Fantasy: plundering opportunities, leaving the protagonist with nowhere to go

Chapter 288: Sitting In A Well And Looking At The Sky

In the yard where Lin Ming is,

The bright moon is bright, the night is like water, and the pavilions deep in the courtyard are hidden among the flowers and trees dancing in the wind.

The carved wooden doors and windows were ajar, revealing a flickering candlelight.

Lin Ming sat cross-legged, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In as long as five months or as short as two or three months, three thousand Immortal Domains will descend and merge with their world.

Faced with such a thing, although he was not worried in his heart.


Still requires some attention.

Especially after the plane arrives, what should he do?

After a period of time, Lin Ming still did not leave the Ancient Clan and was still in seclusion.

Be prepared to increase your combat effectiveness as much as possible in the last moment.

And since this time,

Three Thousand Immortal Domains began to become more and more restless.

Although the various forces do not know the exact time when the plane comes, those powerful people in the Grotto-Heaven Realm vaguely feel that something big is about to happen.


After sensing this danger, he immediately started to prepare.

And those geniuses, in order to grow quickly, are frantically challenging others.

Under such circumstances,

Three Thousand Immortal Domain is even more lively!

Even Ancient Clan, there are many talented people coming here at this time, wanting to challenge Lin Ming


Many geniuses are inviting Lin Yuran to fight.

With the end of the last Sword Dao competition, and the news that Lin Yuran won first place spread, her fame soared.


At this time, many geniuses wanted to discuss with him.


To their disappointment, neither Lin Ming nor Lin Yuran agreed to fight them.


These geniuses can only leave with regrets.

at the same time,

During this period of time, the rankings on the Tianjiao List were constantly changing.

Almost every change means that some talented people are squeezed out and other dark horses emerge.

Suddenly, the three thousand Immortal Domains were in chaos.

Almost every few days, new stories of genius spread.

This surprised ordinary cultivators and at the same time they couldn't help but get excited about it.

after all,

No matter where you are, there are many people eating melon.

And it is really extremely rare to see so many geniuses fighting in person.

A total feast for their eyes.

In addition to these,

There is one more thing that stands out.

That is, during this period, the Dao Rhyme law of Three Thousand Immortal Domains became more intense than before.


Still rising.

Some strong people make comparisons, and the concentration of Dao Rhyme's law every day is higher than before.

Although it is not much higher, if it lasts for a long time, the subsequent growth will be extremely terrifying.

just started,

Those strong men are not sure yet.

But as more and more powerful people come, because of the increase of Dao Rhyme's law, Hou

After improving their strength, their speculation was confirmed.


Dao Rhyme's law was born based on the law of heaven, and it is growing crazily now, and it is growing every day.

Such an unusual thing instantly made these practitioners startled and confused.

Some strong people believe that this is the resurgence of the Dao Rhyme law from the ancient times. Soon, the three thousand Immortal Domains will return to the ancient times.

By the time,

Everyone is like a dragon, and every cultivator has the opportunity to climb to the Divine Level.

Some people have secretly speculated that this is because Tiandao is aware of the crisis and is releasing its own savings.

This is a symbol of great disaster.

Maybe it won’t be long,

Three thousand Immortal Domains will face a crisis of annihilation.

have to say,

Although many practitioners don't know what happened.


Their guess was that there was a correlation between the pig and the correct answer.

after all,

The arrival of the plane will definitely increase the concentration of Dao Rhyme's law.

After the two planes are completely integrated, it will be easier for the cultivator to practice before then.

But correspondingly,

Three thousand Immortal Domains will be devoured.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

And right now.

In the main hall of the Ancient Clan.

Gu Chen, who was discussing this matter, suddenly sensed something and was slightly startled.

next moment,

I saw him focusing his gaze on the sky.

His gaze was so profound that he seemed to be able to see through the sky and see the very distant void.

"Ancestor, what happened?"

An elder of the Ancient Clan saw this scene and asked doubtfully.

As he spoke, Gu Chen came back to his senses.

Gu Chen withdrew his gaze, his expression extremely solemn: "We have been preparing for such a long time, and now... we are finally facing this scene."

As he finished speaking.


Countless thunders sounded in the void.

The next second.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, wind and thunder howled, and heavy rain poured down in an instant over the entire Three Thousand Immortal Domain.

"The plane is coming!?"

In the main hall of the Ancient Clan, many people saw this scene and heard what the ancestor Ji Chen said.

Their expressions changed dramatically.

"Don't disturb him."

Three Thousand Immortal Domains, those forces that possess the perfect and powerful people in the Grotto-Heaven Realm world, also reacted at this time and immediately recalled the top leaders of the forces to discuss the matter.

And at the same time,

It looks absolutely extraordinary.

A young practitioner, dressed in fine clothes, with the laws of Zhou Shen Dao Rhyme flowing,

At a glance,

They all sensed something was wrong.

Therefore, they must convene high-level meetings as soon as possible to prepare for the upcoming crisis.

At this time, he looked at the three thousand Immortal Domains and let out a sneer.


In the forbidden area of ​​the Ancient Clan, three bells rang.

At the forefront of the island, there is a warship. On the warship, many young practitioners who look extraordinary are looking at the Immortal Domain in front of them.

At the same time, Patriarch Gu Chen said: "Pass my order to invite all senior officials to come and discuss matters immediately!"

On these mountains, countless divine lights and mysteries are embedded in them.

And at this time,

In the void, an endless island is floating forward.

But at this moment, an elder suddenly remembered something and immediately asked: Ancestor, do you want to invite Elder Lin Ming? "

When the three thousand Immortal Domain forces were tense, in the endless void, a huge creature was slowly approaching the three thousand Immortal Domains.

This means,


"To dare to call a place with such a thin Dao Rhyme an Immortal Domain is to sit back and watch the sky.

Whether they were in retreat, chatting, or dealing with important matters, the senior officials of the Ancient Clan put down what they were doing and rushed towards the Ancient Clan main hall.

Especially those Dao Rhyme laws, which are flowing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not just Ancient Clan,


Gu Chen shook his head and immediately said: "Elder Lin Ming, I have other plans. We Ancient Clan only need to do our own thing well, and then Elder Lin Ming will cooperate with us."

Hearing this, they did not dare to neglect and left the hall one after another to inform the senior officials of Ancient Clan.

this moment,

Extremely blazing.

"It is rumored that these places in the lower realm call themselves the Immortal Domain. It's really ridiculous."

The elder nodded and immediately left the hall.

"Is this our goal this time?"

Big things are about to happen.

On the island, countless mountains stretch.

Almost at the same time.

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