From Becoming the Master of Monsters

Chapter 621 Suddenly there is a group of idiot fans

Just as Yuto knew the plot, the entire Ainz Ooal Gown guild, as the fourth batch of YGGDRASIL travelers, had all traveled to another world.

The original guardians and battle maid NPCs of Ainz Ooal Gown's guild have also become living characters.

They have their own way of thinking and are no longer just AI programs that can only act according to instructions.

Even when Momonga traveled to this world as a time traveler, because his character's race was the undead, his original state of mind as a human had some changes.

Originally a human, but now an undead, just like the forced calm buff, Momonga's current mentality also became different when the race changed.

The memory and thinking ability are still the same, but now Momonga no longer puts himself in a human position when considering problems.

If you want to ask why, it's entirely because of this guy. His current attribute is an extremely evil justice value - 500!

And because the previous members of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were all aliens, the NPCs they created were basically all aliens.

Just like Momonga, because of the settings of the previous guild members and their races, when they came into this world, their justice values ​​were basically negative.

In other words, in the eyes of most people, these guardians and battle maids of the Great Tomb of Nazarick are basically real villains.

It is worth mentioning that after traveling through time, Yuuto also possessed camp attributes, and his attribute was a justice value of 100. He was one of the few positive characters in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Regardless of whether the justice value is positive or negative, the peak value is 500, which means that Momonga and most of the guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick are already bad to the bone.

As for Yuuto, if the justice value is 100, he is not a very just person, but he has a basic conscience and bottom line, so he can barely be considered a neutral type.

"Albedo, the Chief Guardian, brings the guardians of all levels of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and the Pleiades to pay the highest respect to the two Supreme Beings."

Because the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick traveled through time, the NPCs became existences like Yuto and Momonga.

After completing the time travel, as NPCs, they seemed to not only have independent personalities, but they did not even notice the changes in themselves.

In their memories, the Great Tomb of Nazarick was built by forty-two Supreme Beings, but for some reason, the other forty Supreme Beings left one after another, and in the end only the two Supreme Beings in front of them remained.

The current main lineup strength of the Great Tomb of Nazarick excludes those forces that cannot be used and those that show up casually.

There is Albedo, the succubus, who is the head guardian, and Shalltear, the vampire, who is the guardian of the first to third levels.

The guardian insect king Cocytus is responsible for guarding the fifth floor, and the twin dark elves Aura and Mare are responsible for guarding the sixth floor.

There is also the guardian in charge of the seventh floor, Demiurge, who is the highest-level demon, and the butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, the dragonman Sebas.

The above people are all NPCs at full level, that is, level 100, and they are also the highest combat power in the Great Tomb of Nazarick today.

As for the Pleiades maids kneeling behind them, although they are much inferior to the guardians in terms of combat power, their average level is about forty or fifty.

The Great Tomb of Nazarick is one of the strongest guilds in the YGGDRASIL game, and the NPCs are naturally more than that.

But because each is in charge of their own area, they will not easily leave the area they are responsible for unless there are special circumstances or orders from the Supreme.

Looking at the many NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick that were alive in front of him, Momonga was shocked in his heart, but under the buff of forced calmness, his expression remained calm.

Albedo and the others who were kneeling below believed that the Supreme Being they knew should have such a posture.

When he first crossed over, Momonga was a little panicked, but after learning from Yuto that the NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick might have become real people, Momonga's first thought was to summon these guardians. .

Because now he and Yuto are the only two remaining members of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and he is still a supporting profession.

If the NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick really have life and wisdom, and are dissatisfied with them, it would be difficult for the two of them to defeat all the NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

That's why we saw the scene in front of us now. Momonga used the max-level "Aura of Despair" skill and frantically put pressure on the guardian kneeling below.

On the one hand, it is to show his strength as the Supreme Being, and on the other hand, it is to test the loyalty of NPCs like the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

However, Yuto, who saw this scene, felt that Momonga's behavior was simply unnecessary. No matter who the NPC in the Great Tomb of Nazarick betrayed, it was impossible for him to betray them.

It seems that because they were NPCs before, these guardians have the instructions and settings of the Supreme Being engraved in their heads.

For the two remaining Supreme Beings in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, they also regarded them as more important than their own lives.

"Guardians here, I want to hear what you think of Yuto and I."

Albedo: "Momona-sama and Yuto-sama are the supreme beings of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and they are the most powerful symbols! At the same time, Momonga-sama is also my most beloved person!"

Shalltear: "The aura exuding from Momonga-sama is so powerful, it makes me wet with excitement!

But my true love is only Yuuto-sama, and no matter what happens, this will never change. "

Ignoring the speeches of the two idiots, Momonga looked at the other guardians.

Momonga probably knew why Albedo and Shalltear were in this situation.

Cocytus: “I didn’t leave this place like other Supremes, but chose to stay in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

So I think the two Supreme Beings are both benevolent and powerful Supreme Beings. "

Demiurge: "I also agree with what Cocytus said. Both supreme beings are symbols of strength and wisdom. They are people we need to look up to throughout our lives."

Aura and Mare didn't speak much, but when each guardian spoke, their heads kept nodding like garlic.

After some testing, Momonga has basically confirmed that there is no possibility of betrayal by these NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

But then, Momonga didn't know how to continue speaking. After all, this was his first time traveling through time.

So looking at the guardian who was kneeling on the ground below and waiting for instructions, Momonga also secretly asked Yuto beside him with his eyes, what should he do next?

For NPCs like the Great Tomb of Nazarick, yesterday was the same as today, so they were confused at the moment. The Supreme Being suddenly summoned them to find out what the important matter was.

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