Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 91 Braised Pork

Soon it will be April 15th, which is both the Flower Festival and the temple fair.

Song Sanshun took a special day off from work today and took his wife and niece to visit the temple fair.

This time they don't sell anything, they just want to have a good time and take in the scenery.

Song Laoliu, Song You and several members of the well-drilling club also went there with their families. They dug a total of ten wells this time, and each of them made dozens of dollars. When walking on the road, they felt that they were richer than others. straight.

If you have money in hand, you naturally want to buy some food and cloth, and the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. This is the first major festival of the year, so you need to buy some delicious food to celebrate.

You have to buy some things like glutinous rice, red dates, candies, and candies, and use them later to make rice dumplings.

Song Sanshun asked his brother-in-law to look after his house, and he hired an ox cart to drive the family and his father to Tieniu Town.

Song Baqi carried a load of straw-woven insects, all of which were lifelike, attracting passers-by and children to look at them along the way.

When they arrived at Tieniu Town, Song Sanshun delivered his father's straw basket to the place where he originally set up his stall, which immediately attracted many people to watch.

Chang'an was held in her aunt's arms and said to her grandfather: "Sell them for a penny each."

She remembered that other vendors also sold them for one cent, or two cents, but the grasshopper cages were slightly more expensive, priced at two cents each.

Song Baqi nodded: "Grandpa knows, you go and play."

"Yes." Chang'an waved to his grandfather and was taken away by his aunt and uncle.

There were still the same number of people at the temple fair this time, but there were also a lot more beggars. Judging by their accents, most of them were not locals.

Song Sanshun took his wife and niece to visit a Buddhist temple. He also heard that a new Taoist temple had been built not far from here, so he planned to go and have a look.

"We will go with you too." Song Laoliu and his wife and children followed Song Sanshun closely: "There is always someone to take care of you."

When Song You saw this, he immediately followed with his wife and children: "There are still us."

He and his wife only took the little hoe to attend the temple fair, while the other children stayed in the village to look after the house.

Chang'an lay on his uncle's shoulder, looked at the little hoe, and then at Brother Goudan, wanting to go down and go with them.

But my uncle refused, saying that there were many people at the temple fair and it would be easy to get stepped on.

"Sanshun, have you seen that? Along the way, the crops in Tieniu Town grow best." Song Laoliu looked into the fields on the roadside as he walked: "What do you think they rely on for watering?"

Song Sanshun thought of Zhang Tuzi who often came to his house to buy Dragon King statues. He seemed to be from Tieniu Town: "I guess like us, we all rely on digging wells for irrigation."

"How many wells will we have to dig?" Song Laoliu shook his head, suddenly thinking that he and Sanshun had also dug wells for Wang Yuanwai and several surrounding villages, he immediately shut up.

A group of people came to the newly built Taoist temple and were surprised to see more people burning incense here than at the Buddhist temple over there.

"I didn't expect that such a small Taoist temple would be so popular. It's rare, it's rare." Song Laoliu sighed and lined up behind the crowd.

The Taoist temple here is called Xiangyun Temple. It has only one main hall, and the entire temple is brand new.

There is a large stone incense pool in the square in front of the temple, with smoke curling inside. Many people light incense candles here, insert them in the incense pool and kneel down devoutly.

Song Laoliu was curious and asked a pilgrim: "Why are there so many people here?"

Pilgrim: "Because it's efficacious."

"How is it effective?"

"Asking for water here will be very effective."

The pilgrim glanced at Song Laoliu and said, "Anyone who comes to ask for water, as long as he is sincere and gets enlightenment from Taoist Master Ling Xiao, he will be able to dig out water when he returns home."

Song Laoliu's eyes widened: "Is he really that clever?"

The pilgrims gave him a blank look, quickly lit incense, bowed, and walked quickly to the main hall.

Song Laoliu and Song Sanshun looked at each other.

They had already paid their respects at the Buddhist temple, and now they had no incense candles in their hands.

"Can we go to the main hall without burning incense and candles?" Song Laoliu asked quietly.

Song Sanshun: "I don't know."

Chang An in his arms twisted left and right, struggling to get down: "Get down!"

Song Sanshun had no choice but to put her on the ground.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Chang An took off his short legs and ran towards the main hall.

It was so fast that it disappeared in a flash.

Wu was frightened and hurriedly chased after him.

The others quickly followed.

Chang'an ran all the way into the main hall and looked up to see the brand new clay sculpture of the God of Heaven in the middle of the hall. The eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth looked like his bald uncle.

Chang'an looked around and saw that it was full of pilgrims, including men, women, old and weak, but there were no Taoist priests.

She ran to the back hall, where there was a door that led directly to a shabby thatched hut at the back.

There are vegetables growing very well on both sides of the hut, which is surrounded by bamboo fences.

The thatched house was also blocked by a bamboo fence, and someone could be vaguely seen inside.

Chang'an ran over on her short legs and tugged at the bamboo fence a few times but it didn't budge. The top was tied by a rattan and she couldn't reach it.

But there is a gap under the fence door that seems to be able to get through.

Chang'an lay down on the ground and crawled in with his butt sticking out.

Standing up, patting the dirt on her palms, she called towards the hut: "Uncle Zhang Tu!"

Zhang Tu, who was eating in the house, almost choked. He looked up and saw that it was that little girl.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Tu wiped the oil on his mouth and subconsciously wanted to put away the braised pork on the table, but thought about it and forgot about it.

Chang'an ran over, took a look at the meat on the table, and said to Zhang Tu, "I'm here to see you."

She just wanted to come and see if this Taoist temple belonged to Uncle Zhang Tu.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Zhang Tu was actually here, and he actually made his own image into a statue of a god.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" Zhang Tu pretended when he saw the little baby staring at his braised pork.

Unexpectedly, the little doll nodded again, not polite at all.

Helpless, Zhang Tu had no choice but to put some rice in a bowl and a pair of chopsticks: "Here, eat."

Chang'an looked outside the house: "Uncle and aunt are still outside."

Zhang Tu's mouth twitched and he whispered: "Eat quickly, or I will put the meat away."

Taoist priests also have taboos and are not allowed to eat meat.

Originally, Zhang Tu didn't pay much attention to this, but he couldn't eat it in front of many pilgrims.

Chang'an was really hungry for meat, so he finally couldn't resist the temptation and sat down to eat.

Well? The braised pork made by Uncle Zhang Tu is so delicious, just as delicious as the one made by Aunt Zhang.

While eating, Wu and Song Sanshun's anxious shouts came from outside: "Chang'an! Chang'an! Where have you been? Come back quickly!"

Chang'an immediately put down the bowl and ran out of the hut: "Uncle and aunt, I'm here."

Zhang Tu followed him out, opened the fence door, and said to Song Sanshun and his wife, "Come in, Pindao will make you a pot of tea."

Song Sanshun walked in a few steps, picked up Chang An and slapped him in the face: "Why are you disobedient? Look, you scared your aunt!"

Chang An chuckled and pointed to the room: "Eat."

Song Sanshun handed Chang'an to his wife and hugged Zhang Tu: "Excuse me."

"We are all old friends, why are you so polite?" Zhang Tu led the couple into the house and asked them to sit down.

He went to the water vat and scooped out a copper pot of water, put it on the charcoal stove to burn, and said, "You guys are here to have some light meals, too?"

Song Sanshun waved his hand quickly: "No need to bother, we will go back right away."

Song Laoliu, his wife and Song You had already gone to Chang'an separately, and he had to call them back.

Chang'an ate a piece of braised pork and gave another piece to his aunt.

Wu refused to eat and lectured her in a low voice: "Chang'an, how can you eat at other people's houses casually?"

"Uncle Zhang Tu is no one else."

Chang'an took a bite of braised pork and asked Zhang Tu: "Are you someone else?"

Zhang Tu glared at her angrily: "No!"

Chang'an chewed the braised pork and said, "Next time Uncle Zhang Tu comes to my house, I will stew the pig's trotters for you."

"Yeah." Zhang Tu responded, grabbed a handful of dried red dates and threw them into the copper pot, and added a large piece of rock sugar.

Chang'an was thinking about how to stew pig's trotters, and suddenly remembered that his grandfather was still selling grasshoppers at the market.

She put down her chopsticks and threw herself into her aunt's arms: "Go and see grandpa."

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