First Player

Chapter 758 Chapter 756

Chapter 758 Chapter 756 · "The Pioneer is Immortal (4)" (Sand Sculpture Makes Me Happy, Second Score in the Flying Alliance Leader, 4k update)

After sitting for a day, you decide to turn on the Dawn System.

To open the Dawn system, you first need to construct a reasonable [two-dimensional] world.

"I must enter the Dawn System and repeatedly start the simulation alone to measure the reasonable initial values ​​of the [two-dimensional] world. In this way, when the [two-dimensional] world truly opens, all humans can Step into a 'most reasonable' [two-dimensional] world."

Lin Guang, your most trusted companion, explained what you were going to do.

"I understand, it's like 'trial and error'." Lin Guang said.

"Yes, I need to get the most appropriate initial value for the [two-dimensional] world." You said.

"Let's get started, I'll stay with you." Lin Guang sat next to you.

You store your consciousness in the Dawn System, the time you feel is infinitely magnified, and you start the simulation.

For example, what temperature is needed to maximize life.

For example, how high does the sun need to be for plants to grow fastest?

This requires you to spend years, even decades, in the virtual world.

The eighty-ninth simulation is completed and you exit the Dawn System. Through many simulations, you have measured the initial environment values ​​required for the [two-dimensional] world. Next, there are plant values, animal values, city values... You must match them with the real world.

Only when the [2D] is officially opened will human beings be able to enter a new life in the most adaptable manner.

"You're back? I made tea for you." Lin Guang always sat next to you.

"How long has reality passed?" You drank his tea.

"Ten minutes." Lin Guang said.

"Well...I have spent twelve years in the Dawn System." You said.

Lin Guang said nothing.

He just looked at you quietly, his eyes like stretched moonlight. Even a thousand words cannot explain the heaviness. Five seconds later, he hugged you. This hug was trembling to the extreme, like an oath of faith.

At this moment, your nose suddenly feels sore.

You patted his back, unable to get away from his trembling.

"Okay, okay..." you whispered.

He is always silent and never leaves you, like a knight holding a bloody sword.

You embark on a journey that won’t tire you.

District 11. Free Alliance. Judgment House. City of Hope. Antofa City... You have constructed the prototypes of many forces in this fictional world and arranged their locations and buildings.

You have visited every corner and measured every inch of land with your feet.

The [two-dimensional] world you constructed is becoming more and more perfect. You believe that after the Dawn System is officially launched, humans will be able to persist in this pure land for a long time.

After the 278th simulation, when you exited the Dawn System, your consciousness fell into a trance. At that moment, you almost forgot who you were.

You are suddenly alert.

The human soul has life span, even if your body is still young.

The length of time you have experienced has begun to exceed your tolerance - your soul begins to wear away, your consciousness begins to blur, and your wisdom begins to deteriorate.

In one simulation, you slept for days. Sometimes, you forget how to chew your food and need nutritional solutions to survive. Sometimes, you even forget how to speak and pronounce words... You are like a young person suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

"Who are you?" After a simulation, you stared at Lin Guang in a daze.

He was stunned for a moment, then held your hand tightly: "I am Lin Guang."

You nodded.

After a moment, you say, "Who am I?"

"You are Asa Aktor."

You nodded.

After a moment, you said, "Who am I?"

"You are Asa Akto." Lin Guang repeated patiently, awakening your worn-out memory.

"I'm Asa Akto." You smiled, like a silly baby: "Why are you looking so sad? Come on, Lin Guang."

After a while, you said again:

"...Hey, who am I?"

You don't understand why Lin Guang looks at you with such pain. Your spirit is on the verge of breaking like a tower of sand, like a dehydrated fish.

After taking the medicine, you came back to your senses and realized that you had just experienced symptoms of amnesia.

It's almost impossible to escape your fear.

One day, you look in the mirror and feel that you look so strange in the mirror. What is that thing settling in those gray eyes of his own?

Is it the haze on the battlefield?

Is it finely divided black powder?

Or is it the ashes of the deceased that you held in your own hands and finally fell into your eyes?

Are these silent colors turning your eyes dark gray, or is this their original color?

[I remembered that I used to like philosophy and exploration so much. 】

[But now, I won’t even look at it. 】

【--why? 】

[My appearance has never aged, but my soul has entered its twilight years? 】

"Teacher, can we give up? Come with me on a voyage." One day, Tredia raised her head, her red lips like a ball of fire, and she asked you to leave.

Her clear eyes seem to be questioning you - is it worth it?

"I'm sorry," you said, "I can't. I have to take humanity into [two dimensions]."

When Tredia heard this, she could only sigh.

She gives you a bronze pocket watch with a gold chain.

In simulation, after getting confused about time, you use it to keep time. It is your anchor, it reminds you of who you are, and it reminds you that there is someone named Tredia waiting for you.

You have reached the pinnacle of research in the three fields of mechanics, biochemistry, and artificial intelligence. People begin to worship you as a true god.

But this is not enough.

"The [two-dimensional] world is not perfect yet. We must continue to simulate it and make up for every loophole..." You gritted your teeth.

When you can't hold on anymore, your companions start to accompany you.

"Take us with you to participate in the simulation." They said:

"If you forget how to eat, I'll feed it to you."

"If you forget how to speak, I'll teach you how to speak."

"If you develop Alzheimer's, we will raise you like a child."

"If you forget who we are... we'll get to know you again."

"You did not have to bear the pain of an entire civilization. Asa Aktor. You are a human, not a god."

Kai handed you the candy, Tredia gave you a hug, Beilisel made a medicinal soup for you, Linguang gave you a flute song, Xi gave you a Luozi, Rongyuan gave you He swore to protect mankind for the rest of his life.

You laughed out loud.

You like to hear others say that you are not God.

"I want to do something for them."

"Even a little bit is good."

This is the 244th day of the war. Starting from the 293rd simulation, every time you enter the Dawn system, a companion will accompany you.

You and this companion will walk through this desolate [two-dimensional] world together to complete this simulated mission.

But in the end,

It turned out that they couldn't hold on before you did.

The long hours are enough to drive them crazy.

The first one to go crazy was Tredia. She looks like an old lady suffering from Alzheimer's disease, but she has a youthful face...

"Who am I?" she repeated:

"Teacher, I love you, who am I?"

You save her brain and enter it into the Dawn System. I hope she can be reborn after the [2D] world is officially opened.

The second one who couldn't hold on was Qi.

According to his last wish, you killed him with your own hands. Qi is unwilling to live in the [two dimensions] in the future as a program, and you respect him.

Before he died, he gave you the candy jar he carefully stored and asked you to eat one every day and don't forget to be happy.

You promised him.

You can't be happy at all.


After both of them die, you will be accompanied by North Lisel.

During the long simulation, Beilisel began to talk, dream, and hallucinate in his sleep.

"It's so cold... Akto." Beilisel hugged you tightly: "Am I dreaming again? Don't die, okay..."

Your vision began to waver, and you opened your mouth to save something.

The human heart can only tolerate a certain degree of despair. The sponge has absorbed enough water. Even if the ocean flows over it, it cannot add another drop of water to it.

His expression made you think he was about to cry. You really want them to stop accompanying you and just continue to lead the war in reality. But they refused. They don't want you to be alone and simulate repeatedly in the Dawn system. After all, you have already developed symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

But you know that you are mortal, and opening the Dawn System requires your life.

It’s hard to imagine how crazy people will fall into once you die. So you buried many administrator accounts in the [two-dimensional] world and copied your knowledge and body. In this way, there will be a steady stream of "Actors" appearing in the future.

"Beilisel, you must live even if I'm not here." Your eyes trembled.

"No, I will wait for you." Beilisel whispered: "If you disappear one day, I will find a safe place and wait for you forever... until you appear in front of me."

"Don't be like this," you said.

By chance, you came to a valley, which contained beautiful spring. The white-haired boy stood among the flowers and smiled at you. His smile was innocent and cruel:

"Asa, what do you think of this valley?"

"If one day you disappear."

"I will wait for you in this valley, forever and ever..."

"You must remember this. Remember that there is a man named Beilisel here waiting for you to come back..."

You don't speak.

She just smiled at him silently, turned around, biting the corner of her mouth to bleed.

【I don’t know who will leave me. 】

[If people have to rely on the death of their companions to continue their lives, I would rather choose to bear it alone. As long as the only one hurt is yourself, you won't feel sad anymore. 】

[Otherwise, I always feel like my heart is clutching something, so depressed that it makes me go crazy. 】

[Too many tragedies have happened here. I thought that as long as I had enough people around me, I wouldn’t feel lonely. 】

[I seem to be just a heavy shadow, burdened with indescribable unwillingness. 】

[Every minute, every second, is unforgettable. 】

[If everywhere you go is a prison, what's the use of escaping? 】

【……don't want. 】

【I do not want. 】

While you're constantly simulating, you're also leading a real-world war.

On the 257th day of the war, in the middle of the sand, you raised the sword in your hand tremblingly, calling on people to avenge the victims, roaring at the top of your lungs.

"——Please keep fighting!"

"——Please continue to fight for the dead Tredia, Yue and Kai, and for the life and glory of mankind!"

The way people look at you is more like admiration than fanaticism. They seem to hope that by looking at you, they can connect themselves to some kind of heavenly kingdom.

All the shackles of life are pressed against your legs, and you walk a long way bleeding with these shackles.

While you have to endure the sequelae caused by the aging of your soul, you have to make the most decisive and precise war decisions.

And the pain that accumulated for a long time finally turned into a sentence——

"——Please follow me to live."

Indestructible, like a declaration of war against fate.

You repeated the call, your face bloodshot and your skin turning red from the continued appeal.

"——Please follow me to live!"

But it didn't take long.

They turn into tombstones before you.

[Sometimes, I want to die in battle. 】

[But people’s eyes tell me - no, you don’t have the right to die. They would even use their lives to build a strong wall for me and cut off the possibility of my death with their actions. 】

[Their expectations turned into a deep-seated curse. 】

[I fought desperately, but I only got a riddled me. But if I don’t fight, even the riddled me will be gone. 】

Day 261 of the war.

You gradually become a machine.

Sometimes, tears fall down my cheeks without even noticing. You often feel sad and angry, but you don’t know what you are sad about. It seems that it is just a physiological reaction composed of hormones, rather than something called emotion in your brain. There are voices in your head that erupt one after another in mourning.

【again. 】

【again. 】


Linguang always sits by your side and accompanies you in the simulation.

After a simulation ends, you gasp so hard that you almost lose your breath.

"Can you think for yourself... even once? You become the scale itself, with the world on one end and you on the other. Will you ever, once in a hundred and a thousand measurements, turn the scale sideways in your direction? ?" Lin Guang looked at you:

"You always...wrong yourself, ignore yourself, hurt yourself, sacrifice yourself..."

But you just smiled and didn't agree to his plea.

"No need to persuade me, this is the thousand and second simulation. I succeeded." You said to him.

Lin Guang was slightly startled.

He didn't expect you to succeed.

But you really did it.

Just like in slow motion, you see the excitement in Lin Guang's eyes and see your companions rushing towards you happily. You see... the perfect [two-dimensional] data has been collected by you, just waiting for you to officially bring all humans in.

Just waiting for pour your life into it.

You finally built the most perfect [two-dimensional] initial world - you named it "Caius Tower".

"In times of cataclysm, it represents a legend."

You whispered:

"——Legend has it that there is a bird named "Caius", which rises at dusk and sets at dawn. It hovers in the sky and always follows the first ray of dawn.

"—— According to legend, it will never die or touch the ground. It will fly in the air forever and is the embodiment of hope.

"I hope... this bird of hope and peace can bring the morning sun to mankind."

When you separate yourself from the dawn system little by little, you finally feel quiet.

On the horizon, the sun rises.

“The pioneer never dies, the dawn lives forever.”

You looked at the rising sun in the distance and smiled softly.

"I am willing to do my best to bring you a future."

"The smile has long since disappeared from my face, and my tone has become cold. Not even the piano can bring back the softness in my temperament."

"How long has it been since I hugged someone or touched someone's hand? I have no impression of it. I have become something I can't even imagine."

"So, I have always hated deifying a person. This is tantamount to depriving a person of his sensibility, depriving him of his soft shell, depriving him of his ability to communicate and love, and enshrining him on a cold throne. , alienated into a steel symbol surrounded by flowers.”

"I am proud to be human. God is an objectionable race in my eyes."

“But this devastated world needs God.”

"But everyone needs me to become a god."

You looked at the red Dawn System in front of you with gentle eyes. It takes your life to open it.

You smiled softly and slowly, but your smile was like a sigh from nowhere, and your swollen and trembling emotions were swelling.

"So, I'm Asa Aktor."

"——I depreciate myself as a god."

White birds circle around you.

Like a grand sacrifice.

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