"You will forever be lost in the illusion created by the Qimen after the wind, and the physical body will remain here until it dies. "

You should know how dangerous this place is, if you die here, I'm afraid no one will be able to collect your corpse for you, are you sure you want to go in?"

As soon as Zhou Sheng's words fell, Zhang Qilin replied without the slightest hesitation under the silent water.


Zhang Qilin's words silenced the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as those who had been paying attention to the live broadcast room, but only Shi Wen and the two were not surprised.

[What Grandpa Zhou said is indeed true, although we don't know what the test is, but if the little brother Qilin really can't come out, we really can't even collect the corpse.

[And we can't be sure if Brother Shi Wen can come back safely from this star-picking building, just the test of entering the door is already so dangerous, it's hard to imagine that there are any dangerous things in the building.

This is an inevitable thing, and we can't change anything at all, we can only watch them get through. [

Brother Qilin will definitely not let Brother Shi Wen go in alone, but if he doesn't pass the test, Brother Qilin will also be in danger!] [We have to believe in Brother Qilin!I believe that he will definitely pass the test

!] [We also have to believe in Brother Shi Wen!He will definitely not let Brother Qilin have an accident


[That is to say! There were so many dangers along the way, and they all survived together, and this time it must be no problem!]

The conference room

of the Forbidden Land Exploration Center (Your family is so iron?)

Zhang Lingyu looked at Zhang Haikrypton, whose face was already covered with white stripes, and asked.

(My family patriarch is the strongest...... But what is this old man saying so seriously, what will it be to test?)

Zhang Haikrypton really deserves to be pushed by his family patriarch, but all the words that praise people have been used by him, and his family patriarch is praised by him like a god in the sky.

It is really worthy of being a person who once had a very happy conversation with Liu Sang, and almost took advantage of the strength of the wine to worship on the spot!

But according to the experience and temperament of his family patriarch, it is not an exaggeration to call him a god, and Zhang Lingyu and the curator also admire this Zhang family patriarch from the bottom of their hearts.

But when it comes to the test of Qimen after the wind, Zhang Lingyu really doesn't know very well, but because of Zhang Haikrypton's burning eyes, he can only tell the truth.

"What!!...... You still have a king!"

(You don't know your own exercises in the Inhuman Realm!) (You don't know the identity of this person before, but as far as I know, isn't there a successor to the Wind Queen Qimen in your Inhuman Realm now!Even he doesn't know?!)

After Zhang Haikrypton howled out that voice, eyes from all

sides in the conference room looked at them.

Zhang Haikrypton also realized his gaffe, so he could only use the words on the card game to fool the past, and sat down again to continue to ask questions with his spiritual sense.

(Not everyone can learn the techniques of Qimen after the wind, and you must be a person with no distractions and few desires to Xi.)

(If it is a person who is too greedy to cultivate the Xi Wind Queen's Qi Gate, he will be pulled into the interior by the Wind Queen's Qi Gate.)

(Lost in the illusion of one after another Qimen after the wind structure, he will not be sober in his life, and the two masters of Wudang are the best example.)

(Over the years, the Qimen of the Wind Queen has been hidden by Wudang Zhou Ye, because there has been no suitable person to repair the Xi Fenghou Qimen.)

(This stunt was almost lost, until the king Daochang appeared, which allowed the Wind Queen Qimen to pass it on.)

(We won't take the initiative to understand the Qimen after the wind, first, because after all, it's someone else's mastery, which is not polite.)

(Second, because of the danger of Qimen after the wind, over the years, even if Wang Dao Chang intends to teach it, few people can Xi it, let alone really master it.)

(Now in this world, I am afraid that the only person with the highest attainment in the Wind Queen Qimen is the king Dao Chang,...... If this Zhou Sheng's predecessor is still alive, Wang Daochang will also bow down.

(After all, he is the creator of the Wind Queen Qimen, and he is the one who knows the Wind Queen Qimen best.)

Zhang Lingyu explained the general situation of Qimen after the wind and its dangers, and indicated that only one person might be a little worried about it.

(Since that Wang Dao Master is extremely accomplished in this, can't we let that Wang Dao Master tell us what this so-called test is?)

The curator, who had been silent, asked.

(That is to say, maybe he can give us a little hint, it's better than us worrying here!)

Zhang Haikrypton also echoed on the side.

(...... I'll try it, but don't expect too much, after all, he is a warlock, and what he says is either in the clouds or the secret of heaven cannot be revealed)

Zhang Lingyu didn't expect anything from Wang Ye's reminder, but looking at the curator and Zhang Haikrypton's firm attitude, he had no choice but to dial Wang Ye's number

...... The

three of them stared at the call interface of the mobile phone, but fortunately, the phone was connected without ringing a few times, and a lazy magnetic male voice

came from the opposite side of the mobile phone {I know what you want to ask, I know what the test of Qimen after the wind is, although I can't say it now}


But you can rest assured that at least they have no problem passing the test, and the rest is not visible yet, let's talk about it then, just hang up first}

Before Zhang Lingyu could speak, Wang Ye on the other side had already said a lot of words, and simply hung up the phone

neatly (It seems that we don't need to worry about the next test.)

The curator continued to pick up the cards in his hand and played a pair of kings

(I said Lingyu Dao Chang, for the sake of both of us surnamed Zhang, you can't be on a team with me!)

(But you are a landlord, or treat you as a farmer, let's have another team.)

The three of them continued to play poker, leaving the rest of the room scratching their ears and livers to think about what Fang had just said

on that phone call, and who was on the other end of the phone?

Even if they tried their best to send out the money, they couldn't find the slightest news about that phone call, they were destined not to find out, after all, the network security of the flower grower was not a vegetarian


an unknown Xiaoyu village." Let's just say that the little brother made this move, we are really not surprised at all, I am really Xi used to his style,

"In a small farmhouse courtyard, there are four men sitting on the tables and chairs in the courtyard, eating watermelon while watching the live broadcast

with a tablet, and the person who spoke was dressed in a black leather jacket and leather pants, with a big sunglasses on his face, and just put down

the watermelon teeth he had eaten"

Wipe it, don't say this while eating, and the only ones who are not surprised by the little brother's behavior are you and Wuxie"

The man in the pink shirt on the side frowned, and pretended to be disgusted and threw a handkerchief

to the man in sunglasses

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