Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 168: Evil descends (14)

The necklines of the clergy were starched very hard.

Jiang Fang pulled at the neckline. After moving around, he still felt that he could not break free from the suffocating restraint like a rope.

He was a little breathless, so he was irritable.

A man with earrings in a robe who plays the role of "believers who come to the church to work for free" climbed the stairs and saw the two people standing side by side in front of the window. He didn't think much about it, and greeted warmly: " Boss, Brother Nan-"

Jiang Fang turned half of his face, his eyes as cold as the night: "Go away."

The man with the ear stud was startled, and before his foot touched the ground, he twisted it 180 degrees, and turned sharply: "Okay."

Nan Zhou glanced at Jiang Fang curiously.

… This was the first time he saw Jiang Fang so out of control.

Jiang Fang has always been very elegant, smooth and gentle, and looks like a bowl of water to anyone, without bias, and love without boundaries.

With Nanzhou's insensitive sensitivity to human relationships, he couldn't understand why Jiang Fang, who had such a smiling face, would keep the team members away.

However, the man with ear studs failed to answer his doubts, and instead fled downstairs.


After a long silence, Jiang Fang continued this task.

The irritability and depression in his live voice were hurriedly sorted out, and his tone was light and even a little erratic: "Where are you going?"

Nan Zhou: "I'm not sure either."

Nan Zhou: "But I'm not going with you."

Jiang Fang was a little stunned, but when he came back to his senses, the smile on the corner of his mouth had a tendency to spread.

He muttered, "'You'?"

His fingers clenched in front of him, gritted his teeth, and repeated sourly: "...'you'?"

Jiang Fang's tone was too subtle, making Nan Zhou start to reflect on whether his pronouns were used incorrectly.

After confirming that it was correct, Nan Zhou raised his head and affirmed: "Yes, it has always been you."

Nan Zhou knew that everyone in the team wanted to be close to him, but were afraid of him.

The only real close connection he has with this team is Jiang Fang.

On the other hand, although Nan Zhou is not sensitive, he can also know what is far and near, cold and hot.

Jiang Fang wanted to hug him countless times, but he would let go when he responded.

Only one night, when he was awakened by an unexplained nightmare, he would put his fingertips under his pillow and gently touch his knuckles, seeking some kind of comfort.

Based on Nanzhou's thin experience of getting along with people, he couldn't figure out why.

In his opinion, he and Jiang Fang have come and gone, living and dying together, and now, you are still you, and I am still me.

Jiang Fang asked him, "Where do you want to go?"

Nan Zhou: "Take a walk. Maybe find another team and go through other dungeons."

Jiang Fang: "Can't we make a copy with us?"

Nanzhou: "It's different."

Jiang Fang: "What's the difference?"

The two of them asked one question and answered the other, with a calm tone and a harmonious atmosphere, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with them.

But Nan Zhou noticed that Jiang Fang clasped the wrist of the other with one hand, as if suppressing some kind of desire in his body.

His hands that were always as steady as Mount Tai were trembling.

This rare scene made Nan Zhou really worried.

He asked, "Brother Fang, are you feeling well?"

…it’s not uncomfortable, it’s not right.

This is not right.

In Jiang Fang's palm, the poker game that has always been orderly and well handled has been turned upside down.

Jiang Fang is trying hard not to look at Nanzhou now, because he needs to restrain himself and not be distracted.

His thirst surged in an instant, like a powerful tide, to engulf the Nanzhou.

He wanted to lock him up, trap him, and not let him go anywhere.

Jiang Fang is a cunning rabbit, always used to leave a way for himself.

He knew where the weakness of Nanzhou was.

Nanzhou seems to be invincible, and the only natural enemy is the full moon.

But Jiang Fang has watched "Eternal Day" countless times, and he knows that Nanzhou has a weakness that he may not even know about himself.

—In his head, there lived a small white peacock.

It's the product of the Glamour strain taking root in his brain.

It is not only the source of his strength, but also his most easily grasped handle.

In other words, Nanzhou's spirit is quite fragile.

If Jiang Fang wanted to, he could use Nan Zhou's absolute trust in him at this time to physically destroy Nan Zhou's spirit.

But Jiang Fang did nothing.

He just shook his hands slightly, stood side by side with him, looking at the moon, letting the tides in his heart shred and reassemble his sanity.

Seeing that Jiang Fang did not answer, Nan Zhou did not pursue it any further.

He said, "It's not the same."

Jiang Fang asked the most crucial question, which he had been avoiding all the time, in a calm tone under the tension of his mind like bouncing high in the sky—


Why are you leaving suddenly?

What did you do? Did it make him angry?

Jiang Fang kept forcing him to recall the little things he had spent with him these days, so much that his heart ached.

Nan Zhou repeated: "'Why'?"

Next, the two fell into a strange and long silence and staring at each other.

Looking at his own reflection in his eyes, Jiang Fang suddenly woke up.

Nan Zhou also asked him, "Why".

Nan Zhou touched his heart, recalling the action of drawing circles on the stained glass that is parallel to his heart today, trying to circle people into his heart.

But at that moment, he clearly realized that Jiang Fang didn't want to be surrounded by him.

Because he is not human.

Nan Zhou read many books.

Those books were about human society, and a fixed program was implanted in his mind, almost making him think that he was human too.

But that has nothing to do with him after all.

He couldn't dissect himself.

He couldn't tell if his happiness was also due to the secretion of dopamine.

He doesn't know if his love also comes from pheromones.

The book says that a man does not have the female organs for reproduction and reproduction, and he has all the male sexual characteristics in appearance, but because he is not a human, he cannot even be sure whether he can conceive.

Nanzhou is just the Nanzhou in the virtual world.

He's not cute.

Because he is not a human being.

Nan Zhou said: "You have been pushed by the forces behind the game. Your purpose is to survive, pass the customs, and get out alive. But my purpose is different from yours."

"I don't even know where I'm going if I die here."

"Return to Never? Or disappear altogether?"

"So, I want to leave you guys and find another way to get close to that power."


He didn't say what came next.

Compared with Jiang Fang's silence, Nan Zhou is frank enough.

But he could also feel a tiny, cutting pain in the apex of his heart.

This feeling is too unfamiliar, and Nan Zhou doesn't know how to avoid it, so he can only let the sourness in his heart be tempered, while looking at Jiang Fang seriously.

"Brother Fang, you are my best friend."

He said clearly, "I think... I was born to spend these few months with you. This may be the same as everything I have experienced before, it is the plot of the book, but It's a happy episode. It's happier than every day I've been in town before, combined."

Jiang Fang opened his mouth.

There is so much he wants to talk about.

They may be played by the originator until they die in a dungeon.

It is also possible that the initiators will get tired of playing with them one day, crush them like ants, or throw them out of the game and let them return to their own lives.

Of course, Jiang Fang believes that there is a deeper conspiracy brewing behind this.

The game is improving little by little, and the copy is being updated little by little.

They are in it and feel deeply.

To this day, their storage slot system, teammate system, game reward system and other modules have been running quite smoothly.

The roles they play are more like game testers.

Jiang Fang never pinned his hopes on the benevolence of these people behind the scenes, but it was not hopeless.

Jiang Fang has been thinking about these things.

He is not planning for Nanzhou for a moment.

It's just that he can't say it.

He never makes unsure promises, and he doesn't know where his future is.

He didn't even know if he should make an assertion and plan his future for Nan Zhou.

Is this the best solution for him?

Nan Zhou has been quietly staring at Jiang Fang's lips, hoping he can hear something from his mouth.

No surprise, Jiang Fang is quiet.

It's just that there are extremely complex emotions surging in his eyes, the whirlpools and the crisscrossing currents under the sea.

It was his soul struggling fiercely between reason and indulgence.

But Nan Zhou doesn't understand.

He only felt that Jiang Fang was apologizing and avoiding something.

Therefore, Nan Zhou finally no longer holds unnecessary expectations and hopes.

"Brother Fang, you don't have to be sorry." Nan Zhou put his hand on Jiang Fang's shoulder and patted it comfortably, "Our relationship may not be as good as I imagined. You Just don't like me, that's fine."

He was cold and indifferent, even saying goodbye rehearsed in advance: "Brother Fang, it's nice to meet you."

Jiang Fang's heart beat violently.

His palms were closed, and when they were closed again, there was an extra pair of silver handcuffs.

He properly hid this silver light and put it behind his back, not letting Nan Zhou see it.

He asked Nan Zhou in a relaxed tone with a heart aching: "Then do you want to sleep together today?"

Nanzhou: "Yeah."

He chose to say goodbye in advance, also in order to make the separation less unexpected, so both parties must be prepared.

Nanzhou is always polite.

They returned to the room side by side, as they had done many nights before.

They were also lying face to face in the church bell that night as they are now.

Jiang Fang touched his arms and chest over and over again, as if it was a rare emotional presumption before saying goodbye.

In fact, he was measuring and calculating, after controlling Nanzhou, how long a rope would be needed to tie him.

He heard Nan Zhou ask him, "Brother Fang, what do you want to do after you go out?"

Jiang Fang's fingertips rested on his shoulders like a butterfly.

"After going out..." Jiang Fang said softly, "Who knows."

Time has returned to the present.

"After going out..."

Jiang Fang adjusted his sleeping position, and a smile appeared in his final voice: "What does Teacher Nan want to do?"

Nanzhou, who has no memory, has also forgotten those redundant troubles.

He thought about it seriously: "Go and see the sea."

Jiang Fang touched the hair on his forehead: "[Brain Invasion] In that world, isn't there a sea?"

Nan Zhou: "I didn't read it seriously at that time. It's also different from the book."

Jiang Fang: "Don't wait until you go out, we'll see it tomorrow."

Nan Zhou: "Really?"

Jiang Fang: "Really. Think again, what do you want to do after you go out?"

Nan Zhou asked solemnly, "In the outside world, will there be as many cars as here?"

Jiang Fang said: "Yes. We will have them too. At that time, we will buy an RV and go camping around the world."

Nanzhou: "Can one car drive all over the world?"

Jiang Fang: "Yes, as long as there is a highway, we can go there."

Nan Zhou was sleepy by what he said, and said vaguely, "It's a long, long way."

Jiang Fang heard the sleepiness in his life, and coaxedly softened his voice: "Walk slowly, keep walking, until we reach the place where we can't walk, we won't leave Yes. Live and die together, and die together."

Nan Zhou fell asleep with the dream Jiang Fang constructed for him.

In the dream, he dreamed of the church again, and a confrontation with a faceless man by the window.

until Jiang Fang silently hugged him in his arms and rubbed his chin on his ear affectionately.

"Good morning."

Although the hotel they are in is cheap, there is a cafeteria on the ground floor that sells breakfast coupons.

The group room rate paid by the tour group includes a free breakfast voucher per person.

The three of "Cube Ark" simply groomed and came to the restaurant. They didn't see Shao Mingzhe, but saw the young couple with dark circles first.

In front of the small amount of food on the plate, they stuffed it into their mouths one by one.

…After waking up at three, they couldn't fall asleep at all.

Li Yinhang was full of energy and took the initiative to greet them: "Good morning."

Cao Shuguang yawned: "Morning."

Not waiting for him to finish this yawn properly, Li Yinhang said with a smile: "Yesterday's tickets—"

...Cao Shuguang almost choked the yawn into his throat.

Yesterday, Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang lent them 400 baht to buy tickets for the bowing performance.

According to the agreement, they need to pay back 800.

What is opening the door and breaking the bank, that's all.

After paying the money obediently, the sullen couple immediately cheered up and brought a dozen pieces of dry bread, a plate of mint sauce, and two bowls of Tom Yum Kung noodles.

Their energy reserves for the day depended on this morning meal.

Sitting in a restaurant that exudes the smell of exotic food, there is a faint mint smell of toothpaste in his mouth, and his sullen mind is awakened by the morning breeze, and Li Yinhang has the real feeling of being in a foreign country.

Yesterday, she came in a hurry, and she was thinking about the task, but the feeling was not as strong as it is now.

Li Yinhang's ultimate hobby is to save money, and the furthest trip is to leave home to go to university. I didn't expect to have the first experience of traveling abroad in the copy.

With a little secret excitement and anticipation, Li Yinhang placed his first chopsticks on the plate of Tom Yum Kung in front of him.

…then she put down the chopsticks silently.

Nan Zhou held the bowl very seriously, feeding himself noodles at a constant speed with one chopstick at a time.

Well fed.

Li Yinhang grinned: " it delicious?"

Nan Zhou said sincerely: "It's better than me."

Li Yinhang: "..." This is true.

"Put a cushion first." Jiang Fang folded his hands, pressed his chin, and smiled gently, "Today I will take you to eat something really delicious."

Li Yinhang said in surprise: "Aren't you going to do the task?"

"No." Jiang Fang said, "Let's go to the sea."

The author has something to say:

boss: Please respect me.

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