Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 117: Brain Invasion (30)

The little mermaid's question and answer continued.

Jiang Fang and Nan Zhou had unexpectedly good luck.

They each took their turn again.

The question that Jiang Fang drew was when was the last time he smiled sincerely.

Jiang Fang looked at Nanzhou for fifteen minutes before giving the answer: "Just a second ago."

The question drawn by Nanzhou is what is the most interesting thing in childhood.

He picked and choosed in his childhood full of doubts, fears and unease, and finally filtered out one thing that could be called "interesting".

His answer was: "I took my sister to the suburbs and wanted to leave the town. Then I ran into a wall and went back."

Both got it right.

In contrast, Li Yinhang can be called bad luck.

The next two times, the bottle mouth turned to Li Yinhang.

One is to ask her why she was tempted for the first time in her life, and the other is to ask who the person she hates the most in her life.

Thanks to the big bad wolf in Shangshangguan, Li Yinhang saw almost all the heart-wrenching scenes in her life, and successfully locked herself in the flag-raising ceremony of junior high school for less than a minute.

Correct answer.

But the second question made her difficult.

With her peaceful and cheerful personality, it is rare for her to remember who she had quarreled with.

She had to choose between the tricky client, the weird office director, and the mastermind of "Gravity", and she chose the last one.

…Incorrect answer.

The little mermaid conveys the answer of the ocean: "The person you hate most is your mother."

Li Yinhang: "..." She almost blurted out the sentence wtf.

Li Yinhang really quit this time.

She asked, "Why?"

The little mermaid still gave a formulaic answer: "This is a comprehensive calculation based on emotional values ​​such as mood swings."

Li Yinhang is not convinced: "When will I—"

The little mermaid didn't say the specific content, just pointed to the point: "The source of memory is a diary of your third grade."

Once reminded, Li Yinhang instantly lost his temper.

As a child, she had a big fight with her mother over something she had forgotten about.

She rushed into the room, picked up a pencil like a rafter, and cried aloud, every word was weeping blood.

I'll starve to death.

I will never forgive my mother in this life.

After some careful consideration, she crossed out "I'll starve to death" again.

Because she remembered that this morning her mother said fried chicken wings for dinner.

She also wrote: After eating the fried chicken wings tonight, she packed up her schoolbag and ran away from home, and she will never return to this home again.

Of course, her plan to run away from home was in Waterloo because she ran out of chicken wings and lost her reserves.

Over there, the little mermaid concluded: "You don't detect such strong emotional fluctuations in other people or things."

Li Yinhang: “…”

She closed herself on the spot.

What a **** mental retarded AI.

The numbness rose to her waist and abdomen.

The feeling of being half immersed in a swamp and about to keep slipping into it sucks.

She can only support her body with her hands in vain, making an appearance of struggling upwards, and her movements are a bit funny for a while.

Worrying that her internal organs would stop due to this freezing numbness, her chest felt uncomfortable like a nest of hot mice, scratching her diaphragm anxiously, Under the intense heat, she was so nervous that she wanted to cry.

She only has two chances.

Next time, it's her upper body.

Next time, it's her head.

The drifting bottle into the water is like a compass, swaying and guiding the direction of life and death.

Li Yinhang stared at the turning of the bottle mouth, a thin layer of sweat covered her back, and a small fire seemed to be burning in her throat, gradually evaporating the moisture in her mouth, making her even more anxious Word.

The mouth of the bottle floated and stopped.

Facing Nanzhou.

Nan Zhou raised his hand and said calmly, "Mine."

He took out the paper roll, unfolded it, and said seriously: "What is the kiss that impressed you the most?"

He confirms to the little mermaid: "Kiss?"

The little mermaid is still an unmanned girl, with a thin face and blushing face, confirming the question: "It's a kiss."

Nan Zhou tried to clarify: "Is it the lips. Or something else?"

The little mermaid buried her head: "As you like."

Nan Zhou: "'the deepest impression', does it mean the degree of kissing, or the degree of heart?"

The little mermaid's cheeks were about to burn, and she whispered: "It's all ... it's fine."

Although Li Yinhang was half paralyzed, the little mermaid NPC, a pure-hearted girl, was blushing red when asked by Nan Zhou's straightforward set of tricks. , couldn't help but say soothingly: "It's okay, this is not what you want to ask."

The little mermaid glanced at Li Yinhang gratefully.

Nan Zhou was lost in thought.

The familiar warmth and tingling resurfaced in his stomach.

He thought of Jiang Fang who drank the truth tequila in "Candy House".

Although Jiang Fang was so hungry that he wanted to eat himself, it was irrational, but it should barely be considered a kiss.

Nanzhou intends to wait for fifteen minutes to pass and take this as his answer.

Jiang Fang on another rock frowned.

His fingertips tapped the rocks regularly with the rhythm of the tide.

When Nan Zhou answered the second question, he couldn't judge what happiness was for Nan Zhou, so he did not give an opinion.

The second time he answered, he thought it would be his sister, and he didn't interrupt.

And this time, he thought, he should know the answer.

The glow of the lighthouse is like a gaze from the ancient times, looking at them over and over again.

The sea they are in contains all stories.

A hidden, sad, blood-boiled story.

This reminds Jiang Fang a lot.

Including the kiss between him and Nanzhou who were on the street of paper gold, surrounded by snow-white icing, which seemed to be close at hand, but far away.

Including... He frantically inserted the tip of his tongue into Nanzhou's **** mouth.

Including in the "Candy House" forest just now, those two kisses full of wine and impulsiveness.

There are three kisses they have experienced that can be called intimate.

In terms of Nan Zhou's missing memory, he will definitely choose the last one.

But Jiang Fang believed that with Nan Zhou's ignorance and his maverick judgment on love, the hormones produced at that time were by no means comparable to the previous two.

Jiang Fang could almost foresee the ending that he must answer wrong.

After nearly ten minutes of silence and thought, Jiang Fang suddenly moved.

He pressed the edge of the rock with one hand, and his thigh drove his calf that could no longer move, and turned over like a mermaid and dived under the reef.

With a puff, he disappeared into the emerald-like mirror sea.

The sound of him turning over into the sea alarmed Nan Zhou who was thinking.

Looking back at the empty rock, Nan Zhou's heart was suddenly empty.

Nanzhou: "…Brother Fang?"

No response.

Nanzhou supported the rock and moved a little to the side, trying to find his whereabouts in the blue water under the moonlight.

He saw jellyfish dragging their tails, cruising in groups in the sea.

Their sapphire torso and tail are intertwined, and they mate in a tender and lingering manner.

When Nan Zhou was distracted for a moment, a shadow came out from the bottom of the rock where he was standing. Slowly slide down.

The sweater was wet and clinging to Jiang Fang's muscle curve, outlining simple and clear lines.

Silver hair draped over his shoulders.

Silver eyelashes, pale eyeballs, blended with sea water and moonlight, exudes a soft and unusual yet irresistible charm.

Jiang Fang covered his palm with one hand: "Student Nan, lower your head."

Nan Zhou was surprised: "You..."

Jiang Fang's eyes were filled with a fire wrapped in tender sea water: "I'll teach you to kiss."

Not waiting for Nan Zhou to react, Jiang Fang smiled at him, raised his hand and pressed the back of his neck.

This made Nan Zhou hide back subconsciously, only to find that his back path had been blocked.

Jiang Fang looked up at his eyes and pushed open his tie buckle with his knuckles soaked in seawater: "Kissing attentively."

The time Jiang Fang spent in the underground wind and moon field was so long that he couldn't even remember it.

Although he doesn't get involved, he knows too well where his strengths lie.


Nanzhou does not understand Fengyue, but knows what beauty is.

That's enough.

Nan Zhou really took the bait and asked softly, "What do I want to do?"

Jiang Fang let out a faint smile from his nose: "Lower your head."

Nanzhou did the same.

Jiang Fang took advantage of the buoyancy of the sea to stick most of his body out of the sea, pressing the back of his head with one hand, hooking his loose bow tie with the other, and touching Nanzhou with his upper lip beads 's Adam's apple.

Nanzhou didn't hide, just let him play in confusion.

Jiang Fang was just a little away, but the piece of skin he touched was strangely hot, like a small living creature crawling against his throat, crawling numbly until Go to the bottom of your heart.

Jiang Fang smiled, his index finger slid down slowly against the skin under the button released by his tail finger, clasped Nan Zhou's fingertips, and opened his mouth to bite the collar of Nan Zhou's shirt.

He maintained this posture, crossed Nanzhou's shoulder, and quietly glanced at Li Yinhang and the little mermaid whose cheeks were already steaming.

…He silently asked to clear the scene with his eyes.

The little mermaid covered her eyes with her hands.

Li Yinhang moved himself silently with his hands, turned his body 180 degrees consciously and voluntarily, looked up at the sky, and his heart was surging.

When Jiang Fang looked at the two of them, Nan Zhou looked at the blue jellyfish group under Jiang Fang, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

Nan Zhou was taught to do this for the first time, which was completely different from the previous sense of self-learning without a teacher.

He felt something was wrong.

Something is wrong.

The heart is hot, the face is hot, and the warmth in the body makes the muscles tense.

He stiffened, feeling almost suffocated.

It was Jiang Fang who discovered the crux of the problem before Nanzhou.

He rubbed the corners of Nan Zhou's lips with his slightly cold fingertips, and said with a smile, " need to breathe."

Nan Zhou slowly let out a sigh of relief: "…Hmm."

Confirming that Nan Zhou had regained the ability to breathe on his own, Jiang Fang first put his lips against his forehead, and then said warmly, "Let's lower it a little more."

When Nan Zhou took the initiative to meet him, Jiang Fang's lips touched his unexpectedly and gently.

Jiang Fang was influenced by the environment he was in before, and he did a good job of foreplay and preparation.

Therefore, even if his actual kissing skills are a little green, and the tip of his tongue even stays in his mouth properly, this kiss is destined to not look too sloppy.

Nan Zhou blinked his eyes and stared at Jiang Fang's tightly closed long eyelashes that were trembling slightly.

After observing for a while, he raised his hand and pinned a strand of his loose silver hair behind his ear for Jiang Fang.

When his fingertips scratched his earlobe, Nan Zhou did not know what switch he had turned on.

He only knew that Jiang Fang suddenly deepened the kiss.

When the aggression all over his body passed through his mouth and swept in without reservation, Nan Zhou was confused, and his body faintly showed a strange reaction.

His hand unconsciously covered the contracture and fever of the lower abdomen.

The small electric current passes through the heart, and does not live in Nanzhou.

Such an unusual reaction made Nan Zhou, who always knew his own body very well, at a loss.

It is like encountering a full moon, there is no reason to speak.

He was kissed to let out a low "um", "um".

When Jiang Fang finished the two-minute kissing teaching, the outline of the scene in front of Nan Zhou was a little unclear.

Nan Zhou asked in an uncertain tone: "Is this a kiss?"

Jiang Fang: "Yeah."

Nan Zhou squeezed his chin and thought seriously: "It's... a strange feeling."

Before he could make it clear, the little mermaid covered her eyes and reminded tremblingly, "The time is up."

Jiang Fang's cheeks were flushed, he stretched out his arms, faced Nanzhou, smiled at him in the midst of the turbulent water, his upper body fell backwards, and like a mermaid, he submerged in the water again with ease.

Nan Zhou rubbed the corners of his lips, while aftertaste, he gave the answer: "The most impressive kiss... just now."

The author has something to say:

"Because the sea of ​​memories is too tricky to make mistakes, I simply created memories on the spot"

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