The night fell like ink, and the stars twinkled in the quiet sky. In the extreme south of Chang'an

, in a mountainous area covered with towering ancient trees and dense jungles, the sound of breaking wind sounded.

This group of six people finally found them after a period of running around. Beasts are rampant here in this mountain range, and the roars of beasts and insects are everywhere. The center of the mountains is also the most terrifying place here.

All kinds of beasts are amazingly powerful. The poisonous insects, poisonous weeds

, and some natural traps are even more powerful than those ferocious beasts.

"This is the depth of Mang Mountain, and the treasures of our ancestors should be buried here!"

The starlight shone down and fell on the face of the speaker....

His eyes shifted.

He was none other than Long Yuan, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty who had fled from Chang'an City!

At this moment, he doesn't look like a ninety-five-year-old man at all. Now his majestic face is full of haggard and embarrassment....

This journey did not go as smoothly as he expected.

Instead, it was extremely difficult....

All the wind and rain under his command fell while protecting him from Chang'an.

When he finally escaped from Changsha, he was jointly intercepted and killed by the young master of the Evil Sect, Luo Junxie, and the Venerable Wang Kui of the Immortal Qin Empire!

He really didn't expect that these two forces that couldn't get along would actually work together... for the treasure map in his hand. Fortunately, Murong Mingyue, the leader of the Piaomiao Peak, was strong enough to defeat the two. The epic-level strong man stopped in the Love Flower Valley in front of the mountains.

This gave them a group of people the chance to reach the depths of Mang Mountain!

"A group of people who are capable of killing a thousand swords. When I take the treasure and move it back to the Protector Sect, I will make them pay the price!"

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Long Yuan's eyes....

"Father, the treasure should be right ahead."

Long Xian'er shook her father Long Yuan's arm.

At this time, her mood had improved a lot.

But looking at her red eyes and the tears on her pretty face

, it can be seen that she is not as strong as she appears.

"That's right, it's right ahead."

Long Yuan picked up the map and looked at it.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at a high cliff in front of him. The cliff was covered with layers of dense vegetation. He determined his target and hurried forward...

In front of him was a large cliff. Behind the thick clumps of tall vegetation

, there is a thick layer of dense green vines climbing down from the top of the stone wall. Each root is extremely strong and has sharp barbs

, not to mention humans and even beasts. I was so bored that I touched it.

Long Yuan stood there and looked at it carefully for a long time. After confirming that there was no trace of tampering here, he couldn't help but breathed a small sigh of relief.

After his eyes flickered for a while, his palm suddenly shot out.

A wave of heat surged. On the top, the thick green vines in front suddenly turned into pieces

, but these pieces did not fall down along the stone wall but flew inward.

At the same time, behind them, covered by them, a black hole was revealed - it was actually empty!

"this? It's a cave, right?……"

The four guardians of the Protector Sect who followed Long Yuan quickly stepped forward.

"Yes, this is it. Judging from the traces, no one should have touched this place."

Long Yuan let out a long breath and said. At the same time, he had to sigh. This kind of concealment relying on nature is really perfect.

It is much more effective than deliberately casting numerous traps and barriers.

If it weren't for the treasure map, marked, even if he passed by here , he probably wouldn't notice anything, let alone touch these potentially dangerous things for no reason. It's no wonder that no one has accidentally discovered the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years. treasure.

This is a cave that is not too wide and not deep, only about ten meters.

After Long Yuan led Long Xianer into it, he looked around.

This is just a simple cave that has been distinguished because it has existed for too long.

It was unclear whether it was natural or artificially excavated.

Except for a few strange-shaped mice scurrying away in a hurry

, the surrounding area was bare, and there was nothing to attract attention.

They walked along the passage of the cave for an unknown length of time, in a tight and tense atmosphere. , could no longer accurately judge the flow of time.

They didn’t know how long they had traveled and how many mechanisms they had encountered.

Suddenly, they discovered at the same time that a faint light suddenly appeared in front of them.

Although it was weak, in this dark place The underground space was so eye-catching.

The bright magic lamp was immediately extinguished, but the faint light in front still existed.

The pace of the six people slowed down at the same time and walked forward.

The appearance of bright light here undoubtedly means that there is a special luminous body ahead. And it is something that has been shining in the darkness for more than a thousand years...

Putting aside everything else, this thing is priceless if it can only shine for a thousand years. Could this be the place where the treasure is?

Several people started to go crazy in their hearts. Jump up and turn a corner. With the faint light, you can see a tightly closed door in front of you.

The weak light overflows from the gaps in the door.

And it is obvious that it is not a pure light but a mixture of countless The gorgeous light emitted by the treasure under the light

"Sure enough, this is it."

Long Yuan's solemn expression finally changed. With this kind of light that only rare treasures can release, he can already confirm that everything is true.

Behind the door, there must be countless shocking wealth.

And at this moment, a legend Strong man, stand in front of the door and slowly press your hand on the door


The trembling sound made the bodies of the five people behind them tremble.

Under the powerful destructive force, the extremely hard door instantly cracked from the center of the hit and scattered like a piece of broken glass. Going down, a dazzling light rushed towards his face...

Long Yuan was stunned, and everyone was completely stunned at this moment.

The shock of the scene in front of them would never be forgotten in their lives.

In the dark underground, the light in front of them was so bright The dazzling light is not a light, but a strange light produced by the overlapping of the rays of countless dazzling rare treasures. It is so intense that it is unbelievable.

"This is... too exaggerated."

A protector of the Protector Sect said in despair.

It is estimated that he has never been like this in his entire life.So shocking.

As far as the eye could see, everything was filled with light, and there were a dazzling array of gold, jewelry, and rare treasures. In addition to these rare treasures scattered on the ground, there were also countless huge boxes placed in the huge space.

Judging from the light emitted from the box, both the box body and the lock were made of gold.

Long Yuan's eyes were turbulent, and he moved forward and appeared in front of a treasure box.

With a flick of his wrist, he broke the golden lock and opened the lid of the box. Suddenly, another handful of gorgeous light appeared.

The huge box contains rare treasures that are rarely seen in ordinary times. boom!

Another box was opened, containing pearls of various colors, each of which was priceless.

Immediately afterwards, the third box was opened, and it was filled with shining gold bars...

The protector of the Protector Sect suddenly felt that his nerves and eyes were not enough.

They really never thought that one day they would be dazzled by gold jewelry.

This space is very large, and there are hundreds of golden boxes at a glance...

No, there are thousands of boxes...

Even Long Xian'er was a little stunned....

The corner of Long Yuan's mouth curled up in a happy arc. With these thousand boxes of treasures, what did he leave behind in Chang'an City?

Even if Chang'an was lost, he was confident that he could form an army of one million!

Then take back everything that belongs to him with your own hands!

At this time, he was immersed in his fantasy and did not notice at all that there was a box of inconspicuous treasures containing an extremely exquisite lotus flower....


Long Yuan gave the order...

And just when they took out the space ring and prepared to load the thousand boxes of treasures, a joking and mocking voice sounded outside the cave.

"The young master of the evil sect, Luo Guxie, wants to see your majesty!"


Let’s just post today’s chapter first. The author will never post a chapter of more than 3,500 words in the future [Tired]

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