Four Skills for All

Chapter 273 It's Too Dark

After Mo Xiu and Lin Feng separated, they did not go back immediately, but stayed in the central area to continue to accept the challenge.

This time, all those who had the absolute right to challenge were directly accepted, and the rest were all rejected.

Anyway, the system will allocate time, so just take on all the challenges happily.


At night, when Mo Xiu returned to the building, Xiao Hong and the others were waiting in Mo Xiu's room.

As soon as Mo Xiu entered the door, he said, "Why did you all come to my room?"

Xiao Hong said: "We must have a conclusion every night, right? The place for this conclusion is not in your room, whose room can it be in?"

Moxiu said: "Okay, from now on, we will hold a meeting here at eight o'clock every night. Let's talk about it. What's going on this afternoon? Start with the first group!"

After Yue Yuan and Liu Ziyang looked at each other, Yue Yuan said: "I have accepted six games in total, three wins and three losses, and zero points. Liu Ziyang has accepted five games, three wins and two losses, and zero points."

Moxiu said: "That's right, you have made progress. You must sum up your experience and strive to return to the original ranking before the end of the month."

The two nodded together. After the afternoon's game, the two regained some confidence.

"Second group, tell me!"

Xiao Hong said: "I challenged three times and won all of them. Now I am ranked 1023."

Xiao Xinru said: "I challenged on the potential list. I challenged twice, one win and one loss, and now I am 49th."

Moxiu said: "Okay, Xiao Hong will continue to rush upwards, Xiao Xinru should have reached the limit on the potential list, right? You can consider making a move on the combat power list."

Seeing that Xiao Xinru was not hurt even if he lost, Xiao Hong regained her confidence. This group is the one that Moxiu feels most at ease.

Mo Xiu then asked: "Yang Qingzhuo, what about you?"

Yang Qingzhuo said with a bitter face: "It's too difficult for an assistant to challenge. Not only do I need to know who is the assistant in front of me, but also who their partner is. It won't be established, but I don't have that much information."

Yang Qingzhuo was a little aggrieved. She ran around asking for news this afternoon, but few people were willing to share the news.

Even if some people are willing to tell Yang Qingzhuo, most of the auxiliary information will be kept secret, and it is difficult to get it.

Moxiu smiled and took out his phone and sent a message.

Seeing this, Yang Qingzhuo felt even more aggrieved, and said, "Mo Xiu, why are you still playing with your mobile phone? Help me find a way."

Moxiu said: "I have already thought of a solution, will it come soon?"

Everyone was wondering, coming right away?

Not long after, the door of the room knocked, Moxiu opened the door and a person came in, it was the big flicker Lin Feng.

Moxiu said: "He is called Lin Feng, a local member of the royal family, non-combatant, responsible for the intelligence of our team, and is now in the internship stage."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and Mo Xiu went out for an afternoon, and brought back a person, who was still a key person in charge of intelligence.

Mo Xiu continued: "From now on, the third group will become Yang Qingzhuo and Lin Feng. You two are the intelligence team. While collecting intelligence, help Yang Qingzhuo find opponents."

Xiao Hong asked: "Then you act alone?"

Moxiu replied: "That's right, I want to act alone. My goal is to break into the top 100 in the combat power list. When I come to the royal family, I can't embarrass Mr. Tang, right? In this afternoon, I accepted ten Two challenges, all won, I think I can challenge tomorrow with confidence."

Several people were shocked speechless,

Twelve fights in one afternoon? Not to mention the terrifying record of maintaining a complete victory, the stamina alone is unmatched by others. Doesn't the skill need to be cooled?

In fact, Moxiu was fighting continuously, before the main skill went into cooldown before proceeding to the next round.

The people behind Mo Xiu are not as strong as Mo Xiu, and some of them are even very different in strength.

Although there were twelve matches played against each other this afternoon, Moxiu was relatively relaxed.

Xiao Hong said: "It seems that you are a pervert wherever you go."

In the eyes of Xiao Hong and the others, Moxiu is very strong, and he can handle things with ease in this royal family.

But Mo Xiu knew that he was still far behind. There were still relatively few people in contact with now. It was not just the two of the Li family that Mo Xiu could defeat.

Even those who cannot be defeated for a long time, as for Li Linger, Moxiu has nothing to do.

Moxiu said: "I am also far behind. Lin Feng, if you have enough time, you can also help Xiao Hong and Xiao Xinru choose opponents and let them rush higher."

After explaining everything, Moxiu announced the end of the meeting, and everyone returned to their rooms.

After everyone dispersed, Moxiu went to the cafeteria to have a meal alone.

The grouping has been completed, and everyone will be very busy during the period of familiarization and stabilization, and Moxiu can only be a loner.

The outsider's canteen is very interesting, there are no employees, all the food is vending machines, and no one sells it.

You can choose what you want to eat directly, and you don’t need to show any ID proof, it’s completely free.

There are also clothing and daily necessities stores outside the cafeteria, which are also unattended, so you can get what you want.

This made Moxiu feel a little bit. In the outside world, some people are still working hard for food and clothing.

The most important thing in the royal family is no longer food and clothing, but points and cultivation resources.

If you don't have strength here, you will be eliminated. It's the same cruelty, but the way of survival is different.

There were fewer people in the cafeteria at this time, and Mo Xiu left after eating alone.

Moxiu didn't go back to the room, and went directly to the skill training tube on the eighth floor. He had been here for two days, and he was still not familiar with the environment in the building, so he came to the most curious skill training tube first.

It is still unmanned, and there is only one scanning machine at the front desk.

Moxiu knew that this was the same as the verification during the challenge, so he took out his mobile phone and opened the leaderboard software to point it at the machine.


The door opened, and Moxiu pushed the door to enter, and there were separate small rooms one by one.

The room door was marked with people and no one, so Moxiu randomly found an empty room to enter.

The room is very small, only about one square meter, and can only accommodate one person.

After entering, the software prompts immediately.

"Entering the primary skill training room, 500 points per hour, the points have been deducted."

Moxiu looked at his points, and sure enough, 500 points were deducted.

After fighting in the afternoon, Moxiu got 3187 points, and there are 2687 points left after deductions.

It costs 500 an hour, which is already very expensive. People like Lin Feng who live on subsistence allowances cannot afford it at all.

The leaderboard software is also very interesting. It cannot be used for any operations at ordinary times. It will only remind you in the form of information when you are challenged or consumed.

Moxiu stayed for a while, but he didn't feel any spiritual power. What's going on?

After carefully inspecting the room, I found a red button opposite the seat. After Moxiu pressed it, a drawer popped out.

Moxiu checked and found nothing, only then did he understand what was going on.

This is too dark, right?

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