Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 30 The Poison of Zhouguang, the Sands of Time, and the Red Dust of Shaohua

Yuan Yu stood by the edge of the bloody river, facing the most filthy bloody water, his shadow was a foot away from the river bank, suddenly there was a splash in the bloody water, and a dark tail slapped past the surface of the water. This is a strange phenomenon in the bloody river. The monsters, I don't know what kind of weird magical powers they have, but fortunately, these monsters won't jump into the river of blood, so don't pay attention to it for the time being.

Fishing mythical creatures requires great patience. Fortunately, Yuan Yu, an old Taoist priest, was only near Guixu, and he had been his maiden suzerain for tens of millions of years.

The most indispensable thing is patience. Different from the concentration of other mythical fishers, Taoist Yuan Yu folded his hands in his sleeves, squatted on the bank of the river, squinted his eyes, and looked listless, just like an old mountain farmer basking in the sun by the river.

It's almost time to find a pipe of dry tobacco to smoke!

It is a very exhausting thing to keep focused on fisherfish, and it is impossible to maintain this state of absolute concentration for a long time. Many fisherman feel that they cannot maintain this kind of concentration, so they go back to the middle of the kun corpse to rest for a while, because fishing They waited quietly on the shore without making a sound.

Seeing the performance of Taoist Yuan Yu, their expressions were a little weird, and they exchanged a few glances with each other, and the fishermen were a little pessimistic about the future of this weird old Taoist priest.

Everyone waited at the side, casually paying attention to the situation on Yuan Yu Lao Dao's side, rather watching the fun.

They also knew that these two new faces should be newcomers from outside, most likely a Daojun Jinxian, but in this Blood River Jedi, are there still few Daojun Jinxians who died? Actually? Countless... There are its own rules here, which cannot be violated by Daojun Jinxian...

Fan Wujie stood beside the river bank. For a Daoist like him, it is not difficult to stand upright without a shadow. In fact, the monsters are not particularly dangerous monsters at all, and they are not ranked among the blood river monsters. species, because its predatory characteristics are too obvious, as long as it protects its own shadow, or simply eliminates its own shadow, it is not troublesome to avoid this danger.

The real danger is the greedy heart that lures the insects to attack. If you don't hunt and kill such strange insects, there is no need to take this risk.

It can be said that everyone who died here was not innocent.

"Can worms sense the state of their prey?" Fan Wujie looked at Yuan Yu's relaxed look, knowing that he didn't need to keep quiet, and even deliberately relaxed his spirit to lure worms to take the bait.

"The worm and the fisherman are in a mysterious balance. They regard each other as prey... Hunting and being hunted are a pair of contradictory opponents, and the loser becomes the other's supreme The cultivators who fish for insects understand this, so we respect this law." The Taoist Lord who was waiting on the shore said leisurely.

"Almost every good myth fisherman is doomed to die at the hands of myth beasts.


"But we don't hate these humble insects, and even love them a little, because we know them, observe them, hunt them, skin them, protect us in this terrible Jedi, and we We all know that worms are tiny, weak animals, and they are extremely humble in this world."

"Just like us!"

"It is precisely because we understand this kind of small insects, and it is precisely because we fight with them every day, that we understand this kind of insects. They are weak and humble, but they are powerful because they follow the law. There are countless fierce beasts thousands of times stronger than them. They all became skeletons here, but this little bug survived tenaciously because of the survival wisdom of its group."

"Focus first!"

"The competition between every worm and fisherman is a competition of concentration. It can detect your distraction, detect your slightest trance, and then launch an attack. Only people who are more focused than it can hunt and kill It. Without concentration, the worm cannot detect the moment when the angler's mind is slackened, and it kills us for granted, which is the reward it deserves."

"The second is patience... Don't think that a scythe doesn't need patience. With its short lifespan, a scythe is lurking to attack us. Many scyths have never found a chance to make a move in their lifetime, so they will die calmly and will not make a move. What patience a humble life waits at the cost of a lifetime."

"The third is sacrifice. Creatures have been waiting for one reason all their reproduce. They use their concentration, patience, stalemate and accumulation in exchange for a chance to burn themselves and kill creatures thousands of times stronger than themselves , Let your offspring multiply on the enemy's corpse, but you die after that!"

"If a scorpion is lucky enough, it will only shoot twice in its life. The first time is to shoot the enemy's shadow with its own poisonous sand, and the second time is to shoot the countless eggs that are as fine as dust on the enemy's corpse. Then it dies quickly. The body of this dead aneurysm has lost most of its life essence and immunity, but we won't kill it before it spawns."

"Because it has reason to enjoy its spoils."

"Every anima angler regards anima as an adversary worthy of respect. We hunt aniph, and when we die, our corpses will become a new breeding ground for its offspring. This is the cycle of life! "

"So, every myth fisherman is alone."

"This is a fight between man and beast alone..." Fan Wujie pretended not to hear the old Taoist's euphemistic admonition, jokingly, if he was persuaded by the culture here, he would abandon his companions and risk his life If he maintains the so-called 'tradition', then he will still be a fart Taoist monarch!

Don't look at how compassionate this Daojun said.

Most of these minion fishing cultures were attached later. How could the fishermans at the beginning have such a boring feeling? With all the weird explanations in the meeting, if the monks in the Jedi could figure out a way to hunt and kill the monsters in batches without taking risks, the monsters here would have been killed long ago.

Seeing that Fan Wujie was not interested in this, the old Taoist muttered that he was indeed a newcomer brought by the escapee faction, and he would reflect on the impossibility of escape when he was in despair, and that only survival was the only choice.

Fan Wujie reacted in a daze, and the old Taoist's words unintentionally revealed a message-not everyone in this bloody Jedi had hope of escaping. It seems that there are two groups of people here, the prison escape group and the desperate survival group. Although some people only want to escape here, some people simply accept their fate and choose to stay here to survive.

At present, it seems that the two factions only have a conflict of ideas, and the actual relationship is not very bad.

After all, there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, and the fugitives also need to survive, and the survivalists may not completely give up the hope of escaping.

At this moment, in the bloody water in front of Yuan Yulao Dao, a speck of dust suddenly swelled to the size of a football. It was covered with a purple-black skin, and it looked faintly black like an old turtle, but its actual shape was indeed It is a three-legged beetle-like insect. The size and color of this anuran are all in line with the level of the ten thousand-year-old anuran introduced by the mummy.

It swelled from the size of dust haze to the size of a football, only giving Fan Wujie time to react with a single thought.

And it launched an attack, shooting out a faint colorless fine sand, and it was only a half-thought in a short time. Only then did Fan Wujie realize that Yuan Yu Laodao had already turned into a trace of remnant soul, just like the last time he escaped. Just like the change during the chase, a faint black shadow, although suspended in the air, is invisible and qualityless, and there is no so-called shadow.

At this time, it can be said that Yuan Yu Lao Dao has already won the game!

It takes Daojun a moment of time for the ten thousand-year worm to expand to attack form, and this time is enough for Yuan Yu to change form, and the shadow conceptually disappears.

Fan Wujie still made a move, using Zhouguang True Water to disturb the time of the worm's projection in the sand. Under the influence of his innate Cosmic Light Dao Seed, the short space from the worm to the shadow of the old Taoist was stretched by ten light-years, or It is said that it is a time barrier of ten years, and the faint colorless poisonous sand of the worms flows through this distance. The poisonous sand with the poisonous nature of Zhouguang is just like Zhouguang, which is difficult to be blocked by any force, even the Zhouguang barrier. the same.

But the same time light real water will also affect the time light poison. Even if it can't be delayed for ten years, it will reduce the speed of the time light in this one foot space to ten thoughts. The speed of the time poison sand is just right. Very close to this absolute speed.

A tiny insect has actually evolved an insinuating supernatural power close to the speed of light.

Of course, this is also related to the strange characteristics of the poisonous sand of light at that time. The actual nature of this poisonous sand called poisonous sand is actually closer to that of the divine light. In the heavens and the universe, the divine light spell is the closest to the source of Zhouguang. In terms of form, Zhouguang itself is also a kind of divine light. According to legend, the divine light in the eyes of the Pangu clan, Zhulong God, is the innate substance closest to the essence of Zhouguang in the prehistoric.

It is called Zhouguang.

The second is the Zhouguang True Water of the Nine Congenital True Waters, which is also an existence that is very close to the essence of the Zhouguang Dao.

This kind of strange poisonous sand is the third kind of innate cosmic light substance that Fan Wujie knows is close to the essence of Zhouguang Dao. A metamorphic product of Zhouguang Avenue.

Of course, the poisonous sand ejected by the worm is not a complete innate substance, but an acquired derivative of that kind of innate substance contaminated and transformed. With just a little bit of innate essence, with this little bit of innate power, one can penetrate Fan Wujie's invincible protective magical power--Zhouguang Barrier.

The poison of the worm can be seen.

It took enough time for the ten thoughts of Time Poison Sand, which is enough time for Yuan Yu to transform ten times. It can be said that there is a huge margin. Yuan Yu's ghost floated beside Fan Wujie, watching The insect poisonous sand sprayed to the original shadow position, and then dissipated in vain. Just like Zhou Guang, Fan Wujie tried to gather a ray of time poison with Zhou Guang's true water, but he only managed to keep it before it dissipated. One-tenth of a strand.

Yuan Yu's fingertips flashed the divine light of the sun, passing through the head of the 10,000-year-old worm, and stretched out his hand to release a thin, invisible ray of true energy, pulling the worm's corpse out of the river of blood.

Looking at the 10,000-year-old worm the size of a football and comparing it to his own figure, Yuan Yu found out helplessly that it would take nearly 30 10,000-year-old worms to make two robes that could completely cover their bodies.

But embarrassingly, the two found that even if the two were separated, it was enough to hunt and kill the anemone alone without any risk.

Whether it is Yuan Yu's supernatural power of transformation, or Fan Wujie's Zhouguang true water, they are all enough to safely hunt and kill ten thousand-year-old worms.

"It seems that we need to talk about the share!" Fan Wujie said with a blank expression, "I saw that you took 70% of the risk before, but now it seems that the risk is not as high as imagined. Big! How dare you ask for 70%..."

"Don't forget... this is just a ten-thousand-year worm. What if it's a hundred thousand or a million-year worm?" The old Taoist priest Yuan Yu was extremely chic, and said calmly: "You can do it! If you don't want to share , you can do it alone!"

"The spittle from my Fanmou is a nail!" Fan Wujie said firmly: "Since the negotiation is over, I will not go back on my word. It's just that we haven't talked about it yet..."

"What?" Yuan Yu said solemnly.

"We only know that the greatest value of a worm is its skin, but just now I accidentally discovered a treasure that is not inferior to the skin of a worm, and it has a greater meaning to me... that is the poison that the worm conceived. sand."

"Poisonous sand!" Yuan Yu's expression was a little uncertain, and he whispered: "You plan to fight poisonous sand?"

"Have you thought about it, have you survived the immeasurable robbery in this sea of ​​blood, and you haven't discovered that the poisonous sand of the worm is a treasure? Anyone can think of it...but the risk..."

"It's huge!" Fan Wujie wrapped the wisp of Time Poison Sand he gathered with Zhouguang True Water, which looked like a bit of crystal clear crystal sand. It has no quality, and is easily melted by the eternal river of light flowing in the universe. After the poisonous sand is shot out by the worm, it is fleeting, and even if I use the real water of the light to keep it, I can only save it in case. After all, my The real water of Zhouguang can't compare with the long river of Zhouguang running through the universe..."

"So we can only stagnate it with Zhouguang True Water before the poisonous sand is shot out, and then dissect the insect to get the sand!"

"Now kill the worm before it shoots the sand?" Yuan Yu shook his head and said, "Impossible!"

"You need one thought to use Zhouguang True Water, and after one thought, the worm has already shot out the poisonous sand, and it only takes one thought to complete the expansion and shoot the sand!"

"To be precise..." Fan Wujie added: "It's a thought, plus an indeterminate, vector time."

The preparation of the anthrax to shoot sand is carried out simultaneously with the expansion of the body, so the poisonous sand is shot out after one thought, but in fact, after the time of one thought has passed, the anthrax is in a state of not shooting sand, which is equivalent to a laser generator, and the laser beam is completed. All the preparations for launching, but there is still an action to give the laser a vector.

This action cannot be logically calculated, because there is no actual action.

But it is the key that can be used.

As long as the worm has finished expanding and is ready to shoot the sand, kill the worm with Zhouguang True Water, and you can get a complete body of the worm that has not shot the sand.

The old Taoist Yuan Yu came back to his senses and said: "But if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible. So you want to get poisonous sand, and you want to increase the share, so that I will give in to the old Taoist? Don't forget... poisonous sand is very important to you. It's important, it's a killer weapon not inferior to Zhouguang Zhenshui, but it's not that important to me, if you want the old man to take such a big risk for you, and want to keep nothing, you won't be able to convince me just because you suffered a loss before!"

Fan Wujie said: "Before sharing the profit, you took a greater risk, but this time the new profit is because I have to work harder. Without Zhouguang Zhenshui magical power, it is impossible to obtain poisonous sand... I'm six and you four!"

The old Taoist Yuan Yu said with a sinister smile: "Boy Fan, teach you to be a good boy! It is not only the labor force condensed in it that determines the value of things, but also the scarcity of things. Yes, you condense more labor power in the poisonous sand, but So what? It is extremely scarce and very important to you, but it is not as important to me as the worm skin."

"That is to say, the power to determine the value of things is in my hands!"

"Why do I have to work so hard to obtain something that is not necessary for me? And I already know your thoughts, yes, we have the opportunity to obtain mythical beast poison, but that requires both of us to work together. This At that time, I was in a position of scarcity of labor force, which means that my labor force is scarce for you and has greater value."

"The most frightening thing is that the old man not only has a scarcity value, but also has a monopoly position. Apart from me, you can't get the insect poisonous sand at all."

"Qi San, I want 70%!" Yuan Yu Lao Dao Shi opened his mouth loudly, and explained: "I have already considered the value of your labor force before I came to the conclusion that if you don't bargain, it will be a big deal. Each fishes."

Fan Wujie thought for a moment, and saw that Yuan Yu was very determined. Although being slaughtered was very painful, the poison of time was indeed very important to him. No matter how heartbroken he was, he had to agree, but Fan Wujie made a request: "The mythical poison is not as valuable to you as it is to me, so I want all the mythical poison."

"Yes..." Yuan Yu rubbed his hands and said with a sinister smile, "But is there a price you have to pay? Hehe..."

Fan Wujie was in a trance, as if he saw himself tied to the slaughtering platform, a butcher with a wretched smile and a hideous face was sharpening his knife clangingly. He touched his sleeve, and said foolishly: "It's a big loss! It's a big loss... all the capital is gone!"

"I'm afraid it will take five million years of work to pay off the debt!"

The two of them had been busy by the blood river for twenty years, and the vestments on their bodies were beginning to be worn away by the power of destruction. Fan Wujie was wearing a robe of skin that could barely cover his body. It was covered with patches one after another. They are all sewn from the leftovers of scorpion skin, while Yuanyu Laodao's side is full of wide avenue robes, all sewn from the whole scorpion skin, neat and beautiful, full of luxury and luxury.

Anyway, the fisherman resting next to him saw it, and they all looked dazzled by wealth.

And Fan Wujie looked like a beggar, wearing a short leather jacket that couldn't cover his body, and wearing a broken dharma robe that leaked everywhere. It looks like a young and promising beggar head in his prime.

With tears in his eyes, he stared at the dozens of crystal-clear gravels on his right hand. These are the poisonous sands of time that have been refined with the Zhouguang True Water Festival. Dozens of them together can turn into a congenital sand mother. ...the Sands of Time.

If the sand mother is separated and turned into countless invisible poisonous sands, which are mixed into the real water of Zhouguang, the sand will take advantage of the water potential, and the water will rise to sand power, which will have the power to wipe out everything, one-tenth of the kalpa of Zhouguang's decline and death. This supernatural power was named Shaohua Hongchensha by Fan Wujie.

Take Shaohua and don't keep it for young people, the meaning of three thousand mortals dyeing Huafa.

The world of mortals is turbid and stained, and the youth never stays...

"You're so motherly, so polite!" Yuan Yu commented disdainfully.

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