First Divorce Forced To Become a Full-time Artist

Chapter 215: Suona and Erhu, Hundred Birds Face Phoenix and Erquan Reflect the Moon!

  Chapter 215 Suona and Erhu, Hundred Birds Face Phoenix and Erquan Reflect the Moon!

  Li Ang's fingers moved dexterously on the pipa like a small electric motor.

  The speed of the flicking is that countless female audience members who watched were short of breath and dumbfounded!

  As Ang Lee plucked the strings, the pipa suddenly rang an extremely rapid, majestic sound!

  This kind of voice is extremely tense.

  Especially after Ang Lee told you the story of ambush on all sides, the first time many listeners heard the song, rows of mighty and mighty troops appeared in their heads.

  Line up camps, blow up, click generals, line up, and go!

  The five pieces of music in the front all play a role in setting off. The methodical rhythm arrangement makes the development of emotions step by step, and makes a sufficient pavement for the transition to the fierce battle scene.

  Followingly, the three major sections of Ambush, Jimingshan Battle, and Jiulishan Battle are the core of the song.

The music in "Ambush" and the artistic conception it depicts have certain characteristics. It uses a relaxed rhythm and a melody that is modeled and developed to create a tense and terrifying atmosphere, giving people a kind of ambush under the curtain of night. All around, approaching Chu Jun's gloomy feeling.

   "Jiming Mountain Small Battle" vividly shows the scene of small-scale battles between the two sides. In addition, the gradual increase in speed and the upward and downward pattern of the melody make the emotions more tense.

  "The Battle of Jiulishan" is the climax of the whole song. This piece of music uses a variety of pipa techniques to depict the fierce battle between the two armies.

  Pipa simulates the noisy and fierce battle sound quite well and has a certain appeal. The whole piece of music depicts the conflict between the Chu and Han armies. The outcome has been determined and the contradiction has been resolved.

  Finally, Xiang Yu committed suicide in Wujiang after his failure. The low music atmosphere contrasted sharply with the previous climax.

  The melody of "Wujiang Sui" is sad and tragic, shaping the artistic image of Xiang Yu's generosity and tragedy.

  A few minutes later.

  Li Ang’s song "Ambush on Ten Sides" has ended.

  When the sound of the song fell, all the talents came out of the trance.

  Hundreds of millions of viewers all over the world looked down, and unconsciously discovered that there was a layer of goose bumps on their bodies.

   "The mood of this song is very in place, magnificent, and very nervous."

   "During the **** phase, I didn't even dare to breathe extra."

  "Is this a Huaguo musical instrument? Why is he only holding the pipa and playing, but I feel as if I see an orchestra playing."

   "Yes! The player on the stage is so fast, he is too good."

  "What is the name of this instrument? Is it called Pipa? Oh my God, I feel like I have opened the door to a new world."

   "I have never understood it before, but now I know that it turns out that Huaguo's musical instruments are so powerful! This is no worse than the violin."

   "There is also this sound, it's really amazing! Ten sides in ambush, ten sides in ambush, I really feel the smell in it."

  One after another, the audience commented in a low voice.

  All the audiences in the whole world, who have the conditions to set up a stereo sound, were completely amazed when Ang Lee started to play!

  If you don’t have the conditions to set up a stereo, you just feel nervous all over your body just listening to the music.


  At this moment, the Chinese Music Association, President Luo Jingwen, Vice President Hawke, and Black Provincial President Xue Kai, as well as the presidents of other provincial associations throughout China.

   Twenty or thirty people gathered in the top music viewing room.

  The TV is turned on, and CCTV 10 sets are broadcasting live performances by the Chinese musician Li An from far away in Su Guoji Ke.

  A guzheng "Mountain and Flowing Water", and a pipa "Ambush on Ten Sides".

  After all the two pieces are played, plus the story told by Teacher Li An, more than 20 minutes have passed.

  Listen to the sound of mountains and flowing water coming from the surrounding stereo speakers; there is also the tragic and tragic sound of Xiang Yu and Wujiang when he was squatting.

  All of the twenty or thirty people in the entire music room were crying.

  Is it because Ang Lee played well? Of course there is part of the reason... but more importantly.

  They saw China’s national musical instruments, famous songs that have been passed down in China for thousands of years, blooming on the world stage!

Moreover, it is not only blooming. Looking at all the white-skinned and dark-skinned foreigners on the stadium, when seeing their amazing eyes and looks, as the leaders of the Chinese Music Association, suddenly there is a kind of clearing away the clouds. See the feeling of Chaoyang!

  "Musicians like Mr. Li An have greatly advanced our Chinese music culture to the world!"

  "Not only did China lead China to the top three of the music festival, but it also showed China's national musical instruments in the music festival."

   "Ms. Li An is really good. He can amaze all foreigners on this stage of the music festival."

   "This teacher Li An is really good, not only has profound accomplishments in piano and violin, but I didn't expect that the level of guzheng and pipa is so high."

   "Ms. Li An’s display this time has allowed the world to see our Chinese culture. After this music festival, our Chinese music will be glorious again!"

  Hawke, Xue Kai and others sighed.

  Some people with a heavier national sentiment have direct tears from their eyes.

Luo Jingwen, the chairman of the Music Association, took a deep breath and said, "I have to ask my head for instructions. From now on, our Chinese musical instruments must be more focused on letting young people learn and practice. Who says our Chinese musical instruments are inferior to Western instruments? Look at the performance of Teacher Li An, and everyone in the world is amazed!"


  A high mountain and running water and a ten-sided ambush have already amazed the world.

  But this is far from enough.

  Li Ang only used the guzheng and pipa. There are still many instruments in China that are not yet available.

  After playing Ten Sides Ambush, you stood up and walked to a big horn.

  Li Ang picked up the big horn and said to everyone: "This thing that looks like a big horn in my hand is called Suona. It is a double reed air-sounding instrument, which is a wind instrument."

  "There is a proverb circulating in our country called: all kinds of musical instruments, suona is king!"

  "This is not bragging. Don't look at its small size, but it can explode with absolute great potential, whether it is bass or treble, it is fully competent."

  "Now, the piece I want to play for everyone is the most difficult and most amazing piece of Suona. In this piece, you can hear the sounds of nearly a hundred birds!"

  "You can hear cuckoos, partridges, swallows, chirps, blue tits, thrushes, larks, blue wax mouths, etc., and even roosters."

After playing two songs in a row, Ang Lee’s mood was already very high at this moment. What he said seemed to have an infecting atmosphere, infecting tens of thousands of audiences in the entire venue, making it count in front of the TV. 100 million viewers.

  When Li Ang said this, the whole stadium, the whole world watching people sitting in front of the TV were all in shock and disbelief.

   "How is this possible? Use that arm-length thing to imitate the calls of hundreds of birds!?"

   "Oh my God, hundreds of bird calls, this can't be done even with a piano..."

   "Piano should be possible, but the piano is so bulky, how bulky is this oboe instrument."

   "Unbelievable, unbelievable... I don't know how he can play with this thing called Suona?"

   "It's one thing to be able to play a bird's call, but it's another thing to be able to play like a bird."

  All the audience concentrated on stage Lee Ang.

  There are expectant voices, and there are no doubting voices.

  After a brief introduction to everyone, Li Ang picked up the suona, then puffed up his mouth and started playing.

  When the song sounded, all the audience listened with breathlessness.

   Suona’s sound is very unique and very recognizable. Everyone is accustomed to piano and violin, but now suddenly hearing this suona sounds a bit interesting.

  Li Ang continued to play suona.

  When the tune reached more than a minute, the suona rang out with a crisp bird cry.

  At this moment, all the listeners only felt that their scalp was numb.

  "This, this is really a bird's call..."

  "This is the call of thrush."

   "This is the cuckoo's call."

   "My God, this is too similar!"

   "Am I in a forest?"

  "Are there any mistakes...this is really a lot of birds calling!"

   "And there is indeed a rooster crying here."

   "My God, just such a gadget, can burst out such a complicated musical sound?"

   "What a joke, my God!"

   "The point is that the sound of this bird sounds too similar."

   "Even if you use the piano to play, you can't make such a crisp bird call."

  Everyone exclaimed.

  You must know that Ang Lee now possesses top-notch suona skills, so what he played out was a perfect imitation of the sound of the birds in the song, flawlessly!

  Six minutes later, the song "Hundred Birds Face Phoenix" is still played.

   Tens of thousands of spectators in the stadium, hundreds of millions of spectators in front of the TV, all are amazing!

From mountains and rivers to ambush on ten sides to this one hundred birds facing the phoenix, although I dare not say that one is more amazing than one, but no matter which capital is above the absolute level, it is the kind that can make people goose bumps. Song.

  On the VIP seats in the stadium.

  Kronte directly picked up the cup in front of the table, and then fell to the ground bitterly, and glass **** splashed all over the floor.

  "FUCK, FUCK! How could this happen, that horn-like thing can actually simulate a bird's call!?"

   "Is it the **** pit I dug for him or the bricks I laid for him!? How do I feel that I pushed him onto the stage to promote their Chinese culture!?"

  Kronte's angry face was red and red.

  Trieste and Motris, you look at me and I look at you. They wanted to come forward to comfort Kronte, but they didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, they still closed their mouths.


  Sona has finished playing, and now it's less than half an hour, so Ang Lee still has a lot of time to show Chinese music culture.

  Li Ang walked to a thing that looked very crude.

Ang Li hugged the thing and said: "The erhu I am holding in my hand is called the Erhu. It has a history of more than a thousand years in China. It is one of the most important bowed stringed instruments in China. Its playing method is similar to that of a violin, it is stringed."

"And the next piece I will play for you is a friend I met in China. That friend was named A Bing. When he was young, he took opium and caused his life to collapse and suffered from eye diseases. Blindness. When I met him, he was living on the street doing business and living in a very poor life."

"After I listened to his song, I felt the vicissitudes of life and hardships, and a voice of admiration for the light. At that time, I felt very good after listening to it, so I asked him how he made it, but that A Bing told me that this song was made with his own bitterness and bitterness."

   "Later, I bought his song, but his life has just improved, but he has died."

   "And today, I want to use Erhu to pull out his song on the stage of this world, so that everyone can listen to it, hope in despair."

  "This song is called: "Erquan Yingyue"!"

  Speaking, Ang Lee has already begun to pull the bowstring of the erhu.

  When the sound rang, the extremely sad tune instantly penetrated everyone's hearts.

The tens of thousands of people in the stadium, and the hundreds of millions of spectators in front of the TV, suddenly began to feel depressed, and there was a sense of inexplicable sadness.

  The tune continued to be played, but in this sadness, there was hope and expectation of rising like the sun, which made people feel touched.

  A total of five minutes.

  After the five minutes of playing, everyone’s mood gradually began to calm down.

  A good song can touch people's hearts, and obviously, this song "The Second Spring Reflected in the Moon" completely meets the standard, even far beyond that emotional sentiment.

  Some people are sighing for the depth of the song, while others are also sighing for Li Ang’s superb playing skills.

  Far away in the United States.

  In an elegant villa, cellist Bobbi Jax is watching TV.

  Jax has been very interested in bowed string instruments since he was a child, and it turns out that he is also very talented in this regard.

  He is less than 40 years old and is now one of the top ten violinists, violaists and cellists in the world.

  However, he has long been bored with such instruments as violin, and he hopes to be able to get in touch with different bowed instruments.

  Jax has been watching the music festival.

  He saw Li An, a young man with an inch head, played the high mountain and running water with the guzheng on the stage, played the ambush on all sides with the pipa, and played the Hundred Birds Chaofeng with the Suona.

  Jax was so amazing, he even sighed more than once that Ang Lee is really a versatile guy.

  And at this moment, Jax saw that Lee Ang picked up a plucked string instrument.

  Jax was too interested in plucked string instruments, so he immediately sat up straight and became attentive.

   "This thing is actually called Erhu? It's really an interesting name. It's similar to the way the violin is played. It's all plucked instruments."

  Jax is analyzing this national musical instrument from China.

  Jax just finished his analysis, and the young Ang Lee on the stage has already begun to play.

  He held the bowstring in his right hand, and with the dance of his right hand, the erhu made a very long and melancholic voice.

  The voice has gradually infected Jax.

  When the tune was pulled for about two minutes, there was an amazing change in the pitch of the tune. Although the change was great, it was extremely smooth.

  Jax’s expression has gradually begun to become serious.

  "I have been practicing the violin for many years, and I am among the top ten characters in the entire world, but I can still hear a little bow change in some particularly difficult tonal changes."

   "But, this is Li Ang. His bowstrings look like endless train tracks, and there is no sign of bow changing at all!"

  After the song "The Second Spring Reflected in the Moon" was finished, Jax's breathing became a little quick.

"I didn't expect this song to be so good. I heard despair in this song, but I heard a glimmer of hope. This is a very good song. It is similar to "Destiny". It is the "Destiny of the East". "."

   "I really didn't expect that such an outstanding person appeared in the little-known Eastern country."

   "Ang Lee, I remember your name! Not only is your playing skills extremely superb, but the depth of this piece is so high, and the feelings are so strong."

   "Oh my God, I think I should kneel down and listen to this song!"

   (Realistic adaptation: World-renowned conductor Seiji Ozawa said after listening to this piece that he should kneel down to listen.)

  (End of this chapter)

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