Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Brain Invasion (7)

With NPC's personal advice, Li Yinhang finally remembered it.

Isn’t this the work of Mr. Andersen.

Eleven brothers were debuffed by the insidious stepmother's curse and turned into wild swans.

The beautiful and tragic little princess traveled all the way to find a way to break the curse for her brothers.

She had to find nettles from church graves, spun thread, endured the stings and blisters caused by nettles, and weaved long sleeves of armor to put on her brothers before they would Reinstate human form.

The ending is of course happy.

Jiang Fang lowered his eyes and asked Nan Zhou softly, "Do you know this story?"

Nan Zhou nodded: "Yeah." I read it when I was sleeping.

The blond girl in front of her was holding down a pair of blood-stained hands, her peach-like eyes curled with delightful charm: "Please make a choice."

Nan Zhou will not be led by her words.

He asked rhetorically, "What are the different rules of the game for the player and the elected 'wild swan'?"

"It's easy."

The girl's smile is stylized and gentle: "The two 'wild swans' selected do not need to do anything. Just stay here, pay enough trust and wait for your companions, Okay."

She stepped on the soft, fresh grass under her feet.

In the diffused aroma of grass juice, she continued to answer softly:

"As for the chosen player, it will be the 'Princess'."

"I knitted two nettle clothes and put them in one place."

"There is a starting point for the 'Princess'."

"When you decide who the 'Princess' is, she will come to her starting point. Just take the nettle armor I put there and put it on the 'Wild Swan' , lift the curse, and the door of victory will naturally open for you."

Nan Zhou confirmed to the girl, "This is the end?"

The girl nodded gracefully.

Nanzhou: "After we confirm the 'Princess' candidate, will the TA be teleported from here to another starting point?"

The girl nodded again.

Nanzhou: "Will it be dangerous for the princess to come here?"

The girl answered all questions, quite gently: "There is no danger."

This answer is rather surprising.

Nan Zhou raised his eyebrows: "'No danger'?"

The melodious voice of the girl's spring water is very suitable for the blue sky behind her, the fresh grass sea, and the pink lamb like cotton candy.

Extraordinarily happy, and extraordinarily false.

The girl gave a firm and identical answer: "There is no danger."

"No swamps. No bad weather. No kings trying to kidnap you, no hunters—"

She seemed very satisfied with the simple, fairytale-like game design.

Speaking of happiness, she opened her hand.

A gust of breeze blew just right, swaying the corner of her blue dress embroidered with nettle patterns.

She smiled and said: "In short, there will be no 'foreign objects' that threaten the life of the 'princess'."

With words, she constructed a simple and almost illiterate game rules.

But all three noticed that her wrists were as white as jade.

The palm is bloodied.

This added a different kind of weirdness to her light and gentle tone.

Seeing that there was no response, she didn't see any disappointment, she lowered her arms naturally, and casually rolled a lock of golden curly hair in front of her forehead: "Of course, it still requires some physical effort, and the level is also It's not without difficulty."

"The 'Princess' has to go through 13 doors."

"The door that the 'Princess' walked through will not disappear, and will always wait for the return of the master."

"As long as the 'Princess' thinks the game is too difficult and doesn't want to continue, she just needs to turn around and open the door that she walked through before, and then she can leave the game directly."

"However, the two friends of the 'Princess' will stay forever and live happily here—"

As if to echo her words, along with the words "happiness and happiness", I saw a line of swans with feathers or snow-white, brown, or fiery red, accompanied by a place from a distance Qingtan Jian flew into the sky and disappeared into the cloud room.

The blond girl grinned, revealing a row of beautiful and neat teeth, and made a gentle conclusion: "Of course, after successfully passing through 13 gates, the 'Princess' can take the 'Wild Swan' away already."

Under the influence of Nan Zhou, Li Yinhang also began to read the copy information with reverse thinking.

She confirmed to the blond girl: "The physical strength required for this task can be done by any of the three of us."

The girl nodded and smiled: "Yes."

Li Yinhang calmed down.

If the information given to them by the teenage NPC is true...

Li Yinhang turned his head and volunteered: "I'll go."

Nan Zhou raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Of course I'll go."

He thought it should be a non-controversial matter.

Li Yinhang said: "Everyone said that if you want a princess, isn't this a girl named by name? I'm not physically strong, and I need to exercise alone. Besides, she said, I won't be on the road. There are dangerous 'foreign objects'."

Li Yinhang gave four reasons in one breath.

Nan Zhou's response was only four words: "No. I'll go."

He didn't think Li Yinhang didn't need a chance to exercise alone.

He felt that there was a strange aura under the candy-colored, transparent and harmless shell of this copy.

In this kind of situation where he can't figure out the truth, letting her out is not exercise, but more like death.

Nan Zhou just wanted to dissuade, when Jiang Fang took the words from behind: "I'm coming."

Nan Zhou turned around and glanced at him lightly, not very happy: "..." You too.

Nan Zhou felt that his knight ability was questioned.

Why don't you want my protection?

Jiang Fang stared at him without hesitation and gave his reason.

"Just now, Yinhang and you both wasted a lot of energy in the library."

"Especially you. You're mentally sensitive, and you've done so much damage, your body shouldn't have fully recovered, right?"

Nan Zhou pursed his lips.

This is Jiang Fang's judgment by default.

Jiang Fang took a step closer to Nan Zhou and lowered his voice: "I'm a person who can't fully trust others."

"If I let you or Yinhang go, let me be a wild swan who can't do anything, wait here, and let others decide my fate, I can't stand it."

His rare frankness made Li Yinhang beside him stunned.

She had long seen Jiang Fang's indifference hidden under his perfect smile, as well as his almost fanatical desire for control.

But she didn't expect that he would realize and express his weakness.

"I don't want to put my safety in the hands of others..."

Jiang Fang lowered his voice to the lowest level, to the point where he could barely hear himself: "...But, if you are at the end, I will definitely come."

This way he can pretend he never said it.

Nanzhou can also hear his innermost thoughts.

Having heard Jiang Fang's confession, Nan Zhou lowered his head and looked at his heart in surprise.

It jumped so fast that it hurt his ribs.

This made Nanzhou very uncomfortable.

He thought, there is no full moon here.

After a brief silence, Nan Zhou took out the rank 3 light chain and the S-rank skill card [Silent Burst] from the warehouse, and handed them over to Jiang Fang.

This is Jiang Fang's tacit approval.

Li Yinhang took the initiative to give up her [Don't go out in the sandy weather] and [Your mother asked you to wear long pants].

Jiang Fang smiled and didn't refuse. He picked out a few items that he didn't use in his storage slot, and exchanged materials with them.

The two who decided to stay together worked together to put the most effective props into Jiang Fang's palm, so as to deal with the "no danger" but the unpredictable "difficulty" in the mouth of the blonde girl Thirteen doors.

The blond girl who had a panoramic view of this scene was unmoved.

Her smile seemed to be glued to her face alive.

She asked with a smile: "So, have you confirmed the candidate?"

After getting the unanimous and affirmative answer from the trio, the girl raised her **** index finger and drew two rays of light in the air.

In the warm golden light like a fairy tale, Nan Zhou and Li Yinhang quickly dwarfed and shrunk.

Clothing and skin were cast together by the light that flooded like golden water.

Abundant, fluffy feathers grow and bloom from their bodies.

No pain, just itching.

After confirming that he had really transformed, Li Yinhang immediately spread his wings to see his coat color.

Even if she becomes a goose, she hopes to become a beautiful little goose.

To her disappointment, she is the most common grey-feathered swan.

To make matters worse, she couldn't even tell the difference between male and female.

And even if Nanzhou becomes another species, it is visibly much more beautiful than her.

She thought sadly: it true in fairy tales?

Nanzhou's feathers are completely clean, with snow-white roots and no impurities.

The fur on the neck is especially fluffy and soft, like a warm white scarf in winter.

The tail seems to be tied with a pure white streamer.

And a bright red beak and black eyes.

Every color was brought to the extreme on him.

After Li Yinhang and Nan Zhou both turned into geese, the only thing in common, that is, on the upper side of the left leg, they both added a pure gold ring.

The ring shimmers brightly and has a smaller, decorative little gold ring.

"This is a temporary sign that you belong to this place temporarily."

Seeing Li Yinhang pecking the gold ring on his leg with his beak curiously, the blonde girl gently explained, "When the game is over, remember to take it off in time. Otherwise, wait until you become human again. It will be very painful.”

"However, if you don't want to take it off, there is no problem. After a while, it will be a permanent gift. Just treat it as my gift to you."

Nan Zhou didn't listen much to the commentary of the girl who was smiling and smiling.

He raised his head and looked straight at Jiang Fang in front of him.

Jiang Fang gently touched his head with his lips, and whispered to him, "Have you thought of where this is in your brain?"

Nan Zhou shook his head.

There is too little information to judge.

Jiang Fang just asked, so that he could think about other things and not worry too much about himself.

He used his thumb to lightly touch the soft piece between Nanzhou's forehead, leaving a fluffy fingerprint.

…feel good.

Want to goose.

But he hid his thoughts under a reassuring smile.

"Don't move."

"Wait when I get back."

Nan Zhou's words suddenly sounded familiar.

…this face, this voice, this sentence.

The familiarity made him suspicious and he was under the full moon, and his breathing was disturbed for a few breaths.

But the familiarity is fleeting.

As if the constriction of the heart was just the product of an illusion.

Nan Zhou nodded: "I will wait for you here."

Jiang Fang brushed the fur on the top of his head with his fingertips, raised his head, and nodded slightly to the blond girl, indicating that he can start.

His figure was enveloped by the same shiny golden glow as before.

When he emerged from the golden light that covered the sky like a strange flower, everything in front of him made him frown slightly.

Scenes, not much has changed.

Clear sky, green grass, and a small pool in the distance.

There are no sheep, swans and Nanzhou.

With nothing to hide, Jiang Fang saw that there was a small square black spot about 800 meters away from him in a straight line.

It looks like a door.

The sight in front of him, and the task he will eventually accomplish, reminds Jiang Fang of... a real-life simulation side-scrolling game.

He looked down at his body.

The face is still his face, and the choker around his neck has not changed.

But his clothes were changed.

Sapphire blue and off-white make up the main color lo skirt, which makes the complexion that he raised in the climate of Eastern Europe cool and white better than snow.

Fine white pearl brooches overlapped down.

Bandage, almost laughing out loud.

… Really a princess.

The girl stood slenderly in front of him and said with a smile, "The game starts from here."

"When you go through the first door, you have the right to leave at any time."

Speaking of this, her smile became deeper and unfathomable: "Don't let your friends down. They are willing to become swans for you."

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