"Not only is it easy to use, I almost thought I was a leader visiting. They brought forty honor guards and were greeted personally by Lieutenant General Cliff. You know Cliff, the young and strong faction here in Damao will be focused on training in the future."A Bao's voice was a little rough.

In business, the first is connections, the second is style, and the third is strength.

In business, connections come first.

Uncle stood up in shock, his eyes wide open. Da:"You said the lieutenant general and the honor guard greeted you?"

"Yes, I was greeted like this as soon as I got off the train."Abao reported

"It's not simple, it's not simple. Isn't he a cleaner?"Grandpa asked

"She works as a cleaner, but she has nothing to do with it. She works as a cleaner in the Middle East, and accidentally saves Cliff. The two of them have a very close relationship, and it’s a life-saving grace!"Abao said

"It's not simple. Tell me carefully what happened there."Uncle stood by the window.

After passing the Peace Hotel and looking at the Yellow River Road outside, his eyes were a little complicated, and there was a surprise.

He really didn't expect that there would be such a surprise.

"Specifically, that's it. He exchanged some arms and equipment. I'm a little scared now. Is this illegal?"A Bao asked

"arms?"My uncle raised his voice and asked in disbelief.

My uncle, who has always been calm, couldn't calm down at all when he heard the word"munitions"

"Are you sure it's arms?"My uncle asked

"It was determined that it was arms. I exchanged a warehouse for a large amount of arms at the price of scrap iron."Abao said.

Good guy.

He is simply a good guy.

My uncle's eyes widened:"Are you crazy? Are you trying to sell arms?"

A cleaning lady.

So wild?

So outrageous?"

"I slapped myself a few times. I never expected that he had already planned to sell it to Africa when he first mentioned it. It was to exchange for other people's worthless arms, arms worth 12 million scrap iron!"A Bao leaned back.

If this is sold, what kind of profit will it be?

Huge profit.

What kind of profit can exceed this kind of huge profit?

"Is he crazy? Selling arms is so easy. Without connections and preparations, selling arms is a dead end, just being hacked."My uncle said cautiously.

"I gave him the same advice, but he told me that when I was working as a housekeeper in Africa, I met a warlord who wanted to buy arms."Abao said

"I'm rough, this young man. My uncle couldn't help but cursed:"Ask him if he is still hiring for cleaning. I, an old man like me, can do cleaning with him. Don't work too hard." Abao couldn't help sighing:"Who knew that as a cleaner, I would have the opportunity to meet such a foreign boss!""

"I have told you a long time ago that if you are successful in any industry, you will achieve something. Look at Zhou Sichen. I guess he is not just a cleaning company abroad. I am afraid it is just like you said, he should be a cleaning company. The concept is similar. But I was almost coaxed into it. There were only two words missing. One was the boss of the cleaning company and the other was cleaning. That was a long way to go. Ah Bao, I have a hunch that he should be your noble man. You are everywhere over there. careful."My uncle said.

When doing business, it is very important to meet noble people.

Sometimes a noble person can give you a push and you can rise to the top and step into another class.

Clothing foreign trade?

How much wool can you earn?

This is naked profiteering

"By the way, uncle, is this illegal? Don’t be unable to go back."A Bao asked

"No, we do not buy or sell arms from China. We only buy arms from Damao and sell them to Africa. As long as we do not violate other people's laws, it is not illegal in China."My uncle explained

"This puts me at ease."A Bao breathed a sigh of relief.

After hanging up the phone, his uncle looked at the Zhizhenyuan Hotel opposite. He couldn't help but be filled with sighs.

This world, sometimes, is really too much of a joke.

"Take the worthless daily necessities to Da Mao and resell them at a profit of two or three times. Then buy a batch of arms at the price of scrap copper and scrap iron from Da Mao. Once they are resold, they will be in the hands of those in need, and dozens of them will be sold. Hundreds of times the profit came out."My uncle's eyes flickered involuntarily.

It's too outrageous. It

's simply outrageous.

But it's also reasonable.

Wealth is gained through risk. The greater the risk, the greater the wealth.

The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.

The threshold is high, With fewer people doing it, more money is made. It’s amazing.

Even my uncle would be amazed by this operation. It is simply a typical example of a businessman.

Buying and selling, and giving worthless things to those in need. On the other hand ,

Abao has initially accepted the reality of the situation.

He and Miss Wang were counting the supplies.

Dozens of military vehicles were loaded with arms.

Good guy, simple daily necessities were almost exchanged. Amount of arms.

Who dares to think.

Who dares to believe.

Just one million pieces of soap, exchanged for five million rounds of bullets.

Bullets cost one yuan a round?

Good guy.

If I sell it to you for three yuan, it will be three yuan. times the profit, which is still lower than the market price.

What was Zhou Sichen's initial cost? One million pieces of soap, 600,000 yuan, transferred two hands, directly transferred to 15 million, and the profit reached 300 times.

Bullets alone, after all, fifteen million?


Abao looked at Zhou Sichen in shock.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is such a big profit alone. The profits of some weapons and equipment are not so big. Overall, After two trips, you can get at least ten times the profit.

After all, weapons generally come in sets, and bullets are the two most profitable items. For example, a tank can cost several million a piece. If it is resold, it will not make ten times the profit.

"You can't calculate it like this. The cost of transportation is actually not low. This transportation costs at least several million."Zhou Sichen said

"How do you transport it?"A Bao asked

"For rent, two frigates and a transport ship."Zhou Sichen said calmly

"How much?"A Bao asked

"The transport ship costs 3 million for this trip, and the two frigates cost 4 million. The total is more than 7 million. The Damao Navy is a bit evil. If there is a chance, I will buy two."Zhou Sichen said.

He decided that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely buy a wave of warships from Damao.

Renting someone else's for the whole day is not a long-term thing.

"I'm rough."A Bao cursed.

Are you going to go to heaven?

What are you going to do?

Are you going to join the navy?

This is getting bigger and bigger.

A Bao is actually very receptive and has a very strong endurance. Strong, in business, even if it is a business worth hundreds or tens of millions, including stocks, etc., you can handle it with your hands.

But who would have thought!

I have planned to buy a warship.

The key is, this is not bragging, with big hair In the current situation, it is really not that difficult to buy a few boats.

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