Ciel, with his back turned to Hermione, also took out a bottle of aging potion and drank it down in one gulp. Then he waited quietly and patiently, with rustling behind him. After a while, he finally heard Hermione's changed voice.

This is the voice of a mature woman.

"Charles, I, I changed."

Turning around, it was Hermione who had changed greatly.

Her height has grown to a little over 1.7 meters, and her face is no longer immature, but has become the appearance of the time period that Charles is most familiar with. The only thing that has not changed is her hair, which still looks fluffy, and even looks Somewhat unkempt.

"Charle, I feel..."

In the middle of speaking, Hermione stopped suddenly.

She stared at Charles intently, her eyes full of curiosity.

It has been said that most women are visual animals, but Charles is very confident in his appearance.

"What does it feel like?"

Charles smiled and walked towards Hermione.


Of course, Charles also knew that some things should not be rushed, and he was not in a hurry, so seeing that Hermione seemed to be distracted, he moved the topic thoughtfully.

"Don't you want to see what you look like in the future?"

He waved his wand casually, and a huge waterfall of flowing water instantly rose from the ground. The waterfall formed a water mirror, completely reflecting Hermione's appearance.


This really attracted Hermione's attention. No one wants to know what they will look like when they grow up, and no woman doesn't care about their appearance.

Even Hermione.

Facing the water curtain, she looked at herself in the mirror curiously, pinching her nose and squeezing her face from time to time.

Or staring at herself sideways with one eye open, and even planning to weigh some two things with both hands if she hadn't suddenly realized that Charles was still by her side.

She put her hands down in embarrassment, and in order to cover up her petty movements and uneasiness, Hermione decided to transfer her embarrassment to Charles.

"What are you looking at!"

She stared at Charles and bared her teeth.

If it was her before making this expression, it would only make Charles feel cute, but now, it is actually even more cute.

But when there was no threat of a rollover, Charles was not afraid of Hermione's temper, he laughed.

"A forest fairy."

Such a straightforward compliment made Hermione a little unbearable. This aging agent can also increase the mental age, but although the improvement has been improved, it still takes a while to adapt.

"What are you talking about?"

Hermione retorted subconsciously, but even she herself realized the strangeness in her tone, so she hurriedly said again.

"Just a waste of time."

She was like a nutria that had lost its winter grain, and scratched her hair impatiently as if she didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

"Hurry up and perform the ceremony!"

. . .

Charles didn't continue to tease Hermione, and the ceremony began soon.

But the process of the ceremony actually made her more at a loss than Shire's praise.

Hermione's Transfiguration was far inferior to that of Shire. She couldn't drink the aging potion and at the same time change the original clothes into a suitable size, so all she had was the black robe that Shire gave her.

Lying on the high platform built of logs, the black robe quickly appeared scattered.

Originally, Hermione wanted to grab it with both hands, but after Charles quickly typed a few words, she gave up struggling.

She was like a salted fish that had lost her dream, paralyzed on the high platform, motionless, she simply closed her eyes, deceiving herself, as if she couldn't see herself if she didn't look at Charles.

Of course, Charles also knows not to be impatient, he is not really greedy for anything, even if he is greedy, it is not at this moment.

So he kept his expression serious, which made Hermione feel a lot more at ease, until...


Hermione suddenly felt a warm spray on her face,

She opened her eyes quickly, but when she opened her eyes, all she could see was scarlet. When she looked carefully, it was Charles who had cut her wrist.

"What are you doing!"

she panicked.


"Smear the whole body with blood. Your blood won't work, and animal's blood won't work, so who else can use it?"


"Do not talk."

Charles took a sip of the blood-replenishing potion.

The blood doesn't have to be his. There is no magic potion in the witch coven. Except for self-healing witches, no one can persist in this amount of bleeding. Other blood is also fine, such as animal.

But the love ceremony, indeed, uses the blood of both parties, and the effect is the best.

Soon, blood gradually covered Hermione, and she also became a blood person.

The strong smell of blood made Hermione a little nauseous, and even had to ask Charles to cast a sealing spell on her.


Fortunately, with Shire opening the freezer, the ceremony has reached the next stage, the real ceremony.

"Close your eyes."

Charles said.

He will use the heart of the group, which is a human heart. If Hermione sees it, maybe she will ask the heart of the Virgin to say something.

Hermione didn't know what Charles meant, but she closed her eyes obediently.

Ciel took the Clan's heart out of the freezer and placed it on top of Hermione's.

The cold feeling made Hermione shiver slightly.

"Don't move."

Charles said calmly.

Hermione fell silent again.

The ceremony finally came to the final stage.

Straightening the heart, Charles took out his wand, tapped it lightly, and aimed it at his own throat, not at the heart of Hermione or the group.


The next moment, Charles cleared his throat, and suddenly he sang in a low voice.

"When everything has been rewritten."

"Being a hero becomes an unknown person."

"Who is it that can make everything settle again!"

After a short melody, Ciel's voice became high.

"Feel what I feel."

"See what I see!"

"Everyone is me, and I am everyone."

"When all hope is reunited."

"Everything will return to the past again."

When Charles sang the first line, Hermione couldn't help but want to laugh, but thinking of Charles telling her not to move around, she forcibly endured it.

Hermione, who had calmed down, realized that she had to admit that Ciel's singing skills were indeed very good, which was no surprise, he had sung this song at least a dozen times in the archives, and he had already mastered it.

Whether it is a deep bass or a high-pitched tenor, it sounds very pleasant, even intoxicating.

With the end of Charles' singing, Hermione suddenly felt a burning sensation in her heart. This burning seemed to connect her with a flame.

Before she could cry out in pain, the flame suddenly disappeared, replaced by what seemed to be a large empty world.

She connects the world.

At this moment, she is the world.

But this feeling came and went quickly, and in just a split second, Hermione felt it all disappear again.

However, it seemed that something remained forever.


Before Hermione could recall anything, she heard Charles say this.

Opening her eyes, Hermione wanted to say, but before she could speak, a strange girl's voice suddenly sounded in her heart, or in her ear.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

The next moment, Hermione's eyes turned suddenly, and she came from the familiar small town of Unigel to a small stone castle with a somewhat dim tone.

And through the mottled sunlight and empty windows, it can be seen that this place seems to be the top of a tall tower.

Thanks to Han Bing, book friend 8364 for the reward~

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