Shi Wen originally thought that he would have to go back and forth many times to find a way to enter the underwater attic, but he didn't expect that just one time, he found that

there were not many aquatic plants and fish around the attic, according to Qing Mo, it was because she had been staying here all these years, cleaning and maintaining regularly, so that the underwater palace was not very difficult to find

Shi Wen saw the door of the attic, and the plaque

that I don't know who carried the pen, only three big characters were written on it, "Inhuman Pavilion", the pen was sharp, with a pure wooden structure of the underwater attic, and the dark environment at the bottom of the lake, invisibly revealing a kind of murderous atmosphere

, just when Shi Wen wanted to see if there were any clues on the gate, there was a sense of restraint from his waist, and he looked back, it was Zhang Qilin who pulled the rope

Zhang Qilin gestured to him to step back, let him come and see

the right thing! The little brother has a hairy finger! Even if he wants to check if there is a mechanism, it is the most suitable thing for the little brother

to come Thinking of this, Shi Wen simply gave up his position neatly, and obediently swam behind Zhang Qilin to watch the

other party act

Zhang Qilin held a flashlight in one hand, and groped back and forth on the quaint wooden door with his hairy finger in the other, and within a few minutes, Zhang Qilin withdrew his hairy finger's

white and slender fingers and knocked on the Morse code on the black wooden door, which not only formed a stark contrast, but also made Shi Wen's eyes stick

to it (this door has no mechanism, no key, I don't know how to open it, and the thing behind the door is not clear).

After translating Zhang Qilin's meaning, Shi Wen frowned, and he couldn't even poke out the mechanism of his hair, it seems that the grandparents at that time were not only on guard

inside the attic, but I am afraid that only the means of the warlock could be guarded against physical means, thinking of this, Shi Wen suddenly turned around, swam to the top of the attic, and looked at the attic

below from a bird's-eye angle There seemed to be something on the top of the attic, Shi Wen wanted to get closer and see clearly, but after a few steps, he was dragged back

by Zhang Qilin with a rope and looked at Zhang Qilin disapprovingly, Shi Wen still determined his idea, he must go and see what the thing on the top of the attic is

Zhang Qilin

looked at Shi Wen fixedly for a while, and finally nodded in compromise, but the premise was that he went with Shi Wen, Shi Wen saw that there was a play, and hurriedly nodded and the two landed on the top of the attic, when the light of the flashlight passed, the two found out that this thing was actually a compass

made of bronze Shi Wen looked at the compass for a while, and probably made an evaluation

of the compass

From the point of view of technology, it should be an imitation of the Republic of China, the workmanship of the compass is very fine, the maintenance is not bad, there is not much damage

, but I don't know why there is a pointer pointing in the wrong direction, according to the original direction, the compass should point to ......

Shi Wen found the position where the pointer of the compass should have pointed according to his memory, but when he looked up, he found that there was a person standing in that direction, looking at himself

with a smile This person is dressed as a Taoist priest of the Republic of China, and his face is unremarkable, but it is difficult to hide the momentum around him, and the most important thing is that this person is standing in the middle of the water like this!

Without any foothold, without any diving equipment, without doing any swimming posture, he just stood

in the water like that, just like that, looking at him

with a smile on the same level as Shi Wen, his eyes were full of kindness and kindness, just like the pride of the elders looking at their excellent juniors, and there was also a trace of joy

in it It took a lot of effort for Shi Wen to calm down his mood as soon as possible, Zhang Qilin stood in front of

Shi Wen for the first time at the moment the mysterious man appeared, blocking the mysterious man's sight to Shi Wen, this move made the mysterious man have to put his eyes on him

, and the mysterious man's gaze at Zhang Qilin was very different

from his gaze towards Shi Wen If the mysterious man's attitude towards Shi Wen is kind and kind, just like his own elders

who dot on their children, then his eyes towards Zhang Qilin are picky, just like an old father looking at his son-in-law, he feels that he can't look at anything well

, and finally the mysterious man snorted coldly, so he opened his mouth under the water and said a word

: "Child, come here, come to Grandpa Zhou".

This tone is like giving a lollipop at the entrance of the elementary school and saying let's go with grandpa

, Shi Wen was surprised that the person in front of him could talk underwater, and his emotions couldn't help but be a little excited

, and he almost made his breath mess

, but fortunately, because Zhang Qilin next to him found out in time and held Shi Wen's acupoint, so he didn't

almost drown

again After adjusting the state

, Shi Wen looked at the other party with a look that was both surprised and vigilant, but he didn't take a step

closer to the other party Zhang Qilin also suddenly spoke out because of the mysterious person, although he was a little surprised, but his attention was more on Shi Wen, who was almost destroyed by holding his breath

, maybe because the other party made Shi Wen

almost drown again, even if he knew that most of the responsibility was no longer on the other party, Zhang Qilin still looked at the other party with an unkind face

The hand holding the flashlight silently grabbed the rope on his waist, and the other hand turned his back to hold the handle

of the black gold ancient knife, the muscles of the whole body were tense, his eyes gradually sharpened, and his body bowed slightly, the whole person was like a black panther ready to attack, waiting for the opponent to launch an attack

, and the mysterious person on the opposite side who called himself "Grandpa Zhou" was stunned at first when he saw the reaction of the two, and suddenly felt crying and laughing

Then he reacted, his current state seemed to be indeed a little scary

, so "Grandpa Zhou" simply stopped selling Guanzi, waved his hand directly, and expanded

the Qimen Bapan under his feet until Shi Wen and Zhang Qilin were included, Shi Wen looked down, and now he had a rough guess about the identity of the person who called himself "Grandpa Zhou" on the other side

Fang Cai may be because the other party hid

the Qimen formation, so even Shi Wen, who was an alien, did not see the formation, but now in the formation under his feet, Shi Wen could see clearly

that the arrangement of this Qimen formation was completely inconsistent with the current hour, and this Qimen formation could still hide or even expand the scope

of Qimen Considering historical factors, it is difficult not to think of the Qimen after the wind in the Eight Wonder Techniques

Fenghou Qimen, surnamed Zhou, claimed to be his grandfather

Shi Wen only had a bold guess in his heart, but when he looked up, the person opposite was obviously a young man, according to the calculation of time, even if Zhou Sheng's predecessor was still alive, it was impossible to be so young!

"Okay, don't think about it, let's even out your Qi first, let's talk about it, there is oxygen in this formation, don't worry about lack of oxygen or something."

"Grandpa Zhou" looked at the two of them still with the original vigilant movements, and didn't even know that they could already breathe under the water, so they were still holding their breath and thinking about things

, so they simply sat down cross-legged, waved their hands at Shi Wen and Zhang Qilin, signaling them not to be too nervous and relax

Shi Wen reacted at this time, because the other party's Qimen technique also included them, so they could now breathe underwater

like the other party, Wen resolutely stopped holding his breath, and after confirming that the oxygen provided by the formation was fine, he pulled Zhang Qilin's sleeve and motioned for the other party to also straighten out his breathing

together Zhang Qilin, who was almost ready for the second artificial respiration, put away his feeling of being a little disappointed, and concentrated on adjusting his breath, but after a while, he had already returned to the normal breathing rate

, and Shi Wen also sat down like the other party, and after feeling that there was indeed an invisible barrier, the thought in his heart became more and more firm

, "Dare to ask the seniors, but it is Wudang Zhou Sheng, or is it the thirty-six thieves Zhou Sheng".

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