Football Giants

Chapter 211: Was blown up

"For this final, I can only say that we did not lose to Southampton, it was Atkinson who defeated us!"

"We were well prepared during the intermission. We will reverse the situation at the last minute, score goals, and even complete an epic reversal."

"But Atkinson's red card made everything we did in vain!"

"I must congratulate Southampton, because the final will not be repeated."

"But what I want to say is, is such a champion convincing?"


In the office of the sports director of the TV headquarters, Roger Moses, who had just returned from the No. 4 Wangjiang Pavilion, after attending the Southampton celebration banquet, was smiling and watching Ferguson's outrageous interview after the final.

Sitting in front of him was Barbara Slater, the director of the sports department's program group.

In the past year, the two men's biggest contribution to the TV station is to let the ace show's daily game ratings die out in spring, ushering in the attention of fans again.

And one of the very important elements is the beautiful guest, Charlene Laherit.

"Ferguson now only has a hard-mouthed duck!" Roger Moses chuckled and turned off the video on the computer.

This video can only be seen by insiders and will appear in the daily game tonight and tomorrow's news.

Barbara Slater is also in a good mood, "He should be thinking about the Champions League final soon."

Manchester United also reached the Champions League final against Barcelona.

But now, before the war, he was capsized in the gutter in front of Southampton, which was two sections shorter than himself. The impact on Manchester United's morale can be imagined, so Ferguson could only choose to be hard-headed.

"I'm not optimistic about Manchester United in the Champions League final against Barcelona!"

Barbara Slater also laughed.

The grievances with Manchester United have been around for a long time, and the two sides are incompatible, but the relationship with Southampton is good.

Southampton killed Manchester United and followed suit.

"Is Charlene attending the saint's celebration party?" Barbara Slater asked concerned.

Roger Moses shook his head, "No, but I heard Yang Huan say that she is fine."

Barbara Slater also let go of her heart.

Charlene Laheri is an important highlight of the daily game. She did not appear in the previous episode, and the ratings went high and low.

She could not attend this episode, but the focus of the show was the FA Cup final, and the ratings should be good.

"Then this issue..." Barbara Slater looked at the director.

Roger Moses laughed out loud immediately, "Does that need to be said?"

Before Barbara Slater could react, he was too excited to sit still, and stood up directly.

"Ferguson is in a bad mood now, but I don't mind his mood getting worse, so, in a word,!"

"The sky is turned upside down. After watching Ferguson, I still dare not be so arrogant!"

Barbara Slater laughed at the director's swearing.

It can be seen that the director is going to give a big vent this time.

No wonder, the contest with Ferguson has always been at a disadvantage.

After all, Ferguson's position in British football is there.

But this time, Ferguson was able to get a good disgusting rage, don't mind doing it.

Besides, there are more fans all over the world who don't like Ferguson.

"You tell Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer to take Southampton to death and trample on Manchester United to me!"

After speaking, Roger Moses couldn't help laughing himself.

I don’t know if Ferguson watched the daily game. If so, he must be vomiting blood in this episode!

"I understand, do it now!" Barbara Slater also stood up.



Following the director's order, the daily competition program team immediately tailored a set of plans.

In the show, Alan Shearer changed his past style and his words became sharp.

As a player who came out of the Southampton youth training camp, Alan Shearer refuted all of Ferguson's excuses very seriously.

"Sir Ferguson's remarks are untenable. From the data point of view, Southampton does have an advantage."

"Just now, the famous referee, Howard Weber, whom we specially invited said, there is no doubt about Atkinson's sentence, and Nani's move is indisputably a red card!"

"Even if this red card is left aside, Manchester United looked very embarrassed compared to Southampton in the entire game, especially in the second half. Before the red card, the score was two to one. Southampton has completed the reversal."

"So, I'm very surprised, where is Sir Ferguson so confident that his team will be able to reverse at the last moment?"

At this time, Gary Lineker also attacked further.

"I'm sorry, Alan, I don't agree with you. I think everything is directed by Sir Ferguson."

"Oh?" Alan Shearer was surprised.

"It's very simple. In order to show Manchester United's tyrannical strength and ability to dominate the game, Sir Alex Ferguson deliberately arranged this play during the intermission."

"How to say?" Alan Shearer asked again.

"It's very simple. If you keep going one-to-zero, the game will be too flat and not dramatic. Manchester United won't be satisfied."

Alan Shearer nodded, "What then?"

"Then? Then Sir Ferguson felt that it was going to be a bit of excitement and a roller coaster turn, so he arranged it during the half-time break, and conceded two goals at the beginning of the second half to give Southampton the lead and let the Saints see hope. "

"At this time, all the fans felt that Manchester United was over, but at the end of the game, at the crucial moment, the great Sir Alex Ferguson put on a gray cloak, a blue pointed hat, and a magic wand that led Manchester United to reverse the situation. "

Everyone in the entire program group laughed.

"Hey, do you think he is Gandalf?"

"At least he thinks he is!"

"That said, Atkinson really broke Sir Ferguson's good show!"

"So, we have to crusade him!"



The cynicism of Ferguson on the TV's ace program of the Daily Game triggered the start of media coverage of the FA Cup final.

For the series of excuses Ferguson found in the interview after the game, except for the unwavering Manchester United supporters, all others were scornful, thinking that they were completely untenable.

Even many media have used various data to slap Ferguson.

I think one of the most important reasons for Manchester United's loss is the fall of midfield.

This problem has existed for a long time, but Ferguson has not found a way to solve it.

The outside world has also begun to slander Manchester United, thinking that with such a lineup that even the third-level league team can't win, if you want to fight against Barcelona, ​​the strongest in Europe, that is simply lighting the lights in the toilet and looking for death!

When the Guardian, The Times, The Sun, Daily Mail and other newspapers began to lose the FA Cup title against Manchester United, the Spanish media were not idle.

Who made Manchester United the opponent of Barcelona in the Champions League final?

Looking at Manchester United's unlucky, further defeating Manchester United is to help Barcelona increase the chances of winning.

As for the media in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, France and other countries, with the mentality of onlookers who are not afraid of big events, they have increased their attention to and hype about this matter.

In just one night, the whole of Europe, and even the whole world, knew that Manchester United lost to an England third-tier team in the FA Cup final.

And this legendary team is called Southampton!

The news traveled half a circle of the earth and reached China.

Countless young people wake up in the morning, either on the newspaper at the newsstand, or sitting in front of the company’s computer, or in the news app on their mobile phone, or from the WeChat Moments...

They all noticed this message.

The team in the third tier actually overturned the powerful Manchester United?

It's incredible!

It's incredible!

It's totally unscientific!

Especially the owner of this team is still Chinese!

It's incredible.

Now that Chinese football is so sluggish, a Chinese fan went to Europe to buy a third-level league team, but overturned the giants Manchester United in the FA Cup final?

This lively is the football version of the silk counterattack drama!

This is definitely a section that only appears in the YY urban novels of Chuangshi Chinese. How can it be in reality?

Countless fans, even non-fans, all rushed to Du Niang, and began to take a moment to see what this team came from.

I didn't know the result, and I was shocked.

Southampton reached the finals, it was actually stepping on the bodies of Arsenal and Chelsea!

What the hell!

This is more than just a silk counterattack!

This is simply slap in the face, slapped in the face of that group of giants!

Too inspirational, too passionate, there is nothing?

In less than a few hours, the two keywords of Southampton and Saints jumped to the top of the Du Niang search rankings.



Sheng Wu Mao, a white-collar worker in the capital, 27 years old, silk, single.

After watching the FA Cup final yesterday, he fell asleep to death.

After waking up, he hurriedly brushed his teeth and washed his face, copied things, ran out of the basement to rent a house, and rushed to the subway station.

Halfway along the way, passing the newsstand outside the subway station, threw a one-dollar coin and took the top newspaper.

There are too many people who get up early like him, and there are long queues in the subway station.

Countless early risers are either eating breakfast desperately, or taking the opportunity to read the newspaper, and some are talking loudly on the phone.

This scene, Saint Fifty has been used to seeing it.

Every familiar ringtone rang, and countless people took out their mobile phones for fear that it was their own call.

Every time I saw such a scene, Sheng Wu Mao felt funny.

Look at your virtue, vulgarity!

But this time, everyone around put down their phones, but the ringtone was still ringing.

Oh, shit, it turned out to be mine!

Sheng Wumao quickly took out the apple he almost bought from the kidney from his trouser pocket, slid dashingly, and began to answer.

This action immediately aroused the contempt of the surrounding crowd.

"Fifty cents, you come up quickly, our post is blown up!"

It was almost a hoarse shout on the phone, from a fan netizen he knew online, Daxia.

"It was exploded?" Sheng Wu Mao thought amused, "How is this possible? Who would explode our posts so boringly?"

They are the owners of the Southampton Post Bar.

To say that the Southampton team has been very popular recently, especially after the introduction of fans such as Ibrahimovic and Neymar, plus the owner is a Chinese, it is very popular in the domestic fan circle. of.

There are currently nine small bars and more than 10,000 members.

But in the vast world of Tieba, more than 10,000 people are like a grain of sand in the sea.

Who can be so boring, run to burst such a small post?

Besides, the members of Southampton Post Bar don’t cause trouble. Could it be innocent victims?

"Oh, no, it's not that it was exploded, it was that too many members came in suddenly, the posts were so dizzying, the whole post bar was messed up!"

"What?" Sheng Wu Mao was a little dumbfounded.

His loss of voice immediately caused a group of people around to stare at him.

A bit of quality!

From the public speak quietly on the phone, is it great to hold the kidney machine?

Sheng Wu Mao immediately raised his hand to apologize.

The anger is hard to commit!


"how many?"

"I just looked at it, and it's over 100,000," said the hero on the phone.

"Oh, no, it's over 150,000 now!"

"Oh my God, in less than half an hour, another fifty thousand more, what should I do?"

He looked completely at a loss.

Sheng Wu Mao was also dumbfounded.

He doesn't know what to do! ()

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