"This is the legion of the Queen of Hearts."

Shire twirled his wand again, and the magic figure on the table became a poker soldier holding a spear, and a pawn soldier holding a knight's gun.

They are about the same height as a person, one looks fragile, as if walking, jumping up will be blown away by the wind, the other looks very heavy, the heavy footsteps seem to shake the ground.

"Good news one get one free."

"These things are created out of thin air by magic. The Queen of Hearts is good at it. No one gets hurt."

"And it's a long process to accumulate the Army of Hearts. The Queen of Hearts can only create a dozen subordinates every month, so the number we have to face...is about two hundred."

Ciel's eyes skipped over the surrounding princesses.

Only the two successful queens, Jasmine and Aisha, could keep up with his train of thought. The others, at this time, had completely turned into circles.

Even Hermione lacked war sensitivity.


"We need an army."

Jasmine said thoughtfully.

"Or not."

Charles shrugged.

"If the magic you have is strong enough."

"What kind of magic can be called powerful enough?"

Aisha asked immediately.

If there is anyone here who can do this, it is undoubtedly her.

Only her, not everyone.

Synaesthesia allows them to borrow their respective powers, but it is not accurate to say that they borrow it. It is universal. Hermione can use Elsa's power of ice and snow, because it is Elsa who borrows synaesthesia to help Hermione use it, not Hermione. Really have this kind of ice and snow power.

In other words, the power of ice and snow is still Elsa's only one, and any of them can use it, not having six ice queens all at once.

Charles twirled his wand again.

A tall, tall and graceful green-skinned witch appeared on the table.

"She's Maleficent."

Charles explained.

As soon as the screen turned, Charles also appeared in the screen.

Maleficent is good at witch fire and transfiguration. She ignites everything around her, turns into a fire bird, and shuttles through the raging fire.

The flowing water gathered under Charles' feet and turned into a water polo to envelop him. The water polo rotated and splashed in all directions, as if struggling to resist.

But it was just Shire delaying time. Half a minute later, his constant maintenance spell began to take effect, and the sky fell with continuous torrential rain, almost turning the sky and the earth into an ocean.

This time, even if Maleficent returns to the dragon body, she will be powerless to struggle.

The screen ends.

Hermione's eyes widened. This was probably the first time she had seen such a wonderful, or powerful, magic duel. Although it was very short, whether it was Charles or Maleficent, they seemed to change the world with a wave of their hands. Professor Tian Tian in Hogwarts school shook his hand, and the feathers flew up! The Levitation spell is completely different.

It is also far more than the three axes that Shire trained her privately, blocking shields, and then counterattacking.

It's probably like drawing a circle first, then a cube, wait, when did you finish drawing this starry sky? !

"Have you already played against each other?!"

Rapunzel discovered the blind spot, and she was very surprised.

"Just a simulation."

Charles replied.

Rapunzel wanted to say something more, but Jasmine next to her suppressed her head.

"I can do it."

At this moment, Aisha said after thinking for a while.

She raised her chin.

"I should be able to."

She is good at ice magic, a born ice queen, Tianke Maleficent.

"But there are four witches of this level."

"Maleficent, Theodora, the Queen of Hearts, and your stepmother."

Ciel said to Baixue, so frightened that Baixue shrank back in the chair again and again, and Jasmine next to her gave Xiare a reproachful look, signaling him not to bully the timid Baixue.

Aisha re-entered the silence, and now she finally knew why the other party was so difficult to deal with.

"Finally, Scar's army of beasts."

Several representative magical beasts appeared on the table in Ciel.

"But the last time I fought with it, the Beast Legion suffered heavy losses. If there are still a dozen left, they are considered lucky."

Aisha frowned, she saw many snakes in the beast army, she didn't like snakes.

Living in the cold zone, she prefers huge things, majestic, big is beautiful, big is strong!

For example, the snowman, or the snow monster, she doesn't like things like snakes, of course, it may also be due to the girl's nature.

Even if she is already a queen, it still cannot hide the fact that she just came of age this year.

Seeing that morale seemed to be a little low, Charles brought up the topic again.

"Witches, I will find a solution."

"But these flying monkeys, poker soldiers, they are also quite a force when gathered together."

"We need an army."

"Fight against it."

"That would kill a lot of people!"

Jasmine didn't think there was anything wrong, but Aisha went on to say in an instant that she actually didn't want to drag ordinary people, her people, into this war.

"War always kills."

Charles shrugged.

"If the evil alliance is not disintegrated, more people will die. Think about it, if they burn the flames of war to your country."

Elsa fell silent.

Don't look at Aisha's cold surface, but her heart is actually very soft. In comparison, her heart may not be as hard as Jasmine's next to her.

This may have something to do with customs, Jasmine's desert region has a harsher climate, and fighting, death, and glory are no strangers even to the princess.

"How much can your legion and personal guard expand to?"

Charles asked.

"One hundred and fifty... no, two hundred."

Aisha thought about it.

"Then a hundred people."

"And you?"

Ciel threw the question to Jasmine.

"With the magic lamp protecting me, I can send more people, two hundred people."

"Together it's three hundred."

Ciel waved away the magic on the table.

"Three hundred against three hundred, it's fair."

"Let's issue a call-up order after we go back, and start training from now on. When everything is ready, we can launch the final decisive battle."

Ciel naturally knew what Jasmine and Aisha were worried about.

"Don't worry, I will prepare food, armor, and weapons for you."

"I will also be there at that time. I am also good at swordsmanship and riding. I will help you train them."

Aisha and Jasmine nodded.

At this stage, they are able to manage their own kingdom well, which is basically an extraordinary performance. Even so, there are still a few ministers who will throw some problems to them from time to time.

If they were to prepare for the war, recruit troops, and enter the wartime state, the two of them really felt that they couldn't play well, but if they had Charles to help them, then they could rest assured.

Hermione believed in Shire very much. As they were intimate with Hermione, they naturally knew Shire very well and understood everything. Even if Hermione was a few years younger than them after she stopped the aging potion, so did Shire. But it doesn't matter, after all, the princesses themselves are not very old.

"Anyone else want to add?"

Of course there is no one to add.

"I'm going back."

Aisha was the first to get up. Even though she is a queen, Arendelle is a country of ice and snow. The overall national strength is actually not good. Even if the people below love her, she still has many constraints.

"I'm going back too."

Then there is Aurora, who is still a princess, and she has already made the maid anxious when she came out to stay for a day and a night. She can also say that she is tired from playing in the forest, and she will die after a long time.

The princesses left one by one, and soon the tree house was left with Snow White, Rapunzel, Ella, Hermione and Shire again.


Le Pei stretched and yawned, feeling a little drowsy, and Bai Xue next to her was lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

Charles shook his head. He waved his magic wand, and the table and chairs suddenly turned into a big soft bed, with white bedding floating down from the third floor.

"I'm going out for a while."

Charles said to Hermione.

"Contact me with a notebook if you need anything."

The latter nodded.


Standing in front of the window of the bedroom in the palace, looking at the snow-covered mountains and lakes outside, Aisha sighed slightly. She doesn't like war, and no one likes war.

But its arrival will not change because of her will.

Outside the door, Anna was leaning sideways, pressing her ear to the door, listening hard.

Recently, she found that something was wrong with her sister, um, something was very, very wrong, and she wanted to find out what was going on.


But it seemed that she had eaten too much for dinner, her little stomach suddenly growled, and immediately exposed her outside the door.


Aisha, who was standing by the window, asked subconsciously.

But the next moment, she said softly.

"Is it Anna?"

"come in."

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