Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 165 Eyeball Lord 0 Gu

The particularity of the Thorn Wood Demon really made Li Siwen rich.

Extract the venom from the barren village in the south, let the thorny wood demon absorb it and transform it into vitality and impurities. Regardless of the impurities, the transformed vitality is really fragrant. Extract it and inject it into other earth wood demons. The rhythm of daily progress.

Of course, Li Siwen didn't just dance around, be elated, and get carried away. Instead, he thought about the matter seriously, including whether the thorn wood demon might mutate again due to absorbing too much venom, and eventually turned into a tree. Demon grandma.

"So, don't be greedy, just use the thorn wood demon to earn 10,000 points of vitality. It's not enough to count on the thorn wood demon to wipe out the venom in the south, so the best way is one word, burn!"

Immediately, Li Siwen made a strict plan. First, he went to the location above the bald high ground to ripen the earth wood demon that had long been on the candidate list. After turning it into an idiot, he moved it to the artificial lake. In the southeast corner, there is only one talent, purification, but this time the purification includes the purification of the air, which can be used as a substitute for the thorn wood demon.

But this purifying wood demon doesn't need to face the venom directly.

And when Li Siwen went to ripen the fifth earth wood demon again, he failed this time. The big tree did become an earth wood demon, and it was indeed an idiot, but he couldn't activate the wood demon's vision. Migrate it and issue various orders.

Undoubtedly, it is his woodcutter profession that can only have the control rights of four earth wood demons.

So this is embarrassing.

So Li Siwen had no choice but to give up, but he didn't intend to hack the wild wood demon to death.

Just let the wild wood monster grow freely. After all, an idiot wood monster is not dangerous, and the earth wood monster's contribution to the ecological construction of the territory is also quite huge.

Even if the wild wood demon grows wildly, as long as it is given enough space, enough sunlight and water, it will continue to grow normally without deformed mutations. After all, the external environment is so loose , how could you not be a fat man?

Fat is valuable!

In addition, this wild wood demon is located on the edge of the flooded valley, less than a kilometer away from the territory. Its existence also helps to resist the torrents from above.

"So in this way, I can only have four storage warehouses. The reserve of the Xiling Wood Demon is 1,000 points of vitality. The Wetland Wood Demon has evolved and belongs to the Sky Wood Demon, so it can reserve 3,000 points of vitality. The Thorn Wood The demon can reserve 3000 points, and the purified wood demon in the southeast corner of the artificial lake can reserve 1000 points, a total of 8000 vitality points, which is not bad."

"However, half of the 8,000 points of vitality cannot be used, and will be reserved for the four earth wood demons to maintain their lives next year. I can only use 4,000 points, although this amount is quite a lot, but I can't be careless Using waste can be used to upgrade farmland, one acre of high-grade farmland only needs 100 vitality points, and almost all the farmland in my territory meets this level, but upgrading one acre of top-level farmland requires 1000 vitality points."

"As far as the place where I released my farming skills before, there are a total of eight acres. If I upgrade all of them, I will get 8,000 vitality points. I will make it up."

Not that he didn't know, but he was shocked when he calculated that he himself was still a poor man.


Li Siwen, who was stimulated by the truth of his poverty, began to work hard. He first took out a piece of flame red crystal, absorbed 25 points of heavenly work, and made two large buckets with fish head armor. This thing is not afraid of venom.

But this is already the fourth piece of flame red crystal that has been used, and there are still four pieces left in the crock, and the assets have shrunk severely.

So poor, I want to cry...

Next, is to witness the crazy scene.

Li Siwen carried two buckets of fish head shells, and transported the venom back like baby bumps, and let the thorny wood demon transform and process it. The transformed vitality value was extracted and stored in other wood demons. This speed of earning vitality points Simply sensational.

However, this process lasted for a full five days.

Li Siwen himself was also worried about whether the Thorn Wood Demon's transformation ability was capped or saturated, and he understood the reason for recuperating.

In addition, he extracts the impurities in the thorn wood demon every day, and he has never been able to figure out what the impurities are?

until he starts extracting—

"Heavenly work value +1!"

"Heavenly work value +1!"


Alas, I'm sorry, the life of cheating is so lonely and invincible, what is that?

The venom can transform vitality value and heavenly value, which is really cool! It's just that the amount of Heaven's work value is a bit small, and it takes 100 points of impurities to extract 1 point.

Alas, I am still swollen, Mr. Yanzhu, please eat hot pot when you come again, you are a rare good person~

On the sixth day, Li Siwen stopped brushing the venom, because what he was most worried about happened. The Thorn Wood Demon's ability to absorb and transform the venom reached the upper limit, and could no longer absorb and transform the venom, and directly entered a dormant state. Even the vitality value of 2400 points in it could not be extracted.

It's really a sad story.

Fortunately, he did make a small profit during the five-day process of brushing the venom like a sick man.

The Tiangong value has reached 22 points in total, which is better than nothing.

A total of 10,500 vitality points were collected. Well, he upgraded the extra land. A total of four acres of land were upgraded to top-level farmland by him, which consumed 4,000 vitality points.

To be honest, if he didn't have such a chance to get rich, he would never dare to spend so much in his life.

Of the remaining 6500 points of vitality, 2400 points were locked in the dormant Thorn Wood Demon.

He extracted only 4100 points, of which 2500 points were stored in the Wetland Wood Demon, making its storage limit reach the full value of 3000 points, and the rest were distributed to the Xiling Wood Demon and the Purifying Wood Demon.

Overall it's perfect.

It is worth mentioning that after the wetland wood monster's vitality storage reaches the upper limit, the new vitality formed by absorbing sunlight every day is automatically put into the growth command.

So now the water storage tonnage of the wetland wood demon has exceeded 15,000 tons, and it is still increasing.

Simply outrageous and sensational.

Li Siwen couldn't wish for this.

Thanks again, Mr. Eyeball.

Mr. Eyeball, Qiangu!

a bow...

Two bows...

Three bows...

"Play dirge!"


Just as after a feast there is only chaos, after a carnival there is only loneliness.

Li Siwen is also quite lonely now, so he is pushing the cart, loading soil, unloading the cart, running very fast, with extra motivation.

The waterproof dam is now in shape. After all, whether it is Master Xiong or Song Hu, they are fierce people. In the past ten days, they have spent every day loading soil, pulling cars, and unloading cars. , Master Xiong didn't even have a chance to steal fish.

Of course, there is really no chance, the big river has been shrouded in mist, and from time to time you can see a little Yaksha swimming by arrogantly riding a big fish. In this case, even Lord Xiong dare not go into the water.

So I can only work. Fortunately, the territory basically has enough supplies for the winter.

And the weather started to cool down.

Maybe one day when you wake up in the morning, it will be covered with snow and everything will be frozen.

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