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Dugu Bo's title.


Ye Han hurriedly stopped him, saying, "It's just a title, it doesn't matter."

Afterwards, he looked at Dugu Bo again, straight to the point, and said, "My name is Ye Han, and I have no malicious intentions. I came here this time because I heard that you got a medicine field in the Sunset Forest, so I came here to ask for medicine."

Dugu Bo frowned. He found that the medicine field was only a few days old. He had been searching for information and records about those herbs in the study these days after he came back. He had never had any contact with outsiders, let alone told others. Then Who did Ye Han listen to?

Ye Han had a panoramic view of Dugu Bo's expression changes, and secretly smiled in his heart.

He didn't know if the current Dugu Bo got the medicine field, it was just a test, but he didn't expect it to be really interesting.

That being the case, then, Tang San, I can only say sorry to you.

"I won't want your medicine field in vain. If you lack a few soul bones, I'll make up for you." Ye Han said.

At this time, it is not just asking, but asking.

Dugu Bo wanted to scold his mother.

Ma De, just now you were asking for medicine, but now it has turned into a whole medicine field, how dark is your heart?

Dugu Bo is not a fool, so he will naturally know the value of the medicine field, but does he dare to refuse?


dare not.

he wants to run?

But does he dare to move?

Glancing secretly at the two women on Ye Han's left and right, Dugu Bo swallowed involuntarily.

Are you moved?

dare not move.

If he dared to move, he would have already run away, how could he come out.

Dugu Bo was so aggrieved and helpless that he ignored Ye Han's last words.

He rode a horse, led Ye Han and the others for seven days in a dejected manner, and finally arrived at Sunset Forest.

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