Although Lin Feng himself has considered that this would be a horror, but he has made the most thorough preparations.

After a while, there was no movement inside.

Lin Feng led a group of people into the dilapidated factory, exuding an old atmosphere.

The air smelled like a rotting corpse.

Lin Feng Gu Zi walked ahead, and the people next to him followed closely. Of course he is not nervous at all, because these are well-trained agents, let alone this group of people, single out one, you can also make a big fuss in a gun battle.

These well-trained agents followed Lin Feng in an orderly manner. They look like ordinary office workers, but no one knows how many weapons are hidden in them.

Finally, in a room, Lin Feng saw Jones.

The kidnappers stood motionless like wooden people, because their faces were illuminated by the rays of stars by infrared rays.

Hundreds of snipers were ambushing around here. As long as these kidnappers dare to move, the next moment, they will have to corpses here.

"Lin Feng!"

Crying with great grief, wandering tremblingly between heaven and earth in winter.

Lin Feng immediately went to untie Jones, and then comforted Jones not to be sad. When Jones got in the car, Lin Feng said to Lao Zhang who was standing next to him:

"Send them all to Africa."

"Yes!" Lao Zhang responded seriously.

Jones was sent home by Lin Feng, and then Lin Feng went to Chen Shuze's office again.

In the office, Chen Shuze is drinking tea at this time.

"This is the information of those kidnappers, I want to know who they were instigated!" Lin Feng threw a document in front of Chen Shuze.

"Okay." Chen Shuze didn't even drink the tea, and immediately walked to the office desk and sat back in his seat.


The sound of the keyboard roamed the empty office, and the sunlight slanted on an evergreen tree by the window. Lin Feng sits quietly on the sofa and drinks tea. Now that Jones has been rescued, he is not worried about who is behind the scenes.

Anyway, if you dare to move Laozi's woman, the group is going to smash the bones.

"I found it". "Chen Shuze stopped his movements and said to Lin Feng.


"It's Truth."


Terrass headquarters.

At this time, in Duke's office, old Mark is also here.

He is sticking a cane, his frost-white hair, and his face is full of wrinkles. In appearance, he is at least seventy or eighty years old. However, he is actually fifty-three years old this year.

He is too old.

Perhaps his desires are too great, and people with great desires will always age faster.

Compared with him, Duke looks like a young man, his eyes are full of energy, as shocking as the eyes of a lion.

The same partners, the same company work, two bosses with a difference of 15 years of age, there is such a big difference in appearance, no one would believe it.

However, old Mark knew that it was because of his own personality that a person like him who was so worried about a small matter was destined to grow older than anyone else.

There is a picture frame on the window with two young people smiling in the sun.

They have faded away from their youthfulness, and their dreams are far more distant than they were when they were young.

So if a person has a dream, maybe it shouldn't be realized too early.

Because once the dream comes true, most people will not continue to search for answers, but will begin to fall.

The so-called dream means a kind of motivation that can spur people to work hard.

If a person has no motivation, he will not be far from death.

This is what netizens mean by The Walking Dead.

Old Mark squinted his eyes, wondering if he was asleep.

Duke was waiting for him to speak, but he couldn't wait for him to speak. He looked at his face again and found that he had closed his eyes.

"Mark," Duke said.

"Hmm..." Old Mark opened his eyes, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Did you sleep well yesterday?" Duke asked again.

"Hmm... that girl was too powerful yesterday, which made me very motivated." Old Mark said with a smile with his blackened teeth.

Duke smiled maliciously and said, "Introduce to me another day. I haven't done this for a long time."

"Hey...Okay. But I have sent her away. Women, I always like them. But I like to play around. I think that only fools will have such thoughts throughout my life."

"Your words are deep and deep. Basically I think the same as you." Duke said.

"Hahaha... the women are actually the same. I really didn't find any difference when I changed them." Old Mark talked about this topic, as if he had come back to life again, and all his sleepiness disappeared.

"¨¨Um...Yes...Yes...I am looking for you temporarily because our affairs have been exposed."

"Exposed?" Old Mark raised a heart to his throat.

A man like old Mark is only fatter in front of naked non-males.

Back then, Duke chose to cooperate with him because of his stupidity and the rich family heritage.

After getting mixed up with emotions, I discovered that this guy, like a drunkard, was not a big deal at all.

Originally thinking that he would swallow all his shares this year, and suddenly there was an accident such as a riot, so he left the old Mark behind, and maybe he could be backed up in a critical moment.

Duke is a workaholic.

What he likes to talk about is work topics related to money.

After a while, old Mark hadn't heard what Duke meant.

He looked at Duke in confusion. Hope the other party can speak more bluntly.

"It's the kidnapping of the chairman of Anxin Group." Duke reminded Old Mark.

"Oh oh oh... what about the follow-up? How could it be exposed?"

"Huh!" Duke darkened and said angrily, "How can it be exposed, isn't it the person you're looking for? What kind of shit, you vowed to make sure that this group of people do things cleanly before."

"Yes." Old Mark said. "Aren't they doing things cleanly?"

"Clean! Very clean!!" Duke said, "Yesterday my employees told me that the company's internal system had been breached again. And all the information of this group was copied out, and they informed me in the morning. All the previous chat records have been copied away."

"What?!" Old Mark became nervous. "This is not a lot of trouble. If Lin Feng takes these records to the police station, our money will go out again."

"Oh!" Duke sat down on a chair beside him, lit a cigar, and took a sullenly.

Then he looked at the snowflakes outside the window and said nothing. .

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