"I didn’t say anything, I just said, you are my friend, don’t plot against you."Zhou Sichen told a little lie

"Brothers."A Bao laughed.

"Yes, good brother."Zhou Sichen stretched out his hand.

Abao was a little confused, so he also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Zhou Sichen:"Sichen, what are you doing?"

Zhou Sichen:"Tell me, if one day you find out that I am not who you imagined, what will you do?"


That's right, Z is Zhou Sichen's code name when he walks in the arena, and it is also synonymous with the God of Death who walks on the battlefield.

Z has different meanings in many countries in this world.

But there is no doubt that Zhou Sichen is not welcomed by many countries, because wherever Z appears, war will inevitably break out.

The most terrifying time was when Zhou Sichen showed up in Yingjiang. At that time, a fire broke out at the entrance of the Black Palace.

And based on Yingjiang's careful investigation and final clues, the code name of Z was discovered.

Moreover, following the clues, Yingjiang found out to a horror that a red-necked state was about to rebel.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

It stirred up civil strife in Yingjiang.

From then on, the name Z resounded in every country in the world. Regardless of whether it was Zhou Sichen or not, war would break out wherever Zhou Sichen went. This was the reason why the higher-ups were prepared to face Zhou Sichen.

Subsequently, Princess The Sun Never Sets was kidnapped and unexpectedly discovered that she was also Z. In that operation, Zhou Sichen exposed the tip of the iceberg of himself.

Fragments of profiles were circulated.

He walks around the world, cleaning the world, and also doing war.

He wanders around every corner of the world, provoking wars wantonly, and even works frantically with both sides in order to make money.

I'll help you beat him, and I'll help him beat you.

In order to make money, you are crazy.

Zhou Sichen's eyes were a little complicated. When these two people appeared, Zhou Sichen understood that the superiors knew about Z. As long as they confirmed most of them, they would definitely take action.

"Hahaha, Si Chen, what are you talking about? Don't worry, we are brothers forever."A Bao laughed.

"Brothers."Zhou Sichen took a puff of cigarette and looked at Mu Xue.

Both Mu Xue and Shen Rou looked at Zhou Sichen warily. They were afraid that at this moment, Zhou Sichen would get violent and take action.

"No matter what happens, don't take action. Hold him steady and don't let him take action. Don't cause misunderstanding. There is an accident here, so you can't take action."Shen Rou wore wireless headphones in her ears, and the leader's voice came

"Accident?"Shen Rou was alert.

"The butler of the foreign guests left the Peace Hotel and passed towards you."The leader continued

"The butler of the foreign guests. Shen Rou's whole body was shocked.

A smile appeared on her face in a hurry:"Mr. Zhou, why are you nervous? Your face was so straight just now, it scared us.""

As she said that, Shen Rou wiped Zhou Sichen's face with a handkerchief.

Zhou Sichen tilted his head, his gaze was enough to see through a sniper on the top floor a thousand meters away.

Even in this dark night.

As long as it was If Zhou Sichen thought about it, after more than ten years in the line of fire, no one knew how terrifying Zhou Sichen's strength was.

But soon, someone who surprised Zhou Sichen appeared.


Yes, it was Betty.

This woman ?

"No, foreign guest, I am rough, what a coincidence?"Zhou Sichen gasped.

Wherever Betty appears, that woman will definitely appear.

In fact, compared to Betty, Zhou Sichen would rather have hundreds of armed policemen surround him on Yellow River Road.

He doesn't want to be the one who appears. This woman appears!

"The princess's butler is approaching you. Be sure to hold Suspect Z steady and avoid misunderstanding."The leader's voice said worriedly.

"receive. Shen Rou replied

"No, leader, then Betty is coming towards us."

"Hiss, no, the leader, the princess’s housekeeper, actually shook hands with suspect Z."

"What, a handshake?"

"Do they know each other?"

The leader raised his voice.

"It should be recognition."Shen Judao

"Mr. Zhou, we meet again."Betty had a smile on her face.

She was speaking in English. The other people on Huanghe Road were all confused.

Why did a foreign woman, and an unusually tall woman, come to shake hands with Zhou Sichen?

Everyone was a little confused..

Do they know each other?

Especially this woman, who has a very good temperament.

Zhou Sichen also extended his hand:"Betty, long time no see.""

"Our princess has seen you, and your leaving without saying goodbye has caused her great pain."Betty said.

Zhou Sichen thought of Diana, and couldn't help but feel a little sad on his face.

However, the two people around him were crazy. They communicated through headsets, and the peripheral leaders were crazy.

As a Goan, English is a must, no matter what It was Mu Xue and Shen Rou, both of whom were extremely proficient in English. A Bao, on the other hand, knew only a little bit about it. He could understand it if he spoke slowly, but if he spoke faster, his hearing would be blurry.

Abao vaguely heard what the princess was saying....

This made him feel that he had heard wrongly, or maybe he just heard wrongly, Abao was not sure.


Shen Rou swallowed.

What did they hear just now?

Does the princess miss Zhou Sichen?

It wouldn't matter if it was someone else, but they all knew about this person. He also appeared on TV. He was always with the princess, and he was also the princess' confidant.

"I'm rough."Shen Rou's face was full of shock.

Mu Xue's face was full of confusion.

Both of them were proficient in English, and they could hear clearly what was being said if they were close enough.

"I had no choice but to say goodbye back then."Zhou Sichen sighed endlessly.

"The princess misses her very much and hopes Mr. Zhou will not refuse. The princess has already ordered food and drinks at the Peace Hotel."Betty said

"Honored."The corner of Zhou Sichen's mouth twitched.

The sins he did back then must be repaid today.

Zhou Sichen breathed out, hiding is not an option, not to mention, this is not Yingjiang. Let's talk about old friendships.

Just talk about old friendships.

Zhou Sichen Keep thinking in my heart.

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