Forces of Temptation

Chapter 47: Sand, Sand, Sand (12)

Hu Li sent this message late at night on the 23rd.

Hu Li hid under the quilt, sweating in cold sweat, and repeatedly sent WeChat to remind Sun Guojing that the danger was standing by his bedside.

However, Sun Guojing's mobile phone seemed to be muted, and there was no sound.

He stretched his muscles, mustered great courage, and stuck an eye out of the quilt in sweat.

The shadow is still there.

And, staring at yourself.

Hu Li saw that it was his own face.

At that time, Hu Li shouted like Sun Guojing who felt something in the bed for the first time.

It is said that this is the sixth time he has heard the rustling sound.

It is also said that when he screamed, the whole dormitory was silent.

There is no host to knock on the door.

Everyone slept soundly, leaving him alone in endless terror.

Hu Li jumped up, turned on the headlights, and shook all the roommates frantically.

They are finally awake.

However, the answers they gave made Hu Li even more horrified.

"Have you had a nightmare?"

"Turn off the lights, turn off the lights, it's half past three, and I have to train tomorrow!"

Hu Li burst into tears.

He cried to Sun Guojing vaguely: "I can't be dreaming! I sent you WeChat! I told you that there is someone beside your bed!"

Sun Guojing squinted his eyes, touched the phone, flipped through the records, and threw the phone directly into Hu Li's arms: "Where did you send it to me? What did you send it? Hysteria?"

The sluggish Hu Li was pushed back to the bed by his three brothers.

He curled up in the blanket with sweat and body temperature, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The above content is all from Sun Guojing's mobile phone.

Afterwards, Hu Li stayed up all night, recorded everything he had experienced since he heard the "rustle" sound, and sent it to everyone he knew.

He tried his best to maintain his last connection with the world.

As for the result, they all know.

AI slowly recited the long text written by Hu Li.

"Everything has changed since we entered that classroom."

"You are less and less able to hear me and less and less able to see me."

"Why am I still in the dormitory, you ask, where did Hu Li go?"

"Why am I the only one? Did I do something wrong?"

"When playing football, Jiaming told me that he heard that sound."

"I told me about my situation, but he didn't believe it. Because he only heard it once."

"Let's get together and have a good talk, okay?"

"I haven't confessed to Yinhang yet, but she can't hear my confession now."

"Will my parents forget me too? I don't know if this is good or bad. The good thing is that they won't be sad. The bad thing is...the bad thing is..."

The despair between the words, and the AI's cold tone, which maintains a perfect spacing between each character, form a strong and incongruous sense of dislocation.

After listening to this cry, the chills on everyone's body lingered for a long time.

Hu Li's message proves that they have provoked a kind of power.

This power secretly deceives their "feelings".

It changed and distorted their cognition, so that when Jiang Fang posted that horror post for fishing, everyone, even Hu Li's classmates, were discussing with great interest" Who is Hu Li?"

Because everyone forgot.

Because of this, no school lore can accommodate it.

It has always existed on this campus.

After roughly figuring out their current situation, Sun Guojing's fear was even stronger, but his mental instability was gradually lifted.

Because confusion is the main factor affecting the san value.

The effects of despair and fear are relatively small.

Before Sun Guojing's san value fell to 1, its downward momentum was swayingly terminated.

Seeing that the trio was dazed by the impact of the facts and could not listen to anything they said, the three decided to leave temporarily.

Before leaving, Jiang Fang left a message of "contact if you have something to do".

I don't know if they heard it.

Nan Zhou, Jiang Fang and Li Yinhang walked down the stairs slowly.

Nan Zhou said: "In this way, the relationship chain also makes sense."

There were nine people participating in the party that day.

Sun Guojing, Luo Ge, Qi Tianyun, and Hu Li are naturally four.

Qi Tianyun took advantage of Xie Xiangyu's shortcomings in the mathematics department and threatened him as an errand boy.

Xie Xiangyu's friend Zuo Jiaming in the dormitory is also a friend of Hu Li.

They often play football together.

…The one they often play is the football they parked against the radiator when they entered the dormitory.

Hu Li obviously knew and had a crush on Li Yinhang, a girl from the Statistics Department, so he asked her to play together.

Because all the boys attending the party, Li Yinhang called his high school friend Nan Zhou for safety.

Nan Zhou brought his boyfriend Jiang Fang.

The two missing links are filled, and the relationship between the characters is completely smooth.

Li Yinhang's face was very bad.

Although she is only the player "Li Yinhang" and is not involved in the interpersonal relationship before the dungeon, however, any person with normal emotions, when he hears someone who has a secret love for him, is like this air Disappearing silently in the world is inevitably sad.

She reluctantly asked: "...why was Hu Li the first?"

As he kept asking, why him?

This is an unimportant question, and can be summed up with the word "unlucky".

But Nan Zhou started the analysis seriously.

Nan Zhou said: "Because he is the most important."

Nan Zhou said: "The role of 'Hu Li' is the most important link in the relationship between the characters of the copy, connecting Yinhang and the second disappearing Zuo Jiaming. If when we came in, , one of us played the original role of 'Hu Li', and his phone would provide too many clues. That way the copy would be less interesting."

Nan Zhou said: "This is determined by the game settings."

Nanzhou's logic and way of thinking are as strange as the last world commentary and analysis ghost "can't give people a bright memory".

Li Yinhang was unable to say anything.

For the first time, she felt like she was being played by the **** game Gravity.

And just when she was highly tense, there was an echo-like, vague rustling sound in the silent stairway.

No, the source of the sound is not in the stairway.

In her ear canal.



"Again..." she murmured in a moaning tone, "Again..."

She covered her ears and sat down on the stairs, holding her head tightly.

She said with her last strength, "I'll take a seat."

Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang, who had already taken a few steps forward, stopped.

Noticing that Li Yinhang's shoulders trembled slightly, Nan Zhou was a little confused.

He wanted to pat her, but Jiang Fang lightly tapped her waist from behind, motioning him to stay still.

Next, Jiang Fang silently sat beside Li Yinhang.

Nanzhou intends to follow suit.

But since Li Yinhang was sitting against the railing, Nan Zhou could only sit next to Jiang Fang, and stuck his head out to see Li Yinhang's condition.

Jiang Fang understands Li Yinhang's collapse very well.

Or, to be more precise, she just collapsed now, and she is already quite able to carry it.

Looking back on the way they have traveled, in the demo level, although the development was rushed, but fortunately the space is closed, the number of people is limited, and there are traces to follow.

In the first instance, the space has been opened up and the difficulty has increased, but it is still within a reasonable range.

Although there are occasional disputes, temptations and concealments between the three teams, they still trust each other in the general direction.

After a near-miss, in the Douzhuan Casino during the break, I completely defeated the boss Qu Jinsha.

He didn't win a lot, but he was quite excited.

Then, just when morale was at its highest, they randomly got this confusing dungeon.

The map is too big all of a sudden, but there are too few clues.

Let's not talk about relying on each other between the three teams, not counting each other and coaxing each other to die.

Not to mention there is a powerful force that they simply cannot fight.

Every minute they lived was like opening a blind box.

No one knows who will be wiped next.

If their emotions were a fire of hope before, the second level is the pot of cold water poured from the sky.

In front of them, the clues they found so easily proved their powerlessness.

Faced with that force, they don't seem to have any initiative at all.

As the copy requirements say, "alive" and "not crazy", it is very difficult to do these two things.

Jiang Fang was thinking, Nan Zhou was thinking, Li Yinhang was thinking too.

Li Yinhang cheered up a little after reconsidering his emotional direction.

Because she has done customer service, her ability to withstand pressure is quite OK.

She rubbed her face and raised her head: "I'm fine..."

…then she saw the apple that Nan Zhou held up in front of her and shrank back.

Nan Zhou hugged the apple and said a little reluctantly: "...It's good."

However, in the end, the apple was broken into three pieces by Nanzhou Kacha Kacha, and divided equally among three people.

Consuming a little sugar, Li Yinhang's pale complexion finally improved.

She said: "I didn't like apples before. Now I think it's a good thing to be able to eat them."

"I love apples." Nan Zhou said, "When I was young, I never ate them. When I grew up, I fell in love with them."

Li Yinhang let out a sigh, and his mind couldn't help but move.

She has always had a sense of marginality with the two bosses.

Even when they lived together for a few days, they were just talking about which snack bar was cheaper.

This was the first time she heard Nan Zhou mention his past.

Li Yinhang suddenly wanted to talk.

She lowered her head, with an expression that could not be concealed: "I miss my parents."

Jiang Fang and Nan Zhou were very calm.

Although according to common sense, 24-year-old Li Yinhang's parents should also be in the game.

But according to Li Yinhang's appearance of being more concerned about the safety of her roommate after being brought into the copy, her parents should at least be safe.

Li Yinhang said softly: "They are all in the 'cocoon room' in the next city,"

"I was born when my mother was 39."

"I have a sister who had an accident when I was 17. My mother wanted me."

"Her name is Li Yinhang, so my name is Li Yinhang too. But they all love me and treat me well."

"She is always only 17 years old. I don't want my parents to think of me in a hundred years, and I can only think of me at 24 years old."

After confiding his greatest fear, Li Yinhang buried his face in his palm, calmed his emotions, and then turned his tense, slightly crying tone to normal: "How about you?"

"I did come back from Ukraine after my parents died."

Jiang Fang has long hands and long legs, and when it stretches out on the stairs, its size is amazing, and it looks good no matter how you play it.

He rested his elbows on his knees at will, and said: "My mother used to be from City C. I came back to live here, walk around, and see how she used to be with me. The places mentioned are still there."

Li Yinhang asked: "Brother Fang, what exactly do you do?"

Jiang Fang smiled and said, "I didn't lie, I'm really a homeless person."

It's Nanzhou's turn.

Nan Zhou said: "I have parents. I also have a younger sister."

He thought about it and added, "I don't know where they are now."

There is no emotion in his face or heart.

After getting along these days, Li Yinhang could see that although Nan Zhou was not good at expressing his heart, he was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

A person who can say "you must have the ability to protect yourself" will not be a person who is indifferent.

...But he didn't want to mention his family.

It is not easy to have such an opportunity to communicate with each other, and you can shorten the distance and upgrade your thighs to become the thighs of friendship. Li Yinhang asked a very positive attitude: "Mr. Nan, where did you go to college?"

Nanzhou answered succinctly: "Xinhua."

Xinhua College?

The art and design department of that school is indeed nationally famous.

"And then graduated from the teaching fund?"

Nanzhou: "Yeah."

"Is the child easy to teach?"

"It's hard."

"Do you mainly teach watercolor, drawing or painting?"


Li Yinhang felt that he was talking hard with his back teeth.

It turns out that Nan Zhou only talks a lot when he wants to talk.

Seeing that this heart-to-heart trip is going to be broken here in Nanzhou, Li Yinhang asked casually, "Have you ever talked about a girlfriend?"

…Nan Zhou stopped talking.

Li Yinhang: “…”

Li Yinhang: "?"

Li Yinhang: "???"

You are wrong.

Perceiving the silence beside him, Jiang Fang also turned his head.

"Mr. Nan, do you have any?" He smiled lightly, "I don't seem to know this part."

Nan Zhou looked up at the two of them.

After a long silence, he spoke.

"Don't you think that Xie Xiangyu is very strange."

Li Yinhang: “…”

Why can a smart person like Nan Zhou be so blunt when it comes to discussing topics?

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