083 No Xu Feng Chevo attack immediately can’t work? Not really!

Chievo’s players were directly confused.

I have seen the iron barrel array, and I really have not seen this kind of iron barrel array.

Now the players of Cesena.

It’s really all back to the vicinity of the restricted area.

The frontcourt is really a striker at all.

Other words.

If Cesena gets the ball here.

There is not a single person in front.

There is no possibility of counterattack.

This time it’s really going to be a whole deal for Chievo’s players.

The other party did not even have the mind to fight back.

This shows how determined they are to stick to it.

At this time, the head coach of Cesena had a bitter look on his face.

A miserable record in the first few rounds.

It also completely awakened the illusions of all the members of Cesena.

Serie A, as a top league, is going to take one step at a time.

Fight for it point by point.

Playing Chievo away today.

Cesena has placed himself very low.

Also put Chievo in a very high opponent position.

Chievo really deserves this position as well.

After all, it is currently ranked fourth in the league.

That’s a place for a Champions League spot!

Cesena was not without an iron barrel formation before.

But there were one or two forwards left in the front court at that time.

In order to fight back, there are two fulcrums in front of you to be able to respond.

But the consequences are.

Fight back yet has no chance to fight.

I was poured into several balls on my side.

Cesena’s side is painful.

Finally found the reason.

It’s also a very straightforward and cruel reason.

That is the strength of their own players, not enough to withstand the attack of Serie A teams!

When there is no way to help.

Cesena had to come to one conclusion.

That is: to defend thoroughly enough! The strength of the defenders is not enough.

Then count the numbers!

The number of people required exceeds the upper limit of the number of defenders.

Then sacrifice the attacking personnel and replenish them! Finally presented in front of everyone.

It is the 640 formation that will carry the defense to the end.

Despite this arrangement.

It’s hard to believe that this is from a professional coach.

But after being beaten up in previous rounds.

The head coach of Cesena also realized.

Perhaps only such simple and crude tactics.

It is very promising that Cesena can get a valuable away point.

The game has been played until the 25th minute.

Chevo at this time.

Has been in possession for nearly 10 minutes in a row!

For ten minutes, Cesena’s players barely touched the ball.

But again, there is no chance of a breakthrough on the side of Chievo at all.

Long-range shots on the periphery also don’t work at all.

The penalty area of Cesena, outside the penalty area is stained with people.

Not to mention whether Chievo’s side can find a gap for long-range shooting.

Settle for a gap and a chance to get started.

Nine times out of ten, it will be blocked by a Cesena player in the box.

The Chievo players suddenly fell into a certain confusion, that is: Is this really how Cesena intends to stay for 90 minutes?!

Apparently as Cesena looks at the moment, the answer is yes.

De Clay looked anxious at this time.

He thought of the game Cesena and should be big and very conservative.

But I didn’t expect that Cesena would be so conservative!

The time came to 35 minutes.

At this time, the big screen shows the data so far of this field.

Chievo had 85% possession.

And Cesena is only a measly 15%.

Chievo had 6 shots on goal.

But the number of shots on target is only a measly 0.

Cesena is even more crisp, with 0 shots on goal.

Chievo’s fans couldn’t stand it either.

“Is this Cesena here to be funny?! This is how football is played?!

“I was a real eye-opener today, and this weird kick?

“Don’t be embarrassed by Cesena, if you don’t have the guts, you can be demoted early, don’t play

“If the turtle shrinks to defend to a certain extent, it really becomes a turtle! Cesena people wake up!”

“For the future squad of the Cesena team, you only need to bring the goalkeeper and the defender.”

“Or the ten people on the whole team, all of them become guards!”

The Chievo fans also spat the fragrance directly at the head coach of Cesena on the sidelines!

The head coach of Cesena turned his back to the fans, pretending he didn’t know, pretending he didn’t hear anything.

He himself became a shrunken-headed turtle.

And at this time.

One thing that hurts Chievo fans’ eggs even more is this.

They passively experienced an inexplicable weird situation.

That is: they can hardly boo the players of the Chessena!

The reason behind this is thought-provoking: because the chances of the Cesena players getting the ball, time, and continuity are pitiful.

The opponent does not even touch the ball, how do you boo them?!

The first half is over.

The score is 0 to 0.

Decray shook his head helplessly.

There is indeed enough resolute and shameless enough on Cesena’s side.

Generally, there is no professional team in any top league.

Such a single tactical arrangement that only seeks defense will be adopted.

Say it’s a tactical arrangement.

All somewhat insulted the word “tactical”.

Xu Feng returned to the locker room with his teammates.

Apparently the situation in Chievo at the moment is not very good.

Because in the first half although Chievo’s various statistics were superior.

But it’s all thunder and rain.

There is no threat to Cesena’s goal.

If the second half continues to develop like this.

Then Chievo will usher in a dull draw.

For the whole Chievo team.

Facing Cesena, who finished last in the league.

Only get a draw, still at home.

No one will approve of it.

“Coach, how about the second half, let Xu Feng come up and try it?”

In the dressing room, Pellissier said.

Shario nodded as well.

Although he knew very well that Xu Feng came on the field.

The person who replaces it must be himself.

But at the moment the team is in an offensive dilemma.

Xu Feng’s strength is recognized by everyone in the team.

Maybe he will be able to break the ice.

Decray was silent for a moment.

In fact, let Xu Feng take turns off today.

Decray had two things to consider.

The first is that Xu Feng really needs to take a break.

Three days later, which is the middle of the next week.

There is also a game of the Pear Cup.

Xu Feng needed enough physical strength to go to the battle.

The second point is that de Créde found a solution to the team’s “Xu Feng dependence”.

De Cray as the team’s head coach.

His vision of problems cannot be limited to a game of two games.

What he wants to see is the team’s schedule of more than 40 two-line games throughout the season.

Chievo is currently fourth in the league.

The highest Serie A ranking has been created for the team to touch.

Without a doubt, the biggest credit is Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is Chievo’s biggest gain this season.

However, a very realistic situation is.

Without Xu Feng, Chievo’s strength would be the same as last season.

Instantly return to the relegation level.

Xu Feng is even if he is excellent.

His physical condition is even better.

It’s certainly unlikely that he will have to rest and rotate for more than 40 consecutive games, all of which are maintained at full attendance.

The situation is even worse, in case Xu Feng is plagued by injuries.

The game that Xu Feng was absent was probably not as simple as a few games.

But Decray never thought of it.

The problem of “Xu Feng’s dependence” was so much tested in the first game that Xu Feng was absent today.

Facing Cesena, who finished last in the league.

Chievo’s whole team was completely unable to open the situation.

Although the opponent’s defensive tactics are somewhat too bummer.

But professional football is like that.

The situation on the field is changing rapidly.

The situations you have to face are also diverse.

You can’t give yourself a reason to give up and withdraw because of this.

Xu Feng looked at Decray and also said: “‘Coach, I’m ready.'”

“I’m always available if I need to.”

De Clay looked at Xu Feng and nodded.

Xu Feng, who is full of fighting spirit, is always waiting for the posture of battle.

But de Clay said, “Wait, if it doesn’t work, it depends on the situation.”

De Clay still wanted Xu Feng to rest again.

Although not playing the whole field.

But the intensity of confrontation at the professional level.

The player’s physical function is to be fully activated.

In this way, Xu Feng only rested for half of the effect on the recovery of the body.

It’s almost a big fold.

So if possible.

Xu Feng had better not play or try to play at night.

Halftime ends.

The players from both teams returned to the field.

Chievo’s fans also began to shout together at this time.

Calling Xu Feng’s name.

Indeed, in such a time when it is impossible to attack for a long time.

Chievo sitting on the bench.

But a sharpshooter with 12 goals in 7 league rounds.

If Chevo needs a savior at this time.

That was Xu Feng himself!

The second half of the game begins.

Chievo kicks off this side.

The result was the same as in the first half.

Chievo after kick-off.

Only to find that the players on the opposite side began to shrink the formation again.

Super Turtle Formation, it’s about to start again!

In the 50th minute, Pelissier’s shot was blocked by the opposing defender.

In the 52nd minute, Pelissier returned and the ball was blocked again.

In the 59th minute, Constant got rid of the spot and finally flashed a gap.

A long-range shot was saved by the opposing goalkeeper.

The time came to 70 minutes.

Chievo’s attack on this side still did not improve at all.

And Cesena, on the other hand, is obviously going to follow through this tactic to the end.

They used three substitutions in a row.

Replace the three players with the highest physical exertion.

Replace with three players.

All are players at the back and back.

In the second half, De Clay shouted from the sidelines, directing the rhythm of the team’s offensive routine.

But apparently the effect is very bad.

If you want to get rid of “Xu Feng’s dependence”, how can it be so simple! This game must be won, this is the bottom line!

There is no way for Decray.

I had to say to the bench: “Xu Feng, get up and warm up.”

At this time, the more pessimistic Chievo fans saw Xu Feng’s warm-up figure.

They all cheered in unison.

In the 71st minute, it was finally time for the dead ball.

The fourth official raised his card, and Xu Feng replaced Shario on the field! The Chievo fans shouted again.

Xu Feng’s name echoed throughout the audience again! There is no doubt that the next thing to play.

It is the savior of Chievo, Mr. Absolute Key!.

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