Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 7 War Preparation

'Skynet', even a 'Skynet' that has not exerted its full strength, is a very terrifying existence. During this period, S.H.I.E.L.D. received more complaints than in previous years, and they were all existences they couldn't afford to mess with.

The U.S. system determines that it must open the door for the operation of capital. The capital custody and operation system represented by banks and securities companies, together with the country’s system and laws, have constructed a complex game rule, a kind of Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones. Complicated deeds and contracts, complex financial rules, and countless accounting and law firms.

Guarantee that any accounting group with more than 80 people can't figure out the ins and outs of finances, and guarantee that lawyers with an IQ of less than 180 don't try to figure out this system. This is the stage for capital, elites and lawyers.

\u0026n; mbsp; Cross-shareholdings, legal persons and offshore companies, custody funds and securities companies, the will behind capital is like an invisible hand, controlling the entire economic system through all these. The power controlled by these large and small funds and investment companies is always brought together in the hands of a few families in a dizzying array of shareholdings and contracts.

The man in charge of Osborne is Norman Osborn, and the chairman of Stark Industries is Tony Stark, but who knows, the threat of stepping down forced Norman to become the Green Goblin, warning Stark Who are those people who cannot give up arms sales?

Thanks to office informatization, Chen Ang knows! He knows that the capital lines hidden under the intricate contracts and entrustments, from banks to securities companies, from investment to shareholding, all files and data networks that have not been filed, are all under the control of Skynet. Down. Chen Ang is well aware of those complicated and troublesome relationships.

How is it possible that someone could figure this out?

Across the world's capital markets according to countless of the most complex laws and contracts. It took the entire time of human beings since the birth of finance to interweave a system that even the most powerful lawyers and accounting teams can't figure out!

They should be safe in the hands of those game rule makers and referees, what controls it? What controls office information, making legal persons and companies all over the world? What is it that takes capital away from them bit by bit with cumbersome and complicated procedures according to those dazzling laws and contracts?

Pentagon. For the "Skynet" combat command, the spider plan combat center.

"According to the latest data, the mysterious 'Skynet' of the Internet and information technology directly controls more than two hundred funds. This is only part of the evidence we have, and there are at least ten times as many financial institutions The control has been handed over. During this period, the flow of financial capital has exceeded 20 times the usual amount, and 4 trillion dollars of capital may be controlled by 'Skynet'!"

In a small conference room,

Everyone was staring at the terrifying data in the projection, those numbers marked in shocking red. A true reflection of the stormy seas beneath the calm exterior of this country.

"Damn it! Are you a shit eater!" The Secretary of State snarled horribly, and slammed the documents on the table into Nick Fury's face, "And you! You just sit and watch that bastard destroy this country ?"

"Do you know what this number means? If that guy moves his finger on the keyboard, the United States will be over! We will face an economic crisis that is a hundred times more terrible than the Great Depression, and the financial order of the entire country will be thrown back to 2 Ten years ago! Forget about you clowns in tights!"

"What can those clowns with masks and tights do? Robbery and violent crimes are dealt with by the police. What else can they do but make trouble? I don't care how much pressure you have. Now I just want results."

"We worked hard, but most financial institutions and banks refused to provide us with information. They have a whole team of lawyers!" The head of the white-collar crime investigation department explained palely.

The Secretary of State stared at him until he dropped his head in awe.

"So I bring you support, this year's scheduled Nobel Prize winner in economics, the pioneer of the Internet big data economic model theory, mathematician, economist-Dr. Chen. Dr. Ang Chen is a government-funded economic Scientist. He has a high prestige in the economics circle, and he is also an authority on the research on the integration of the data economy of 'Skynet'."

The Secretary of State opened the door and invited Chen Ang to come in. Chen Ang looked a little older, at least forty years old, but he looked very refined. Although the temperament is elegant and the clothes are exquisite, the characteristics of Asians are still very obvious.

"Asian?" Someone secretly questioned, but the Secretary of State immediately stared back.

"'Skynet' is a concept, we don't have a substantial understanding of it." Standing on the stage, Chen Ang explained to the people below: "It's hard for anyone to tell what Skynet is, it's an Internet virus , or another higher-level information exchange system? You often regard it as a kind of intelligent life form, but this is an abstract concept that does not involve the essence and core."

"At the invitation of the Secretary of State, I will help everyone analyze and plan according to the characteristics of Skynet."

"First of all, in the economic big data, the concept of Skynet is a cloud computing logical body, you can imagine it is a logical life body that can complete calculation and analysis on any data and has endless computing power. Theoretically, mathematics It can do what it can do. Therefore, after mastering 24.7% of the intervention capital, it can completely control the economic operation of this country.”

"Although what you said seems reasonable, I have to interrupt..." Nick Fury shook his head and said: "The foundation of this world is people, no matter how powerful 'Skynet' is, it always exists in an illusory world. In the world, as long as the human link is controlled, it is not invincible."

"Now it can use virtual identities on the Internet to remotely control lawyers and accountants to perform some procedures for it, but as long as we introduce some restrictive measures against this, it will be helpless."

Nick Fury looked directly into Chen Ang's eyes, and said firmly: "Our focus should be on people, that is, the mastermind behind the control of 'Skynet'. I don't know what Dr. Chen's purpose is to divert our attention from him , but I’m sure that this behind-the-scenes manipulator—Doctor Doom—is the key to everything.”

"Eliminate him, and 'Skynet' will lose its ability to interfere in the real world, and its influence will be trapped in the virtual world. Only then will there be no situation like 'the national economy is controlled' as the doctor said."

"I don't agree with your point of view." Chen Ang didn't care about Nick's 'threat', as if he hadn't heard Nick's detailed accusation against him, "With all due respect, without enough information, go to Targeting a scientist who created 'Skynet' is an absolutely dangerous and reckless thing to do."

"A little carelessness will bring irreversible consequences."

"So you still want to promote your technological breakthrough theory?" Nick raised his hand to signal, "Concentrate scientific research strength, make breakthroughs in Skynet technology, and achieve the purpose of countermeasures and control?"

"Your Ultron plan is indeed courageous. It is bold and clever to use Skynet to achieve the goal of technological upgrading, but the progress of science is not in our hands. Technological breakthroughs depend on God's favor. No. It is said that scientists like Tony Stark, Pym, and Reed can achieve decisive results together."

Nick Fury convinced everyone.

"Doctor Doom is the core of the problem. What we have to do now is not to fear the possible crisis and consequences, but to prevent the losses that have already been caused from expanding. We are already prepared for the worst... Yes, Doctor Doom The desperate counterattack will cause heavy economic losses!"

"But we can pay the price and nip the problem in the bud."

"Destroy a visible enemy from above, or fight an incomprehensible enemy in a completely unfamiliar field? I think the answer is self-evident."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is capable and confident in bringing that Doctor Doom to justice. We have been preparing for this for a long time and contacted many superheroes and vigilantes. This is also a preview of our 'Avengers Project'."

Nick Fury has a well-thought-out plan, and his plan is also complete and detailed. It is difficult to find loopholes to refute such a dense plan. It can only be said that he has been prepared for a long time, but Chen Ang still asked curiously: "In the worst case, What if it's worse than you imagined?"

"This possibility never existed!" (To be continued...)

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