Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 125: Thousands of people chase battle (5)

The scolded Yi Shuige shrugged innocently: "The oleander is quite tall. I thought you would be happy."

Xie Xiangyu: "…"

He was shaking with anger, and a thin layer of anger appeared on his young and handsome face.

"Why are you so angry?" Yi Shuige put on her brown glasses and asked curiously, "Is it because you want to seduce me and go to Nanzhou and the others after I fall asleep."

Xie Xiangyu was silent.

Yi Shuige said with a slightly regretful tone: "When will you know a little about your body? Once you get it, you will be soft, how can you go out and do bad things?"

Xie Xiangyu was so angry that the blood in his head was flowing, buzzing, and he wanted to kick him, but his feet were also tied to the legs of the bed by the puppet wire, so he could only twist his waist angrily and curse: "Don't look down on me!"

The anger reached its peak, but Xie Xiangyu calmed down.

…and kill first and then kill, otherwise it will be difficult to solve the depression in his heart.

Yi Shuige patted his head and praised: "Okay. Come on."

Li Yinhang watched the two quarrel and thought, this is not something Teacher Nan can listen to.

So she and Jiang Fang worked together to pull the interesting Nan Zhou to the other corner of the room.

Jiang Fang covered Nan Zhou's ears from behind, and stopped the two of them from flirting: "...We want to know about the game. The more the better."

There are so many things going on.

The question to ask, everything should start from scratch.

Yi Shuige sat down on the corner of the sofa magnanimously, and gestured for them to sit freely.

The speed at which he switched from the flirting state was unbelievably fast, so he seemed to have a casual air of scum.

He said: "The official announcement of the game was released 10 hours ago."

"The name is 'Herehunter.'"

Nanzhou calculated it.

10 hours ago, they were in the world of the little mermaid.

At that time, Fang should be supporting the rock and kissing himself softly and strongly.

Yi Shuige said: "The approximate game mission is that after the system security screening, it was found that a dangerous BOSS who escaped from the copy, entered the safe point, and disguised as a human player was mixed in with the players. . Just find you, kill you, you can get rich rewards."

"The moment you end your dungeon and return to a safe point, the game dungeon will officially open."

Nanzhou: "The total game time is..."

Yi Shui Song: "Three days."

Nan Zhou: "Isn't that unfair to players who are still in the dungeon and can't receive quests?"

Yi Shuige smiled: "Do you think there are not enough people who want to kill you?"

He explained: "Wild bosses, or some special time tasks, are originally created by luck. If there are players who happen to encounter a long process dungeon during the event, there is no such thing as Method."

"Besides, as long as the dungeon is released within these three days, they will also receive tasks and participate in the pursuit at any time. You don't have to worry about whether they can enjoy the fairness of killing you."

Nan Zhou nodded seriously: "Well, this explanation is reasonable."

Yi Shuige squinted her eyes and looked at Nanzhou with a little appreciation.

Nan Zhou's character suits him very well.

It's a pity that the face is not his dish.

What's more, Jiang Fang, who was beside him, also looked at him with a slight smile, and the warning that the needle was hidden in the cotton in his eyes was quite scary.

Yi Shuige continued: "In the world channel, you also speculated that the reward is two-way."

"You are a big prize pool. With 10,000 points as a base, you can generate 1,000 extra points for every hour you survive."

"Whoever clicks to kill you at a certain time will get all the bonus points accumulated on you since the game officially started."

"If you can't kill it, after 72 hours, all the rewards will be automatically returned to you."

Hearing this, Li Yinhang gasped.

No wonder.

Driven by such huge interests, it is impossible for players not to be moved.

And once players participate, it will have a chain effect like a landslide.

Either the fish die or the net breaks.

Even if they survived by chance, wouldn't they offend all players? How can we survive in a safe spot in the future?

When Li Yinhang was worried about their future, Nanzhou grasped the point: "The game official has not announced my name?"

Yi Shuige shook her head: "No. Your identity was found out by the people in the World Channel after checking the list one by one."

"There are tens of thousands of people participating in the game, and some of them have played "Gravity". It's just that I didn't deliberately think in that direction."

NPCs escape from the instance and play games with them.

If it weren't for the official confirmation of the game, this in itself would sound absurd enough.

Speaking, Yi Shuige supported her head and said with a smile: "Although your name is a common word, you are far more famous than you think.  … much more popular."

Nan Zhou looked at him quietly, waiting for his next words.

"One of the basis for me to determine that you are not harmful is because I am used to doing statistics."

"I counted all the people who spoke for you in the world channel after the official game announcement was released."

"One named Shen Jie, one named Chen Sufeng, and a team code-named 'Bronze' all came forward. The main idea is to persuade everyone to calm down, maybe it is to sow discord, and today it can be said that so-and-so is the boss , next time God knows whose turn it will be, don't listen to the mercy of the system."

"That Chen Sufeng is the most interesting, saying that you are a good person, and when they encounter danger in their tasks, it is your queen who finishes the work."

"And I found an interesting thing after investigation and proper inquiry—"

"These people have partnered with you before."

"Every human player you partner with has never thought of betraying you."

He paused for a while, only to realize that there was a cautious fish beside him who was still sulking and gnashing his teeth.

Yi Shuige glanced at Xie Xiangyu and added:

"Ah, he doesn't count, he wanted to betray him, but I pressed him down."

After some descriptions by Yi Shuige, they have generally understood the content of the game.

Nan Zhou took the sleeping Nanji Star from Li Yinhang's hand, and asked another thing that he cared about.

"Do you know the South Pole Star well?"

Yi Shuige nodded: "Well, it's okay."

Nanzhou: "Why?"

"Because that part is my responsibility."

Yi Shuige seems to be used to announcing something shocking my mother in a flat tone.

"The 'Homeland Island' module of "Gravity", I am the technical consultant."

He tilted his head slightly, facing the suspicious eyes from Li Yinhang aimed at his hair and figure.

Yi Shuige said with a smile: "I will arrange for myself to exercise, climb and surf every day. Don't be stereotyped."

Xie Xiangyu's yin and yang strangeness: "It's a pity it's impotence."

Yi Shuige was not angry at all: "Is this the wish you made on the bed just now?"

Xie Xiangyu was furious: "Who are you talking about?!"

…The game is decided.

Yi Shuige naturally turned her attention back to Nanyang Star: "This honey glider is the same species as the Guandi boss I designed. If you don't believe me, turn over the fur on its belly. , look at its belly."

Nan Zhou: "No need."

He has been friends with Nanji Star for so long, and he has long known that it has a special barcode branded on its lower abdomen.

Yi Shuige shrugged: "I recognized it a long time ago. But I can't figure out why it ran to you?"

Nanzhou held the fluffy, soft group of small animals in the palm of her hand, thoughtfully.

Yi Shuige said: "My original plan was to temporarily form a team with you, and after permission, put you in the backpack and bring out the 'paper gold'."

Nan Zhou: "This will expose you."

Now, there must be countless pairs of eyes in the world channel, staring at the changes of all attributes of the player "Nanzhou".

If they rashly join someone else's team, Yi Shuige and Xie Xiangyu will inevitably be divided into the betrayal camp.

Yi Shuige said indifferently: "I'm not even afraid of you, are you still afraid of this?"

"It's just that you won't trust me. . . Of course, it's a good habit to keep."

Yi Shuige said: "So, my second plan is to use this little thing to take you away."

"I know it. Its mouth is a natural storage box."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to ensure that it has been domesticated enough to not knock your head off when you hide in its mouth."

Nanzhou feels that this plan is still feasible.

He held the South Pole Star, shook it lightly awake, pressed against its small ears, and gently repeated Yi Shuige's plan.

Nanjingxing's ears turned back, and his bright black eyes looked up at Nanzhou, as if he understood what he said.

It just aimed at Nanzhou with a pair of watery eyes, did not move, and looked at him for a moment.

For a moment, Li Yinhang read a weird... melancholy in his eyes.

But this anachronism is fleeting.

It rubbed the palm of Nanzhou, and called out tamely: "Ha."

As a half-father of Nanji Xing, Yi Shui Ge can see every move of this little animal lover.

He looked curious.

It's just a piece of data.

Perhaps, the data itself really has an emotional flow that human beings can't understand at present?

Or maybe…

He stared at Nanzhou's painted eyes, and said to himself, "Perhaps, you are indeed special."

Nanzhou asked, "Why do you say that?"

Yi Shuige: "Don't rush to ask me. I may also need to ask you 'why'."

Nan Zhou looked at Yi Shuige and asked silently with his eyes.

This is also one of the goals of Yi Shuige to bring Nanzhou to her.

Otherwise, just telling the rules of the game, he can send a puppet to do it.

There are some things he must say to Nan Zhou.

Yi Shuige: "When you opened the game, it was very special."

"Because of your original modeling, it is not what you are now."

The author has something to say:

Shuiyu's emotional line is actually:

Boss Xie: I pretended to sleep with him and cheated him of good things.

Yi Shuige: I really sleep with him and give him good things.

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