Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 445 Withdrawing the imperial seal

After the old lady had tidied up, the two ladies carried her to the armchair, and then carried the chair out.

When she came outside, she saw that except Chen Laozu who was sitting, everyone else was standing in the yard. They all had sullen faces and glared at her. The son also stood among them, his face dark.

The old lady felt a little guilty for no reason, but she felt relieved when she thought that her son was a high official and these people were just mud-legged people from the countryside. She held up the red gold bead-embedded phoenix hairpin on the armrest and said to several clan elders, "I am inconvenient and have kept you waiting for a long time. What are you doing standing in the yard? Go inside, sit down and drink tea, slowly Chat. Is the clan encountering difficulties again? Don’t worry, I will let my son..."

Old Ancestor Chen reprimanded angrily, "Shut up! You are a wicked woman, you have harmed your son like this, and you still dare to use the wife's money."

The old lady got angry and snorted coldly, "I am the royal wife, so I don't need any money. How did I harm my son? My son is still a fourth-rank official."

Uncle Chen didn't want to be nagging her, so he waved his hand and said, "Mrs. Zhao, save your boastful words for later..." Then he told the old lady in a loud voice the evil things she had done, and punished her to go to the nunnery to practice meditation until she died.

The old lady was a little scared at first, but when she saw Chen Shiying standing among them, she had an outstanding temperament and extraordinary style. Compared with those scumbag tribesmen, she was in heaven and on earth. Are you afraid that you have a son like this?

Thinking of this, she gained some momentum, spat at them hard, and cursed, "Who do you think you are? A few tribesmen who have graduated from the third server, we recognize you, you are a relative. We don't recognize you, not even relatives." It doesn't count. What qualifications do you have to let me go to the nunnery?" Then he said to Chen Shiying, "Shiying, they are disrespectful to me. Send them back to their hometown. Don't let them stay in Dingzhou Prefecture."

The old lady's words were unclear and her voice was quite loud, so everyone could understand her.

Chen Shiying shook his head in anger, went over and whispered, "Mom, stop making trouble. It really pissed them off. They went straight back to their hometown to have wives and asked the government to divorce them. Even their sons can't protect you." He knelt down and said , "Mom, my son has tried his best. You went to the nunnery to clean up, and you are still the wife of the Chen family, my father's widow. If you are divorced, you will have nothing."

Jiang and Chen Yulan also knelt down.

"What, you also agree with me to go to the nunnery?" The old lady was in disbelief at first, and then burst into tears, scolding Chen Shiying for being unfilial. Her widow raised him unemployed, almost blinded by doing embroidery work, and let her son She hopes to become a high official, but she is allowed to be abused by her clan members. An official like him would directly sentence those tribesmen to jail to see if they would still mind their own business. She didn't want to go to the nunnery. Life there was poor. She couldn't eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, or wear silks and satins. It was even worse than her previous life in Zhaojiacun...

In the midst of the fuss, a servant suddenly came to report that the imperial edict had arrived, and asked Mrs. Chen to go to the front yard to receive it.

An imperial edict for the old lady? Not only Chen Shiying was in a daze, but even Chu Lingxuan, who was watching the excitement, was in a daze.

Chu Lingxuan hurried to the front yard to greet the messenger. Chen Shiying changed his official uniform. Jiang and Mrs. Chen put on their phoenix crowns and harems and went to the front yard.

The messenger glanced at the old lady and said, "Are you Mrs. Chen? Take the order."

When Chen Shiying heard the messenger's address to her mother, her heart suddenly sank, but she still cheered up and helped the old lady kneel on the ground. The old lady was half paralyzed, and two women had to kneel on both sides to support her.

Seeing that they all knelt down, the messenger opened the imperial edict and read aloud, "By God's decree, the emperor decreed that the Zhao family, the mother of Chen Shiying, the prefect of Dingzhou Prefecture, was a woman with bad conduct, unworthy and unvirtuous, and was in vain. Wife and mother, I now take back the imperial title of the fourth-grade respectful person as a punishment. I hope you will sincerely repent in the future, and I admire this!"

After the messenger finished reading, two people went over to take off the phoenix crown on Old Mrs. Chen's head and the Xiapei on her body.

Other women were granted imperial titles because their husbands and sons were dismissed from office. Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Zhao, became the first woman since the founding of the Dashun Dynasty whose son still held an official position, but as a mother, she had her title revoked.

The old lady fainted at that time, and Chen Shiying was also weak and unable to stand up. Chu Lingxuan hurried over and secretly stuffed a purse into the messenger and sent them away.

Old Ancestor Chen was so angry that he cried and said to Chen Shiying, "Boy Shiying, the Zhao family can't keep her here. If such a woman still stays in the Chen family, how do you want the daughter of the Chen family to find her husband's family? Listen to my advice. If If you still want to protect her, I can only let those Chen family girls who can't get married come and hang themselves in front of your house."

Several other clan members also advised, "Master Chen, we can no longer keep the Zhao family. She has ruined all the virtues of our Chen clan."

Chen Shiying's body seemed to have lost time at this time, which was far more difficult than being locked up. He looked at his old mother who had fainted and then looked at the extremely sad clan members, knowing that he could not save his mother no matter what.

He said with difficulty, "Okay, listen to the advice of our ancestors and get married."

Chu Lingxuan looked at the still unconscious Zhao who was carried in. He couldn't continue to watch the excitement, so he comforted Chen Shiying a few words, said goodbye and went home.

After listening to Chu Lingxuan's words, Chen Afu smiled with crooked eyebrows. The evil old woman finally got her comeuppance. There is also the son of Ding County Lieutenant who forced the original owner to death. Last year, Manager Luo found an opportunity to let the owner sue the father and son for bullying men and dominating women. They did all kinds of evil and had them jailed. Think about it, the original owner’s spirit in heaven should rest in peace, right?

In the afternoon three days later, Chen Afu took Chu Hanyan, Li Xuan, Brother Yu and Brother Ming to the Chen Mansion in a soft sedan.

Tomorrow the clan elders were going back to their hometown. Accompanied by Jiang, she went to the courtyard where they lived and gave Cheng Yi a hundred taels of silver.

Mr. Jiang is well-dressed and energetic.

She told Chen Afu that Chen Shiying sent people back to Zhaojiacun to explain the situation, but the people in Zhaojiacun did not dare to accept the Zhao family. The current clan leader is not the original clan brother of the Zhao family. That man is in jail for stealing land from his neighbors.

Not only did the clan leader refuse to accept him, but even Li Zheng of Zhaojia Village was unwilling to accept him. Nowadays, it is difficult for girls from the Zhao family to marry. If Mrs. Zhao goes back, it will be even harder for girls to marry. They said that Zhao's father and brother were dead, and Zhao was one of the "three no-goes".

The wife will not leave for three years. She will marry and have nothing to return to, so she will not leave. She will not leave if she is mourned for three years. She will not leave if she was poor at first and rich later.

Of those three, Zhao occupied them all.

The elder of the Chen family deliberated for a while and said, "If the Zhao family doesn't accept her, the Chen family can't keep her. The Zhao family has only two options, one is to become a monk directly, and the other is to 'die of illness'."

Chen Shiying couldn't help it. After talking about their love for a long time, she still gave birth to a woman, but instead of sending her back to the Zhao family, she had someone buy a small farmhouse on the outskirts of Dingzhou, put the Zhao family there, and sent a mother-in-law to take care of her. she.

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