Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1035: Big shuffle!

In the dark night, with the end of the phenomenon of Samsung's renju, the wind and waves in the **** lake finally subsided.

But the turbulent waves around the eyes of the blood demon, but just beginning to stir up, swept the entire land.

The originally formed regiments were all blown up in the sweeping tide of the tides, and the Zerg, Claw, Hai, and Hai warriors made a mess, and they were neither familiar with each other and could not find themselves. The commander, even lost a lot of magic weapons and weights, lost effective command.

At this time, they were told that there was a great possibility of lurking between them, the terrible "spore" and the spies of the ancestors of the sacred springs. They had to be stationed in the same place, waiting for virus detection, and they were even watching the strangers around them. Increased the vigilance of 120,000 points, fearing that the other party is a "spore."

In this case, the air is tight, the heart is stunned, and a light cough will make the seventeen and eight-handed swords unsheathed.

These elite warriors in the blood demon world have become a disperse of sands that are vigilant and monitor each other, completely losing their fighting power as an army.

The Golden Slaughter smashed a large number of squadrons and transport corps composed of horns, and seized the strategic location outside the eyes of the blood demon.

In normal times, these heavy and transporting corps are definitely not elite opponents.

However, now, the elite of the first line has been washed away, losing the establishment, effective command and all supplies, and these second-line heavy and transport corps still maintain a high degree of command.

They used to transport rations, spar and ammunition for the first-line forces. All the supplies for this war were almost in the hands of these heavy and transport corps!

In this way, the heavy and transport troops became the only stable force in the night of chaos.

The gold slaughter also uses this power. The whole audience was firmly controlled.

Next, it is the most rigorous testing of all the 10,000 demon coalition forces.

It is necessary to carry out virus detection on hundreds of thousands of troops. It is far from enough to rely on a medical ship "blood source", and dawn will come. Three medical ships were also transferred, and a large number of medical soldiers set up temporary quarantine stations directly on the ground.

What they want to detect is far more than just a virus...

Among the various tribes, there are many middle- and high-ranking military officers. After entering the "blood source", they were turned around and went to the secret room deep in the battleship.

There, the equipment that is waiting for them is not a test instrument. It is a high-ranking, sturdy horned officer, a **** horned warhammer and a sour cannon ready to go.

With the honesty of Wuyishe’s head, a “downline” has confessed to more “downline”, which is like a string of gourds. The dark nets carefully laid by the ancestors of the sacred springs are being uprooted. Completely collapsed.


The dark battle on the ground is being carried out silently, and the Golden Slaughter is also launching a more secretive and more thrilling "war" on the Blood Demon.

Opposite the desk is the wolf king Wei Tianqing, who is known for his ferocity and shackles.

This wolf demon. Known as "there is no trace of blood," the voice in the lion's country is certainly not as good as the blood ancestor, but the level of fierceness is even worse.

Wei Tianqing’s wolf eyes turned and turned. Thinking about the reason why Kim Kam-soo summoned him alone.

"The locusts of the ancestors of the secluded springs have been dug up."

Jin Tuyi still sat comfortably in the wide feather soft chair, his hands crossed, and faintly said, "There are more hidden children, they are being recruited one after another. It is expected that the final number will be hundreds, which is the key. An important role in the post!"

"The ancestors of the secluded spring are really terrible. Even though they are quietly silent, the Wanhui coalition forces have penetrated this level!"

"Even even General Wei. In your heart, there seems to be the eyeliner of the ancestors of the secluded spring!"

Wei Tianqing shook the wolf's tail. Without speaking, he still could not understand the true purpose of the gold slaughter.

Jin Tuyi continued: "The collapse of the eyes of the blood demon. So that we have lost countless elites, plus the penetration of the ancestors of the secluded springs, all of which are dug up, our losses are even more devastating."

"Whether it is among the Wan Yao United Army, or among the four big demon countries, even among the Wan Yao Hall, there are a lot of vacancies!"

"Whether we are willing or not, a reshuffle will be inevitable."

Wei Tianqing picked up the wolf's eyes and finally realized what the golden slaughter had to say, and the corner of his mouth sneered a sneer.

Sure enough, the golden slaughter leaned forward and the voice was full of charm: "General Wei, the claw family, has always been respected by the lion and tiger, and the lion and tiger have held the most oily minerals and land. Privately possessed a large number of demon secrets, occupying the most important position in the lion and the country. For hundreds of years, the rest of the families have been unable to lift their heads. Even the country of the claws is named after the 'lion'!"

"It’s like they are born to the leader of the Clan, and the rest of the races are the vassals of the Lions and Tigers!"

"Now, the ancestors of the lions of the lions, the ancestors of the blood robes, are dead. The elites of the lions and the tigers have suffered heavy casualties. Even in the 'Wan Yao Dian twelve demons', there are quite a few vacancies. At this moment, what are you going to do with the wolf family?"

"I have heard an idiom called ‘豺狼当道’. As a wolf leader, don’t you want to taste the taste of ‘wolf’?”

Wei Tianqing listened quietly until he was dumbfounded at the moment: "The commander-in-chief, I really didn't think that you are the most insidious one. You want to use the 'claw patriarch, the lion and the country to dominate' or even the 10,000 demon temple. One of the two demon emperors' position to seduce me, let us the wolves to lean on your side, help you to fight against the lion and tiger who will never surrender to you, right?"

"Unfortunately, I have self-knowledge!"

"The wolf and tiger leopard, among the claws of the clan, the power of our wolves has always been weak, and the lion and tiger communities have been operating the lions for hundreds of years. They are deeply rooted and not so easy to shake."

"When the blood robes ancestors died, his younger brother ‘Yin Tianzun’ is still alive, and he still controls very powerful forces, including ‘Shahuying’ and ‘Gryphon’s corps’!”

"Of course I have heard of 'Wolf in the womb', but I have heard that there is an idiom called 'Drive the tiger to swallow the wolf', huh, huh, the commander now is not only to 'drive the tiger to swallow the wolf', but also to 'drive the wolf swallow the tiger' Ah! When our claws are fighting inside, our wolves and lions and tigers are both hurt. The commander can naturally take advantage of the profits, right?"

Kim Tuo said calmly: "If you only worry about the power of 'Yin Tianzun', it is not a problem at all. I have conclusive evidence that 'Yin Tianzun' is the ancestor of Youquan. He will soon be defeated. Without a lion and tiger force, he will obey his orders."

Wei Tianqing’s pupil suddenly shrank: “How is it possible? Yin Tianzun is already the second person in the lion’s country. What is the benefit of his ancestors?”

Kim’s smile is unchanged: “You have said that it’s the 'No. 2 character’, then, in order to become the 'No. 1 character', to vote for the ancestors of the glory. What is strange?”

Wei Tianqing shook his head and said: "I don't believe it! There is any conclusive evidence, please let the commander show it!"

The gold slaughter does not move.

Wei Tianqing narrowed his eyes and instantly understood: "You want to frame Yin Tianzun and want to defile him as the ancestors of the secluded spring!"

"General Wei, in an extraordinary period, if you shake the heart of the army, don't just talk casually, and talk about it, you have to lose your head."

The eyes of the golden slaughter turned into a nearly transparent pale gold. The smile is even more splendid. "Since General Wei is so loyal to Yin Tianzun, this handsome man will not be difficult. In any case, among the claws, it is not only the wolves but also the leopards and bears that are suppressed by the lions and tigers. ..."

"Even, even among the lions and tigers, is there not an ambitious generation that is not convinced of Yin Tianzun?"

"So, General Wei, you can go."

Wei Tianqing stunned: "You just let me go?"

Since I heard the big conspiracy of the Golden Slaughter, how could it be so easy to leave?

After a moment of indifference, his face changed greatly. Deeply shuddered, biting his teeth. "The commander-in-chief, you just said. In our wolves, we also found the shadow of the ancestors of the secluded spring?"


Jin Tuxiao smiled. "He also confessed that the ancestors of Youquan are among the many demons, and they all have many accomplices. Yin Tianzun may be just one of them, or maybe not Yin Tianzun, but other monsters. It is also unknown."

Wei Tianqing sneered: "Make sure, as long as I walk out of this door, among the accomplices of the ancestors of the ancestors, there will be the name of "I don't have blood and no trace of Wei Tianqing"?"


Jin Tuo spread his hands. "He hasn't fully confessed. How do you know this handsome? However, the ancestors of Youquan have been carefully planned for so long, and your wolves have been suppressed by the lions and tigers for hundreds of years. There is a reason for betrayal. If it is said that General Wei and the ancestors of Youquan hit it off, it’s not surprising.”

"General Wei is now loyal to Yin Tianzun, so he defends him, but he does not know if General Wei Wei is identified as a series of secluded springs. Will Yin Tianzun absolutely believe in you and defend you?"


Wei Tianqing took out the spikes, and the tail was erected like a mace, and the claws were completely violent, and the murderous!

If Kim Sung is not aware of it, he smiles faintly: "General Wei, I have heard of the third idiom, called 'counter against the water, not retreating,' and so-called 'shuffle', so you don't wash people down. People will wash your family and even the entire family!"

"Look, the wind is rising outside, the turbulence is staggering, I want to protect myself, I don’t move, how is it possible?"

"A lot of things, you don't do it, some people do it, they will do it more fiercely than you, more embarrassing, more absolutely!"

"Don't you call it "there is no trace of blood"? This name is not always guaranteed by Mingzhe. Where did the blood and determination of the year go? Is it really like outside, you are nominally called 'wolf? "The family" is actually just a dog supported by the lion and tiger family?"

Wei Tianqing was silent for a long time, and said: "It depends on our wolves, not the opponents of the lions and tigers."

Jin Tuo said: "Plus the Leopards and the bears? Plus the people who support us inside the Lions and Tigers? Plus the Yu and the horns? Plus the Shanghainese?"

Wei Tianqing's breathing gradually rushed, and the general tail of the mace was slowly pulled down, and each wolf was obedient.

He finally lowered his head and hoarse his throat: "Grandfather, what should I do?"

"It's very simple."

Jin Tuyi said one word, "Trust me, obey me, follow me!" (To be continued.)

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