Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Brain Invasion (5)

Jiang Fang knows the next story without continuing to read.

Because he had brought the South Pole Star into "Eternal Day", when he brought Nanzhou out of "Eternal Day", it went as smoothly as Jiang Fang expected.

Afterwards, all the team members did not support the release of Nan Zhou from the warehouse, nor did Jiang Fang expect.

Their concerns are justified.

If he was still Nan Zhou in the comics, the young man who fought to protect his family, not many people would be so suspicious of him now.

If these players who are accidentally trapped in the game won't die, you may be happy to play a friend game with such a virtual character to get a good impression.

But the world of Nanzhou has been invaded by another world.

The emotions he received were all negative and malicious.

You can't tell whether the "normal" that Nanzhou is showing at this time is fake or real.

What's more, two of the players led by Jiang Fang had played the copy of "Eternal Day".

One was twisted around the neck by Nan Zhou himself, and the other was attacked by a group of light charmers and bitten to death on the spot.

Now, their consciousness cannot leave the game.

No one wants to wander around life and death every day with an uncontrollable, unpredictable humanoid weapon behind them.

No matter how beautiful this weapon is, it still glows with blood.

Everyone brought him out to pass the test.

Let him out, why?

Accept the boss as a younger brother? make friends?

It was just a joke, how could it be true?

Jiang Fang knows that, intellectually speaking, his teammates' judgments are conservative and correct.

But the right thing, sometimes, he's not happy to do.

Jiang Fang felt that that power was using them to conduct some kind of test.

It was just that at that time, in order to survive, they could only be a group of guinea pigs.

Second day after successfully coming out of Eternal Day.

It is night.

In a hotel in the empty city "Rusty City", which has lost its prosperity and people, the mice live in separate rooms, anxiously waiting for the next teleportation that will happen.

Jiang Fang chose a big bed room and lived in it alone.

At dusk, he privately released Nanzhou, which had been in his backpack for a day and a night.

When she was released, Nan Zhou curled up and fell asleep.

His forehead was soaked with sweat, and a few strands of black hair were stuck to his forehead in a mess, which made his skin white and his eyes sharp.

When he landed on the soft mattress, the slight rebound under his body made him gradually wake up from the trance.

He sat up from the bed, his sweaty eyelashes moving.

…not awake.

Jiang Fang sat by the bed and looked at him with a slight smile, until she could see Nan Zhou's consciousness a little bit sober.

After a while, Nan Zhou said, "You let me out?"

His cold voice was a little sleepy, dull and gentle.

Jiang Fang: "Yeah."

Nan Zhou lowered his head and pulled the quilt under his palm.

Jiang Fang: "Why don't you speak?"

Nan Zhou stared at him and shook his head silently: I don't want to listen to you.

It can be said that the interpretation of "prank" is very cute.

The corners of Jiang Fang's mouth twitched gently, and he was not surprised: "You heard it, didn't you?"

He had already guessed that the Nanzhou in his backpack could hear and see everything that was happening outside.

So, unless they really make up their minds, they want to trap Nanzhou for the rest of their lives in this little backpack. The longer he is locked up, the more mad Nanzhou will go.

This is not what Jiang Fang wants to see.

Nanzhou is in his hands and needs to play a greater role.

Jiang Fang once wondered why when he first saw Nan Zhou, he didn't go to him, chat with him, and hug him.

When Nanzhou was lonely, he gave him the apple tree and the Antarctic star, but he refused to give him a bit of his warmth to his face.

Later, he figured it out.

Because he is Jiang Fang.

Jiang Fang is an egoist who refuses and fears all intimate relationships.

The usual meaning of "interpersonal communication" here is just to get something from the other party.

Nanzhou in Jiang Fang's memory is a spiritual pure land that belongs to him.

Because he was reluctant to taint, he would subconsciously stay away from Nanzhou.

Now, because of game bugs and crashes, he has to establish a new relationship with Nanzhou.

So, Jiang Fang took out his inertial thinking.

—use and be used, control and be controlled.

This way of getting along can make Jiang Fang feel a little safer.

When his mind changed, Jiang Fang's smile also adjusted to his best angle.

That is the most comfortable, and the most false warmth and perfection: "My teammates are a little too cautious. But I still need them, so please don't mind."

Nan Zhou states the truth: "They don't believe me."

Jiang Fang: "You need a chance, they will like you. No one will dislike you."

Nan Zhou looked directly into his eyes: "How about you?"

Jiang Fang was startled: "I..."

Fortunately, his expression management is first-rate, and he quickly smiled and said: "Of course."

Nan Zhou: "I thought you didn't like me either, so you locked me up."

Jiang Fang gently changed the concept: "Sometimes, if you like someone, you have to lock him up."

Nan Zhou blinked and expressed her doubts frankly: "I don't understand."

Jiang Fang is not used to discussing "like" topics with people.

It reminded him of his mother who was full of love.

He said generally: "You will understand later."

Jiang Fang explained to Nan Zhou how to help him with his "likable" plan.

Planning is simple.

In a certain dangerous dungeon occasion, Jiang Fang will release Nanzhou appropriately to give him a chance to save everyone's life.

Of course, Jiang Fang didn't talk about Nan Zhou.

People's trust and empathy are chips that can be used for calculation.

When the trust value is accumulated enough, Nanzhou will naturally have the opportunity to be free.

Nanzhou is a complete human figure after all, and he has been with everyone for a long time, blurring the boundaries of dimensions, and everyone will empathize with him.

After briefly describing her plan, Nan Zhou agreed.

He believes this is a reasonable exchange.

Just before gaining trust, he needs to stay in Jiang Fang's backpack.

Jiang Fang promised him that when there were only the two of them, he would release Nanzhou.

Nan Zhou nodded obediently: "Yes."

Seeing that he agreed so easily, Jiang Fang almost wanted to knock his head.

He said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Just trust me like that?"

Nan Zhou: "Well. You are a friend."

Jiang Fang: "None of those players said they wanted to be your friends?"

Nanzhou: "Yes."

Nan Zhou: "But you were the first to bring me out."

Nan Zhou: "They didn't do it, you did it."

Nan Zhou: "So, you are different. I like you very much."

Jiang Fang: “…”

He thought the Nanzhou was a very strange creature.

He has traveled a long road that many people have never traveled in their entire lives, and has seen many people who have never been seen in their entire lives.

Since most people claim to be mature, they like to wrap themselves in words and arm themselves into a polite and euphemistic appearance.

When expressing love and hate, it is so restrained.

Even people who are passionate about love are mostly happy when they talk about love.

Love is strong, really lacking.

But the tone of Nan Zhou's speech is like holding a heart straight in front of him and asking him seriously: This is my heart, do you want it?

Faced with this seriousness, Jiang Fang is clearly able to do it well, but he always feels that he is on the verge of losing control.

This wonderful sense of dislocation made him uncomfortable.

So he decided not to talk to Nan Zhou.

The streets of "Rust City" are cold and light, and there is no fireworks.

The setting sun is a small cooked duck egg yolk, and when you touch it, there will be a greasy crispy juice.

Nanzhou was lying by the hotel window, looking at the sun, almost stunned.

He turned his head in the sunset like duck yolk and said to Jiang Fang: "...the sun."

For Nanzhou, this should be a sight that can be seen every day.

Jiang Fang could not understand his freshness.

He couldn't help being curious and responded, "Yes. It's the sun."

Nan Zhou raised his head and said, "I have never seen a sun of this color."

In the comics of "Eternal Day", the extreme color contrast is a major feature.

Therefore, the never-ending sun is either white enough to make people snow blind, or red enough to shed blood.

Nanzhou has never seen such a different sun.

Nanzhou stared at a sun and watched it gradually sink.

Until a crescent moon climbed into the air, Nan Zhou raised his face and continued to watch, Jiang Fang realized later that if he did not stop, Nan Zhou would look at the moon motionless see dawn.

He took the curious cat back in tears.

Nanzhou went to wash first.

However, if Jiang Fang hadn't grabbed him out of the bathroom again, he could have studied the hair dryer for another half an hour.

When Jiang Fang finished his simple washing and was ready to go to bed, Nan Zhou was already in the quilt.

There is only one quilt in the double room.

Jiang Fang naturally opened a corner, ready to go in.

However, by the warm apricot light in the room, Jiang Fang found that Nan Zhou had taken off all his coat and trousers, and only wore the one he wore, which was slightly larger for his figure white shirt.

The white shirt can only cover the small half of the snow-white circle behind him.

Nan Zhou lay shamelessly in his bed like this, tilting his head to look at the moon in the sky, and talking to him at the same time: "I have never seen a crescent moon hanging like this in the sky. Long."

Jiang Fang: “…”

He let out a stream of heat, pretended not to notice it, and got in.

…and deliberately kept a distance from him.

After lying down, Nan Zhou still asked curiously, "My friend, do you want to sleep together like we do now?"

Afraid that he would go out and run around and tease his teammates with average psychological qualities, Jiang Fang coaxed him: "Yeah."

Nan Zhou nodded and wrote down this new knowledge point: "Hmm."

Nan Zhou's hand reached under the pillow, but it happened to touch Jiang Fang's fingertips under the pillow.

Jiang Fang's fingers curled back cautiously.

Nan Zhou asked him, "Don't you like having nightmares too?"

Jiang Fang whispered: "Well."

Nan Zhou comforted him in turn: "Don't worry, put your hands under the pillow, don't press your stomach, it won't be easy to have nightmares."

Jiang Fang smiled softly: "…Thank you for the reminder."

The two looked at each other for a while under the covers, but didn't speak much.

Jiang Fang did not have another pair of eyes to look at himself.

So he had no idea how gentle his expression was.

It was not until Nan Zhou completely closed his eyes that Jiang Fang moved his hand back slightly.

He grabbed the sharp ice pick he hid under the pillow and moved it in his direction.

I was afraid that Nanzhou would find out, and I was afraid of embarrassing him.

When Jiang Fang came to his senses, Nan Zhou had already taken Li Yinhang out of the book labyrinth.

After confirming that Nanzhou is safe and sound, Li Yinhang, who was frantically fighting in the jungle with the one-legged tin soldier, finally came out.

Even though this level is full of dangers, the three of them cooperated perfectly, stepping on the crisis and rushing towards the light.

So although Li Yinhang was not too tired, his expression was quite happy.

In contrast, behind her, the tin soldier who was forced to exercise with her for fifteen minutes at a high intensity pulled a grasshopper face, leaning on a gun, and jumped out step by step, standing up to the Open door.

"Three please get out here" was written all over the face.

Nan Zhou greeted Jiang Fang: "I brought her back."

Jiang Fang pinched the blank page that once recorded his secrets in the palm of his hand and carried it behind his back.

It's like hiding the sharp blade that once represented vigilance.

He smiled: "Welcome back."

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