Football: Copy the attributes of peak Messi at the beginning

Chapter 573 These are Manchester City’s invincible twins!

In the Manchester City dressing room, during the halftime break, Guardiola took the time to explain to the players Juventus' tactics in the first half, especially the defensive positions, defensive strategies and players' personal habits, etc.

"see it?"

Guardiola knocked on the tactical board and raised his voice slightly:

“Juventus’ formation is 3421, but when defending they will become 523.

Juventus's three lines always maintain a reasonable spacing, and there is no space for the ball between the two lines. Pjanic and Marchisio form the fulcrum of the field, allowing our players to appear around them. Being surrounded at any time. "

Based on Guardiola's explanation, the players recalled the situation in the first half and couldn't help but understand a little bit more. No wonder the first half was so awkward.

The opponent's defensive strategy was obviously developed specifically for Manchester City.

As we all know, Manchester City is good at passing and controlling, but in order to create murderous opportunities in passing and controlling tactics, they must pass forward, use the pass to open up the opponent's gap, and send the ball to the feet of key players in dangerous areas to be considered successful.

If you are unable to break through the opponent's formation and are forced to cross or pass back and forth from the outside, then such a pass and control is meaningless.

This was the situation Manchester City encountered in the first half. Although they still led in possession, their success rate in passing forward was not high, so they failed to create enough threats.

Although scoring a goal depends on luck, if you create more threats, the expectation of scoring will also increase.

On the contrary, if you cannot make enough threatening attacks, it will be difficult to score unless you are lucky.

"Normally, against an opponent with a very tight defensive formation, retreating to receive the ball would be a good way to deal with it, but it is a pity that Juventus has been prepared for this!"

Guardiola found an example of De Bruyne and Gundogan's attempts to drop back and catch the ball in the first half, but failed, and analyzed:

"The opponent's forwards, especially Higuain and Mandzukic, when they see our players retreating to catch the ball, they will immediately break away from their original positions and quickly follow them, preventing our players from easily getting the ball and forcing them to hold on. The ball player passed the ball quickly and did not give our team a chance to patiently organize."

"In this case, the ball will usually be distributed to the wing, and the opponent's wing-back will step forward at this time, stand in line with the two defensive midfielders, and cooperate with the forward players to double-team our ball carrier on the wing. We suffered a few losses here in the first half and conceded a few goals.”

Under Guardiola's fiddling, these three lines of Juventus have been kept very close on the tactical board, and they are not static. The 523 formation structure may become 433, or it may become 343.

The position of the opponent's players is not fixed and will change according to the situation on the field and the position of teammates, but what remains unchanged is Juventus' steel-like and solid defense line.

To be honest, Guardiola somewhat admires Juventus coach Allegri.

This guy's tactical ability is absolutely top-notch, even better than himself.

To be fair, Juventus' players are not as strong as Manchester City, but under Allegri's training, Juventus' content on the field is worse than Manchester City's.

However, no matter how good the tactics are, there will still be loopholes and weaknesses.

Juventus's defensive secret is to concentrate a large number of players in a local area, block and control the space in this area, and form a safe fortress area.

To destroy this, it is necessary to actively mobilize the opponent and reduce the number of opponents' personnel in the area where the ball holder is located, thereby weakening the opponent's defense and interception capabilities.

Moreover, this set of tactics of Juventus requires very high tactical execution ability of the players. It just so happened that there was a Juventus player on the field who appeared in a position that he was not familiar with.

This may be Manchester City's breaking point in the second half.

Thinking of this, Guardiola found Lin Quan, De Bruyne and Gundogan and said to the three of them:

"When passing the ball in the second half, try to avoid passing it forward. Unless the opportunity is very good, it is easy to lose the ball and give the opponent a chance to counterattack!"

Everyone nodded. This is how Juventus' goal in the first half came about!

They learn from experience and will not make the same mistakes again.

According to the coach's explanation, all three of them knew that Juventus deliberately set a trap for Manchester City's midfielder in this game, turning the space where our organizer was into a trap.

"In the second half, we have to play more wide, make full use of the space on the court, don't raise the ball high, walk from the ground, be fast, catch the ball and run fast. Once Juventus' formation is stretched by us, their The defensive efficiency will drop!"

"Lin, catch the ball more in the second half and try to compete with Alves. He is older and his physical strength cannot be used by you. As long as you wear him out, Juventus' offensive firepower will be half gone!"

Guardiola was keenly aware of the two most critical positions on the Juventus field - the two wing-backs on the left and right!

Although from the last game to this game, it seems that the best performance should be Juventus' forward.

But these three goals by Mandzukic and Higuain almost all came from assists from the wing backs on both sides.

Especially Alves on the right!

If this can be eliminated, the pressure on Manchester City's defense will be much less.

Fifteen minutes passed in a blink of an eye. The players all understood their responsibilities and left the locker room with high spirits.

When the Manchester City players entered the stadium, they happened to meet the Juventus players who also came out of the locker room.

The other party's morale was also very high, everyone was talking and laughing, and looked quite relaxed.

It's not surprising that they feel relaxed, after all, Juventus now has the advantage.

And they are leading at home and really believe they can beat Manchester City.

The second half of the game started quickly, and neither side made any personnel adjustments.

Although the team was in the lead, Allegri did not dare to relax at all. He kept staring at the court intently, always alert to possible changes.

There is no way, Guardiola's reputation is too great, and his past record is too unfavorable for the old woman, so he really does not dare to take it lightly.

Under Allegri's observation, he really discovered some changes in Manchester City.

After the start of the second half, Lin Quan's receiving position became deeper. Even though the people from Juventus had caught up, he still chose to force the ball, and after receiving the ball, he was not in a hurry to pass the ball. On the contrary, he kept an eye on him. The Juventus player ran towards the wing, seemingly throwing himself into a trap.

Seeing this scene, Allegri frowned.

In his impression, Lin Quan is not a person who plays football without thinking. On the contrary, this player has always been known for his extremely high football intelligence.

So, what is he doing this for?

The answer was soon revealed.

Before Lin Quan dribbled the ball to the wing, De Bruyne was quietly retreating on Manchester City's side.

He initially retreated while walking. After seeing Pjanic catch up, he suddenly accelerated, giving the impression that he was preparing to catch the ball.

Pjanic did not dare to neglect, and immediately increased his speed, sticking closely to De Bruyne, not giving De Bruyne time to handle the ball.

However, Lin Quan's ball was not passed to De Bruyne. Instead, he continued to take it to the wing and cooperated with David Silva on the wing. It seemed that he wanted to forcefully open the situation from the left wing.

"Founding in the east and attacking in the west?"

Allegri frowned, feeling that more than one Manchester City player was moving on the field, and for a moment he was confused about Manchester City's true intentions.

But considering that the ball holder is Lin Quan, and the threat he brings to Juventus is obviously greater, Juventus continues the previous tactics, with the wing-back advancing from the full-back position, and the front Forward Dybala also began to press Lin Quan, who was holding the ball, and was about to form a double-team situation.

At the same time, Juventus's wing center back moved to the wing, filling the wing gap after the wing back stepped forward.

Juventus's defense was like a tight instrument, turning in an orderly manner.

Lin Quan saw Alves rushing up and moved inside, as if looking for the space after Pjanic left after De Bruyne.

Seeing this, Marchisio had to move over quickly to prevent Lin Quan from finding space to cut in and shoot.

As soon as Marchisio moved, Juventus' entire defense began to move to the right.

Pjanic originally followed De Bruyne, but at this time Lin Quan had already brought the ball to his original position. He was stuck between Lin Quan and De Bruyne. It was basically impossible for the latter to receive Lin Quan's ball. pass.

So he did not continue to follow De Bruyne, but pulled back a little and joined in the double-teaming of Lin Quan.

The camera above the court captured the positions of the players on both sides very well. At this time, Lin Quan was like a panicked tiger, running headlong into the trap prepared by the hunter.

He is surrounded by the opponent's players, and the forward passing route has been cut off by the opponent. The ball is going to be lost!

Seeing Lin being surrounded, many people thought of the famous scene in the 2012 European Cup when Iniesta was surrounded by five Italian players.

That time, Iniesta lost the ball.

Even if Lin Quan's personal strength is stronger than Iniesta's, it is impossible to take the ball out among so many people.

Not only did they think so, Lin Quan also thought so.

If he carried the ball for one second longer, he would definitely lose it, and there was really no room to carry it any further.

Therefore, he chose to pass the ball, and he passed the ball to a person that Juventus never expected-De Bruyne!

Pjanic thought that he was stuck between Lin Quan and De Bruyne, and there was no way the other side could pass the ball around him, so he relaxed his guard on De Bruyne and instead participated in the attack on Lin Quan. of double-teaming.

But what he didn't know was that when De Bruyne made this choice, he also reacted quickly. He accelerated along the diagonal line and rushed towards the Juventus half.

Higuain was originally staring at Gundogan, but when he saw that the situation was not good, he quickly abandoned Gundogan and followed De Bruyne.

When De Bruyne started, Lin Quan could not find his figure in the field of vision, but the two of them seemed to have telepathy, and Lin Quan passed the ball to an unmanned position.

And De Bruyne also ran firmly to a place where he thought the ball would come!

Seeing Lin Quan's actions, all the Juventus players surrounding him were puzzled. After all, they did not have a God's perspective and did not know what was happening in places they did not see.

But in the stands, the Juventus fans, who had a full view of the game, could not help but exclaim.

"Stop him!"

"Stop the opponent's No. 17!"

Juventus fans are anxious, but their anxiety cannot be felt by the players on the field.

The players' vision on the court is limited, and not many people can see De Bruyne's position.

And Marchisio, who is most likely to intercept him, has just moved to the right and is no longer in front of De Bruyne, making it difficult to get close to him immediately.

So, with Juventus fans watching, Lin Quan's ball passed to De Bruyne's feet.

Without any communication or even eye contact, the two relied entirely on tacit understanding to create a wonderful collaboration!

This is Manchester City's invincible twin star partnership, the strongest offensive combination in the world!

Higuain had already rushed over immediately, but he was still a step too late.

De Bruyne has clearly seen the position of his teammates before receiving the ball and has thought about how to deal with the ball.

He kept passing the ball and moved the ball to the wing.

Manchester City's full-back Zabaleta has already accelerated and rushed over. Taking advantage of the opponent's formation to press to the right and leaving the left side empty, he strode towards the Juventus half with the ball.

"It's done!"

Guardiola clapped his hands excitedly, looking a little excited.

To deal with this kind of defense of the opponent, you must attack with a large-scale and rapid transfer method.

Aguero rushed into the penalty area, and most of the opponent's defensive energy was attracted by him. Instead of dribbling the ball, Zabaleta boldly chose to cut inside, seemingly intending to shoot himself.

Sandro has already rushed over, not far away from him, leaving Zabaleta not much time.

Seeing Chiellini guarding Aguero, Buffon quickly judged the situation and focused his main attention on Zabaleta.

This guy shouldn't dare to take it anymore, he's going to shoot!

Zabaleta kicked off, shot... and passed!

This is a familiar cross from Zabaleta, but the position is slightly wrong.

On his passing line, a sky-blue figure rushed from behind, stopped the ball with a beautiful chest, and before the ball hit the ground, he raised his thigh and swept the ball into the goal.

The score became 1:1, and the total score became 3:4. Manchester City once again took the initiative in its own hands.

Buffon actually made a save when Lin Quan shot.

But this is just an almost instinctive reaction, and naturally has no substantial effect.

Seeing Lin Quan running to celebrate, Buffon sighed and shook his head. Why does he always suffer at the hands of this guy?

Alves blamed himself. Lin Quan was his target. He failed to keep an eye on the opponent and allowed the opponent to rush out from behind and find this opportunity. He was mainly responsible for this ball.

Alves's heart was full of bitterness, he was getting old!

He has become a 34-year-old man. Facing a 21-year-old young man, his body's explosive power and endurance cannot keep up.

Seeing the opponent suddenly speeding up and rushing out, he could only defend with his eyes, and his body was completely unable to keep up.

Alas, it seems that I can't stand it anymore.

At this moment, Alves began to think seriously about the suggestion that his agent had told him before about leaving the five major leagues and returning to play in Brazil.

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