"I almost understand the quartet. The first three are tofu, meat and noodles, and the fourth should be the special fragrance hidden in the tofu. The other three are okay, but this fourth, even I can't figure it out either."

Of course, this dish can't be hidden from Seiichiro, but what surprised Seiichiro was that he could find four changes, but he could only find the origin of three. But the fourth one felt familiar to him, but he couldn't find it. come out

"Are there four variations here? Why can't I feel it?"

Yoshino Yuki asked with some doubts. She only thought this dish was delicious.

"I really want to understand. The three types that Mr. Caibo mentioned should be the tofu itself, the second is meat, or meat made of bean dregs, and the third is noodles, which are also made of tofu. Made from mixed flour"""One-one-zero""But the fourth type cannot be analyzed even by my God's Tongue."

Nakiri Erina said, others can't detect the changes because they are too weak, so all they can taste is delicious food, but Seiichiro and Nakiri Erina are different. One of them is a nine-star. A level chef, one has the tongue of God, so he noticed the problem

"Can't even your divine tongue analyze this fourth change?"

Hearing this, Seiichiro was also stunned for a moment. Although Nakiri Erina's cooking skills are currently only about five stars, which is very weak, the problem is that Nakiri Erina's God's Tongue is the key to analyzing cuisine.

This and It has nothing to do with cooking skills. As long as Nakiri Erina has enough knowledge accumulation, she can analyze the ingredients with the God's Tongue. Even if it cannot be copied, she should be able to analyze it.

But now even Nakiri Erina's god Seiichiro never expected that his tongue would lose its function.

"Meat and noodles made from bean dregs and tofu?!"

When the others heard this, they tasted it carefully, and then discovered the problem.

"It was actually like this. It was so fake that it looked real. I thought it was really meat and noodles!"

Everyone was also shocked.

"In Chinese cuisine, there are actually many ways to fake the real thing. For example, the dish called Jianzhen Vegetarian Duck uses vegetarian vegetables but can taste like duck meat."

"There are also dishes such as crab racing. This dish is also the same. It uses bean dregs and tofu to make meat and noodles."

"As for the fourth type, you actually think this smell is very familiar, but you can’t find any trace, right?"

Luo Chen's last words were to Nakiri Erina and Seiichiro. After hearing this, they both nodded. The taste was very familiar, but there was no trace of it in this dish.

"In fact, the last change is also in this tofu. This is not ordinary tofu, but stinky tofu!"

Luo Chen said the last change

"This is impossible!"

However, everyone present directly rejected Luo Chen's statement. Everyone has eaten stinky tofu, but the appearance of this tofu cannot be related to stinky tofu, and there is no smell.

"This involves a little secret of mine. I used a special method to change the appearance of stinky tofu, and retained the mellow taste of stinky tofu, eliminating the smell and adding freshness at the same time. The taste of tofu."

Luo Chen can do this thanks to Kaiyou's inheritance.

In addition to several super five senses and talents, the most important thing he got from Kaiyou is Qigong.

Kaiyou's Qigong can change the properties of ingredients. Five Elements, turned moldy rice directly into fresh rice, and the appearance, texture and taste were completely restored, but the toxicity was strengthened.

Now Luo Chen is doing the same with stinky tofu, using Qigong to change the stinky tofu, making it It has returned to its best state, which is the main reason why the tofu tastes so good.

But Luochen retains the characteristics of stinky tofu that tastes delicious. This rich fragrance is not available in ordinary tofu.

The third part of the tofu trio This change originated from tofu, bean dregs meat and tofu noodles, but now, tofu is the only two types.

It has the texture, taste and appearance of fresh tofu, but retains the mellow taste of stinky tofu.

Finally, this tofu quartet is completed

"So what kind of techniques can be used to make stinky tofu look like this? Apart from the fragrance, this tofu looks like fresh tofu with excellent quality!"

Although the mellow flavor in this tofu is indeed very strange, they still can't understand how the stinky tofu becomes like this..........

"It's said to be a secret, just like a special formula. I plan to keep this kind of thing as a family heirloom, so how can I disclose it directly."

In order to avoid trouble, Luo Chen did not disclose Qigong to the public. This Qigong can be learned as expected. After all, it is not someone's special skill. After the extreme plot, some powerful chefs showed that in addition to their knowledge of Qi But it is undoubtedly very difficult to learn this kind of qigong. After all, anyone who knows how to use qigong is not easy.

Just like Teacher Yuxian, his qigong not only allows him to fly , can also make boiled eggs instantly, and the effect of the two eggs given to Liu Pleiades is quite outrageous.

If possible, Luo Chen will teach Qigong to Nakiri Alice in the future, but it is impossible now, Nakiri Alice is too It's weak, and it's not even a four-star cooking skill.

In the world of Little Master, no one who knows Qigong is not Dragon Chef, Supreme Dragon Chef or even higher level.

So don't think so much now.

However, Luo Chen's riddle People's behavior made everyone quite uncomfortable. After all, they knew that Luo Chen could do it, but they didn't know how. This made everyone's curiosity rise immediately.

But Luo Chen has now made it very clear in 0.2 , this is something like a secret recipe, so it’s impossible to tell them. The only one who might know is Nakiri Alice.

"If I had known I wouldn't be competing with you today, I know this special method exists but don't know how to do it. It's really painful."

At this time, Seiichiro was also quite uncomfortable. As a wandering chef, his thirst for knowledge was much stronger than others, but he also knew very well that many secret recipes and the like were impossible to tell others casually. So he wanted to know It was impossible. This was also the most uncomfortable part for him. He felt that it would be difficult to sleep at night recently.

His words were also recognized by others, and their little heads were nodding like chickens pecking at rice. , Seiichiro said about their current state, it’s suffering...

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