This state lies in the state of enlightenment and the soul out of the body.

In a trance...

He seemed to have seen a huge willow tree born in the thunder catastrophe, and then died in the thunder catastrophe, and finally reborn in the thunder catastrophe.

This is……

Liu Zu?

And in the outside world.

Qin Luo closed his eyes.

The exalted temperament is overflowing, so that not many female disciples can see this splendidly.

Unremarkable, his handsome face was calm, as if he was asleep.

But everyone's heart has already set off a monstrous wave!

Eleven leaves.

I thought that the ten leaves were already amazing, but who could have imagined that the chief Qin Luo had reached the terrible eleven leaves!

Nine is the extreme!

Ten is the top!

And what does eleven represent?


"The more leaves that Master Liu Zu gave, the greater the benefits he would get. And Master Wuchen, the First Saint Midnight, only got nine and a half pieces."

"Eleven willow leaves, the last one I saw seems to be translucent, which is obviously amazing!"

"With such talents and luck, Chief Qin Luo will probably write a legend. He will be the strongest arrogant in the history of Sacred Land, and the founder of the mountain will be a little later."

A famous disciple, chief, and saint son, short of breath.

Frenzy flashed in his eyes!

Although strength works everywhere, the amazing potential is also very useful.

Although Qin Luo did not show his strength at this moment, his amazing potential has already conquered everyone!

Just like Xu Lingyin not far away, she felt a sense of desperate powerlessness.

She is also the proud son of heaven, the protagonist of luck, and the son of Dadao, but in front of this, everything is crushed.

Xu Lingyin was also quite helpless!

Quite a feeling of untimely birth.

As for the Taoist Holy Lord Xuanyuan Haoran next to Qin Luo, he was not surprised by this. At this moment, he looked at Qin Luo's state, but he showed a look of expectation.

The rest of the terrifying Spiritual Sense and will are also with anticipation.

And Qin Luo here.

Then sink into a special state.

His soul seemed to be out of his body, seeing the other side of the world.


In an instant he stood on a star map.

Gaze carefully!

Qin Luo discovered that this is not a star map, but his cell, just like the Galaxy Cluster and the vast world.

"The cells of the body are like the Minor World deposits! I connect them and make them as a whole, which is to make their power penetrate, so that they have the effect of superimposing power!"

" each of its'Minor World', there is no real transformation. Quantity... after all, it cannot lack quality!"

Qin Luo thought.

Next second!

The star map was covered with a faint green light.

It is the light of life!

More like...

The light of awakening!

It is the power of Liu Zu.

One by one ‘Star’, some kind of invisible transformation gradually took place.

Outside, Xuanyuan Haoran, who was next to Qin Luo, immediately used big means to cover up Qin Luo's breath.

Even in the most core realm, Liu Zu released the clear light and shielded the heavens!

This process has continued.

Before I knew it, a week passed.

The disciples all around have no intention of being sleepy, they are waiting for the final result!


At a certain moment.

Qin Luo opened his eyes slowly.

The pale green light flashed in his eyes.


Qin Luo got up, a faint layer of leather cracked from the surface of the body.

When the real ‘Qin Luo’ appeared in this world, everyone felt a sense of strangeness to Qin Luo in a trance.


He is not like a human being, detached to become another kind of life form.

"Twelve turns of the runner!"

Qin Luo muttered in his heart.

At this time, the last leaf fell.

The twelfth piece!

It's golden!

"The twelfth leaf!"

"The Realm of Consummation!"


Xuanyuan Haoran finally showed a smile.

Very pleased, looking forward to...


The twelve leaves suddenly turned into streamers.

Swipe it!

When the breeze blows, its twelve leaves turn into streams of light, and then become strands of silk threads that fall on the back of Qin Luo's head, becoming twelve strands of golden green silk hair.

Qin Luo feels amazing!

He has a feeling of being in the dark. He actually feels like Daoyi Sacred Land...

Have a wonderful sense of control!

Is it the key?

Or is it the core object of some kind of formation?

Qin Luo felt a little tremor in his heart, but then returned to calmness and stopped thinking about it.

But he knew that these twenty willow leaves must have a very important role!

Qin Luo moved and nodded slightly towards Xuanyuan Haoran.

In the smile encouraged by the Holy Lord, Qin Luo took a step!


He stepped out of Xuanyuan Haoran's barrier.

When he appeared in front of all the disciples of Shaoguang Fourth Ring.


A faint sense of coercion spread out involuntarily.

The faces of all the disciples changed slightly, including Sacred Land Elder and Tai Shang Elder, showing shocked expressions.

A repression from the origin of life and species level makes everyone feel heart palpitations, incredible!


Qin Luo gives everyone the feeling that he is the ancestor of the human race.

Look at Qin Luo at this moment.

There seems to be something unreal, and there is a sense of vagueness and detachment!


The disciple with the lower Cultivation Base couldn't help kneeling directly on the ground with a dull expression.


Someone knelt down again.




A disciple of the famous Sacred Land fell down.

at the same time!

"Meet the first chief man!"

With a loud fall.

The other disciples spoke one after another.

"Meet the first chief man!"

"Meet the first chief..."


The sound shook the sky, and there was a sound of worship.

Everyone expressed their congratulations and worship towards Qin Luo more or less.

He is the chief!

The first chief!

Deep in the void.

The two saints also cupped hands towards Qin Luo slightly.

Smiled: "Congratulations!"


Xu Lingyin glanced at Qin Luo with a complicated expression, leaned slightly, and said, "Congratulations, Chief Qin Luo!"


Thousands of people worship!

Qin Luo looked at everyone, and his mood was a little different.

He adjusted his twelve turns, shutting off the sense of "transcendence" and "ancestor".

The next moment!

Qin Luo stands with his hands behind and walks in the air.

Faintly said: "Enter my first chief island!"

The voice falls!




He stepped on it step by step, as if stepping on Yin & Yang's chaos.

There is a long thunder and celestial clouds in the void!

Under the enthusiastic gaze of many Daoyi Sacred Land Tianjiao disciples.

Qin Luo boarded the first chief island.

Light up the chief token in the endless void! .

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