
2 hours passed.

Yang Qi’s fish mouth is still good.

He even took out the backup fish guard he had prepared a long time ago and put it into the water.

At this time, the entire A pond, plus the next door B pond, the fish mouth of most people is already very poor.

There were 500 fishermen in the audience, but only a few dozen fish mouths were pretty good.

It was close to 10:30 noon and we had been fishing for 3 hours.

There are only a dozen people left in the two ponds, and they are still catching fish.

Most of the remaining people can only catch a fish occasionally. Although it is not said that they are completely mouthless, it is really incomparable with the situation when they first burst out.

Fortunately, when the chatter first started, everyone caught a lot of fish, so it wasn’t too bad, so no one bothered the boss.

When there is no mouth, besides fishing, of course everyone is also paying attention to those people who still have very good fish mouths.

Many of the fishing friends around Yang Qi looked at him in disbelief. Some of them didn’t believe that he was still so good at fishing, so they started discussing with each other.

“They are all in the middle position, why is his fish mouth so good?”

“We are all in the middle and have no mouth. He is the only one with such a good mouth. Isn’t it a bit fake?”

“Yes, those other fish mouths with good mouths are either on the big side or on the floating raft. Why are their fish mouths so good?”

“A new black pit has just been opened for fishing. The fishing position is uncertain.”

“This person seems to be still live streaming? Is he some kind of master?”

“Judging from his smooth operation, he is indeed very powerful.”


In addition to Yang Qi, Liu Guixian on the floating raft opposite him is actually also good at fish mouth.

But not many people pay attention to Liu Kyu Hyun, because even those who are still good at fish mouth still have a gap.

Although Liu Guixian has been catching fish, he basically has to catch a few fish before catching one.

And Yang Qi’s fish mouth almost never stops. Most of the time, as long as he throws it in, he will catch the fish in a short time, but there is a difference in speed.

Liu Guixian actually noticed the gap between the two sides and knew that he was not better than Yang Qi, so he would definitely catch less fish than Yang Qi.

But Liu Guixian has one advantage, that is, he is really serious when fishing.

Nothing can disturb him. Even if he knows that he is not better than others, Liu Guixian has been fishing very seriously.

However, Liu Guixian’s junior brother Wang Hui was a little miserable.

Of course Wang Hui also participated in this competition at Ansheng Fishing Ground, but he was not in Pond A, but in Pond B.

From Wang Hui’s fishing position, he could also see Artai who was also in Pond B.

However, the situation between the two is reversed. Wang Hui is in a bad middle position, while Artest is on the floating raft in the middle of the water, and he is still near the side.

In addition, the primary comprehensive bait and nest material given to him by Yang Qi were enhanced by 50% to protect against explosions. After fishing for 3 hours, Artai’s fish mouth was still pretty good.

Although he is not as good as Yang Qi, he can definitely crush Wang Hui, who is very speechless.

Artest had also noticed Wang Hui a long time ago. Later, after he was sure that he had caught more fish than Wang Hui, he would look at Wang Hui every time he caught a fish, with a mocking expression on his face.

Artai is also a person who holds grudges. When Wang Hui’s senior brother Yukou was doing well the day before yesterday, Wang Hui kept mocking his expression. He was always anxious, just waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

He didn’t expect the opportunity to come so quickly. Less than two days later, he and Wang Hui met in this dark pit.

In addition, his fish mouth is better and he catches more fish. He has a chance for revenge, so he is naturally very happy!

Wang Hui was annoyed by Artest’s eyes, and because he had no words to speak, he decided not to go see Artest anymore and go back to chat with the audience.

Who would have thought, the live broadcast room was full of comments mocking him

“Ah, Teruko, why don’t you continue to be proud today?”

“Anchor, your senior brother met Master Yang again in the fish pond next door. In the end, he still never caught Master Yang. Do you know?”

“The broadcast was so early the day before yesterday, and I didn’t see you fulfilling the bet you made after losing the fish. Didn’t you, Huiko, fail to fulfill it?”

“Since I also met Master Yang today, today I asked Master Yang to pat me on the shoulder. When are you going to do it?”


When he first saw these barrages, Wang Hui would explain that he and his senior brother fulfilled their bet the day before yesterday and were patted on the shoulder.

But as the audience came in and out of the live broadcast room, there were always people asking.

Then he was asked not to forget to go up and call me brother today, and there were people posting them all the time. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Huizi was so angry that she immediately turned off the live broadcast!

He was so angry that he stopped fishing and just packed up his things and left. He left a fish to protect it and asked his assistant Ajie to hand it over to the fishing ground staff to retrieve the fish when the competition was over.

Seeing that he had made Wang Hui so angry that he left, Artest felt relieved.

Before, he used his fists to make people uncomfortable.

He really didn’t expect that one day, he would be able to rely on his fishing skills and make others feel so uncomfortable, which gave him a great sense of accomplishment!

Wang Bo, who was also in Pond B, did not know what was going on at Artai’s side because he and Artai were fishing on their backs.

But even if he could see Artest, he didn’t want to.

Because now, his fish mouth is pretty good, and fish are always on it.

Wang Bo knew that apart from luck, this was most likely due to the effect of the bait Yang Qi gave him.

Because the fishing positions between him and his friend Zhu Jianan in Changshi were not far apart, he could see Zhu Jianan’s situation.[]

He still has a lot of fish mouths, but Zhu Jianan, like most people, has difficulty catching fish.

However, it was obvious that he and Zhu Jianan were about the same strength, and their fishing positions were also about the same, both in the middle. Apart from the fact that they used similar baits, he could not think of any other reason.

So Wang Bo now admires Yang Qi more and more.

Even if he is strong, he can even make his own bait, and the bait produced is so effective.

Yang Qi is not popular, it is simply unforgivable!


The time came to 11 o’clock.

There was only the last half hour left in the weight contest.

There are very few people who can still catch fish at this time.

Even Liu Guixian rarely catches fish anymore, and occasionally looks at Yang Qi with eyes filled with envy.

Because until it was almost over, Yang Qi’s fish mouth was still pretty good.

Although the fish mouth is not as good as the one at the beginning, a fish can be caught in an average of two to three minutes.

He is considered to be the best person in Yukou in the entire pond A, plus pond b.

Even the owner of the black pit, Zhao Xingyu, noticed Yang Qi who had been catching fish. He walked to the back to watch him catch fish and confirmed that Yang Qi was a master.

It is estimated that if there are no accidents, the winner of the weight competition in the morning will be Yang Qi.

Although Yang Qi always had a mouth and caught a lot, Zhao Xingyu didn’t feel much.

He made such a big deal on the opening day, but it was just someone catching more fish, and he didn’t care at all.

Anyway, someone will take away the 100,000 yuan from the crown prince.

For Zhao Xingyu, it’s the same for everyone.

On the contrary, if someone can keep catching fish until the end, it will make everyone feel that it is not that there are no fish in his fish pond, but that their own skills are not good and they are not as good as Yang Qi.

For Zhao Xingyu, this is actually a good thing! soon.

The time has come to 11:30 exactly

“All players, stop what they are doing and collect their poles!”

The referee’s call came from the loudspeaker.

Yang Qi also took up the fishing line, put the fishing rod on the rod holder, and waited for the next weighing session.

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