Just as English words are freely composed of 26 letters, Chinese is composed of various radicals, and the language of these tree people is composed of pollen emitted by flowers of different colors.

Just after Wei Huo shook the little red flower, all the other treants immediately focused their attention on him. Then, the treants communicated with each other again. They are not as violent as Wei Huo, and their flowers will disperse The strength is not too strong, as if people speak with a warm voice.

Wei Huo's vigorous shaking of the flower just now was equivalent to shouting, no wonder it attracted the attention of other trees.

The tree people communicated, as if they were considering how to deal with Wei Huo and the other two giant beasts. After a while, a breeze blew, and the tree people temporarily stopped communicating.

Just like people can't hear clearly when there is noise around them, if the wind blows, the pollen will be blown away, which will also affect the communication efficiency between tree people, so they will stop and wait for the wind to stop.

Wei Huo didn't know what the group of treants communicated with each other, but luckily, after a while, the treants released the two giant beasts.

The two beasts trembled, and none of them dared to escape when they were surrounded by the trees.

There seemed to be a leader among the tree people. It came to Wei Huo and pointed to Fang Fang.

Wei Huo suddenly understood that this group of treants was also one of the creatures who planned to move to the south, and their purpose was the same.

The tree people's pollen flew around, and Wei Huo couldn't help but sneezed. Several tree people looked over curiously, and it was obvious that although they knew pandas and tigers, they didn't have much impression of humans.

After all, Wei Huo is the only human on earth who can move freely.

After communicating, a group of treants decided to go with Wei Huo and the two giant beasts. After making this decision, a group of treants returned to the pit. Some treants didn't have a pit, so they began to dig it by themselves.

Their methods are very strange. Root systems will automatically protrude from their feet. Those roots are extremely tough. Once they touch the ground, they will drill down like a drill until the entire leg is buried in the soil.

Treants are still trees, and still need to obtain nutrients from the soil.

The two beasts were a little confused, not knowing whether to run away or stay, but Wei Huo said that he would stay.

As a native of country Z who has been influenced by the traditional culture of country Z, how could he not understand the principle of harmony between man and nature and harmony with nature?

But the real reason is probably not the case. After all, Wei Huo was just lonely!

The reason why I took two giant beasts on the road, and why I chose to join the tree people group, is that I still feel a little lonely after all.

As the only human being in the world who has not been stopped by time, all he felt during these years was loneliness.

There is no nagging of parents, no complaints and dog abuse from friends and classmates, and no updates of online novels! If it wasn't for the hope of waiting for human time to recover, Wei Huo might have collapsed himself.

When will this stop be over?

There are always a few days in a month when you don’t want to practice Qi, don’t want to exercise, just like some authors, there are always a few days in a month that you don’t want to update, like some girls, there are always days in a month, this seems to be different.

In short, every month, Wei Huo will think about his life and his future like this. In the end, he still chooses to persevere and move forward. Setbacks are defeated bit by bit, and difficulties are overcome bit by bit. What is overcome, persistence is victory!

Just thinking about it like this, the sky soon dawned, and the night passed!

The tree people opened their eyes one after another, and then propped themselves up from the soil with their thick palms. Then, they shook their bodies in the twilight of the morning. The leaves and petals fell with the wind, and Wei Huo couldn't help it. Sneezed.

Are you saying "good morning" collectively?

Just like people say "good morning" when they meet each other when they go out in the morning, this group of tree people will probably greet each other after waking up, and then start a new journey!

Wei Huo and the two giant beasts embarked on the journey again. This time, they joined a huge team, yes, it was huge.

The treants didn't move fast, but because of their huge size, one step was equal to several steps of other creatures, so when they took one step, Wei Huo and the two giant beasts had to run to keep up.

After walking a few steps, because they disliked Wei Huo and others for being too slow, these huge treants simply grabbed Wei Huo and the two giant beasts, threw them on the canopy of the tree, and then carried them forward together.

Wei Huo was suddenly a little surprised.

This relationship is good, free rides, and you can enjoy the scenery.

The treants moved very slowly, but because of their large strides, they moved very fast, which greatly improved the efficiency of Wei Huo's journey to the south. What's more, they didn't need to walk now.

Staying on the canopy, Wei Huo can overlook the entire jungle, and at the same time, he can see the huge difference between the northern and southern jungles. The leaves of the trees in the north have become much thinner, the continent is still drifting, and the weather is getting colder and colder!

The tree people kept moving forward, and encountered a small stream on the way. Wei Huo jumped off the canopy immediately. The height of more than 20 meters was no difficulty for him. The reason why he jumped down was mainly to fetch water. Water is the source of life. , any living thing cannot do without water.

The tree people stepped their feet in the stream, and the roots began to absorb the water crazily. Soon, the stream dropped to a depth visible to the naked eye.

Did this group of treants evolve an organ that can store water?

This is not surprising, camels have this organ.

After saving enough stream water, Wei Huo and a group of treants started to move forward again. This time, he didn't need the treants to catch himself, and he could jump onto the treetop by himself.

Treants are generous and honest creatures, depending on their social status in the jungle.

They have no natural enemies, because no carnivores will come to prey on them, and herbivores dare not provoke them, and they will not hunt other animals or plants. As long as there is sunlight, they can photosynthesize. As long as there is soil , they can absorb nutrients.

But today, a Treant fell.

On the journey to the south, the last treant suddenly fell down, as if a five-story building suddenly collapsed, and the ground shook.

The tree people turned their heads back, showing a sad expression, and the pollen flew all over the place. Wei Huo and the two giant beasts couldn't help but sneezed.

The tree people cherished the memory of their companions, and then embarked on a journey again.

Treants are not suitable for long-distance travel, they are only suitable for recuperating in one place, but the temperature in the northern continent suddenly became cold, and they had to rush to the south, and if they did so, death would surely come quietly!

The greatest natural enemy of living things is aging. Any living thing is no match for old age, fading, and the end of life.

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