Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 290: Map Transferring (8)

Charles has made similar attempts in the game.

When Mr. Tom failed and the main story ended, the plot became a completely open mode, especially after the new expansion pack US map was opened, the degree of freedom took off completely.

This can be seen from the changes in the road.

Before the release of the new expansion, the same road was in two different situations. Before, it was a peaceful road with pure folk customs, but now it is a nest of ogres halfway, and there is a wax museum at the end.

Halfway through, I may have to answer a ghost call.

The openness before the new expansion is relatively monotonous, and the late game is equivalent to a large-scale Sims. Of course, Charles will make all kinds of strange common sense.

Because the later archives are the same, it is not rare, so you can waste trying.

Which includes the use of compound decoction.

But a game is a game after all. Just like what Madison said before, gender is predestined by God, and there is no way to make another attempt anyway, but now magic offers other possibilities.

Although the game can simulate the effect, Xia Er knew it was a game in his heart, so he still didn't dare to keep it true.

but now.

It's real here.

So, not only to compensate Madison, but also because Shire was curious himself.

And now after trying it, um... Shire can only say that it's a bit hard to say.


Breakfast is over.

Most of the sandwiches on the plate went into Madison's stomach. After all, it was Shire's body. This bold way of eating made Madison feel very refreshed.

On the contrary, it was Charles who felt full after eating a few mouthfuls. Charles pressed his stomach, but didn't feel any strange organs.

But it seems that Madison's stomach is also divided into two, one for eating and one for dessert.

Then when Charles looked up, he saw that Madison was watching his stroking his stomach maliciously, and then he slowly stretched out his hand with a wretched expression on his face.

It has to be said that seeing such an expression on his face, Charles' heart was obviously broken.

"Are you crazy."

She said angrily.

"As for this."

Madison shrugged, his disdainful expression was very unpleasant.

Shire, who was not very happy, rubbed it secretly, without reminding Madison, he feels very good now, but after the effect of the compound decoction disappears, the food in his stomach will not disappear.

To burn off today's calories, she needs to run for at least three hours.

Weight loss potion? nonexistent.

Drinking Polyjuice Potion didn't mean the magic was lost, Ciel could still wave his wand and stuff the plates dancing into the dishwasher.

After tidying up the kitchen like a good wife and loving mother, as soon as Charles came out, Madison blocked the door.

Looking at my face from the bottom up, I have to say that this experience is very novel and uncomfortable.

Charles figured out with his toes what Madison was going to do.

"Need I remind you, the effect of the compound decoction is about to expire, and at that time, the situation will be reversed."

After tossing all night, Charles didn't want to continue to toss today. Recently, Jason's research on the meat has made progress. She wondered if she could fully stimulate that special skill in these few days.

In addition, Shire also wanted to study whether there would be some other changes in experimenting with the compound decoction as Madison.

She squeezed Madison, trying to push him away, but Madison squeezed her chin, raised her head, and pushed her back.

"I know."

Madison shrugged.

"But what about the roles in reverse."

"You know what it's like now, don't you think I'll be afraid?"

What Madison meant was obvious. This is not a painful thing. Even if the compound potion expires, if Charles wants revenge, is that really revenge?

Charles rolled his eyes.

hell! She didn't have this habitual movement before, it was all because of Mai Bitch's body.

"I mean, Polyjuice Potion won't last long."

"The medicine we drank at this time last night has been almost twelve hours now, maybe in ten minutes or even a few minutes, it should be over."

"It's not enough time."

"I think enough is enough."

Madison shrugged again.

"I can do it quickly."


Very insulting.

Because the body that Madison now uses to speak is Shire's.

Hurry up!

This can be tolerated, this is absolutely unbearable, even if you are a man, you can't bear it, even though Shire is a woman now.

But she still couldn't stand it.

Pulling and throwing away the apron that was more decorative than practical when using magic to wash dishes, Charles said angrily.



While Madison and Shire go wild, go on a fishing trip down the road trying to catch a brood of food-poor ogres, or whose clown some clown is, or a ghost that likes to call .

Outside, the Queen of Hearts deal continues.

Boston, the capital of Massachusetts.

"What do you think it's going to be?"

High school student Scott held the invitation letter from the Queen of Hearts and asked his friend Styles in a low voice.

The latter hung his head listlessly.

"I don't know, maybe someone's masquerade or something."

The two of them spent most of the night last night in the attic of Styles' home, and now Styles just wants to sleep, not thinking about what this little card is at all.

But Scott clearly doesn't think so.

"It's important, Styles."

"You know, my hearing and vision have been enhanced, but I didn't realize how this thing appeared on my windowsill."

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't there before."

"I know, I know you're going to be Superman, it's just that you have a lot of hair.. Phew, Phew."

Scott was still listening carefully to what Stiles was going to say, when he heard him snoring and fell asleep.

With a helpless sigh, he put the card away.

Scott felt that this card might be very important, and perhaps, he would know its true purpose before long.


Scott thought well, but it might take longer than he expected.

Because of the invitation letter from the Queen of Hearts, there seemed to be a lot of candidates selected this time.

Not only the predetermined protagonist group, but also children, high school students, retired agents, active police officers, wizards, witches, green creatures and vampire werewolves and dark aliens are all within her selection range, even the strongest white wizard in the world, Dumbledore held an invitation letter in his hand.

It's just that after he thought about it for a while, he handed this invitation letter to Phoenix Fox.

Fox let out a long cry, grabbed the card, and disappeared into the principal's office in an instant.

Of course, since Dumbledore has received the invitation letter, then naturally, some people in the American magic circle, and even the Magic Congress of America, will also receive it.

For example, the current minister, Mr. Kouhaug.

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