Concubine Yi: "What about those carriages?"

"This..." Lord Ji couldn't say that Wei Zizhan might not be in those carriages. After all, if they were found, they would definitely be sent to Dijing. If not, Shao Zhongxi didn't have to make a lot of fanfare and divide them into a dozen groups. Man, this must have been in a carriage, but I don't know which carriage was in it.

Therefore, Lord Ji said: "Well, continue to kill those who should be killed, those who should be ambushed at the gate of the Imperial Capital are still in ambush, and Ji Yi is still going to kill, if not only the crown prince really recognizes his ancestors and returns to his ancestry, but also has iron evidence. If the emperor can cure our sins, we can only reverse it."

Speaking of this, Lord Ji ordered his son: "Qiwei, write a letter to your brother and tell him to make preparations quickly and secretly, if there is anything wrong, we will go to meet him and turn back in the west. "

He also has a son named Ji Xiehui.

But it was not his own son, but he picked it up on the street fifteen years ago. At that time, his family, Xie Hui, was only nine years old. He was begging on the street, which was very miserable. There were many beggars bullying him. The strength of not admitting defeat, and the big beggars who still beat them all ran away. He felt that this strength of not admitting defeat could do anything, so he picked it up.

He didn't think of his son at first, but he found out that his family, Xie Hui, was very smart, and he recognized his son only after he could draw inferences from other facts.

Ji Qiwei was the only son of him, and the others were daughters. After all, the heirs were a little weaker. With multiple sons, multiple people could help him share things.

Facts show that this son, he is not wrong.

As long as he ordered things, for so many years, every time this son is dying, he has to do it for him. If there is any danger, his son is the first to stand in the front, and he will never let him or his family have an accident.

Originally, he was in charge of the Zhenxi Army, but two years ago, because he was assassinated and injured, his arms don't work much, so naturally he can't be in charge of the Zhenxi Army. His son Ji Qiwei is not a general at all. He naturally didn't expect it. It happened that his son, his family Xiehui, had been with him in the Zhenxi military camp for many years. He was a well-known general and had made a lot of military exploits. Therefore, he wrote a letter at that time, proposing that his family's Xiehui should be appointed by him. Come in charge of Zhenxi Army.

The emperor approved, and named his family Xiehui as the general of Zhenxi.

Today, his family, Xiehui, is in front of this general in the Zhenxi Barracks, and is in charge of the Zhenxi Army.

"Okay, I'll write to Xie Hui now!" Ji Qiwei said immediately. Although his younger brother is much more talented than him, he treats his elder brother the same as his father. He almost lost his life many times trying to protect him. Anyway, he also believes in this younger brother very much.


At noon that day, Xuanyuan Hao, the current emperor of Daling, finally received a hurried memorial from the prefect in Changyu area. When he learned that someone had blood-washed the back house of Heshi County, Xuanyuan Hao was naturally furious.

It was also at noon that day, Qiye came to Zhennan Barracks again, looking for Shao Shuting.

As soon as he heard that his nephew had been found and was about to be sent to Dijing for a blood test, Shao Shuting was naturally overjoyed.

Thinking that the Ji family and Concubine Yi Gui have been overwhelmed recently, all the people on the line from Dijing to Lingshan Town in Xinyuan County have been transferred to the north, not to mention Ping'an Town, which is the entire Xinyuan County. There are no more people from the Ji family and Concubine Yi Gui, and Shao Shuting naturally wants to tell his sister about this big happy event.

He had to sit in the army himself, so he couldn't go, so he let Shi Ye go.


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