Back at the Friendship Hotel, Qian Cheng called Ma Peng and asked him to help invite the best framer in the capital to come and help frame a picture.

The next day, Ma Peng came to the door with a craftsman.

When they saw the inscription that Qian Cheng wanted to frame, Ma Peng and the craftsman were so shocked that they were speechless.

Originally, he was a great person just to be able to live in the Friendship Hotel, but he didn't expect that this person could even ask for the name of the chief designer.

The craftsman worked hard and carefully framed the calligraphy.

Ma Peng didn't dare to be careless and supervised the whole process.

He was just a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He only knew that Qian Cheng was always picked up by the military for a period of time. He did not expect that Qian Cheng could obtain such a painting without saying a word.

"Mr. Ma, I want to visit these units these days. Please help me make arrangements."Although several old scientists have been contacted for help.

The procedures that should be followed still need to be followed. If you don't follow the rules, you may not offend anyone.

I am a businessman, and I don't want to make enemies everywhere.

With the approval from above, I will soon make money. Cheng had the opportunity to go to these units.

He said he went to Institute 1445 under the Chinese Academy of Sciences first. After visiting for a day, Qian Cheng found that the scientific research atmosphere here was very good, but he was a bit arrogant and felt that there was no need to carry out technical cooperation with companies like Qian Cheng.

1445 believes that Qian Cheng can definitely buy their products. As for sharing technology? The technology is obtained by scientific researchers working day and night! It belongs to the country! It is absolutely impossible to share it!

Let alone sell it, no matter how much money it is, it will not be sold!

In the end Qian Cheng touched it He left with a sigh of relief.

He was so angry at these cute scientific researchers. A bunch of naive guys, do you really think that scientific researchers don’t need to wear clothes and eat? Don’t you want to give your children a better life?

Qian Cheng returned to the Friendship Hotel immediately Contact Zhong Yuemin, who is going crazy outside, and ask him to return to Beijing as soon as possible. In more than a month, Zhong Yuemin has also recruited almost all the personnel of the security company, and now he is stuck in applying for passports and exit procedures.

At the end of the year, the work efficiency of each unit It was obviously so slow that it almost came to a standstill. There was no choice but to wait until next year to handle the relationship.

Back in the capital, Qian Cheng had already gotten up and went to the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is the best unit for researching semiconductors in China.

Qian Cheng didn't gain much from visiting here..

When the director took him to visit, he was like guarding against thieves. He couldn’t see this and he couldn’t touch that.

In the last seminar, many of Qian Cheng’s professional issues were kept silent on the grounds that they needed to be kept confidential.

Qian Cheng took care of it. I was very angry, thinking that what you are currently studying is already different from that of foreign countries. Why are you still so closed-minded?

I went to the 45th Institute of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in Gu, and it was the same. I didn’t care about Qian Cheng at all. The businessman took it seriously.

He felt that Qian Cheng was stupid and had too much money, so he only tried his best to introduce the photolithography machine he produced to Qian Cheng.

Finally, Qian Cheng was tired of being told, so he directly took out the information about Esmail PAS2400.

Yes. The director of Institute 45 said, if your product meets this standard, I will buy it.

After seeing the PAS2400 data, the director's face turned red and he stopped talking.

In the end, they broke up on bad terms.

Back in the capital, Qian Cheng discussed with Zhong Yuemin , how to recruit scientific researchers?

"I understand these scientific researchers. It is useless to give them high wages. We have no influence. People are afraid that if they come to work with us today, their jobs will be gone tomorrow."

Zhong Yuemin expressed the sentiments of these current scientific researchers.

"Influence?"Qian Cheng thought that the words given to him by the chief designer would not be very effective now.

He needs to use a combination of punches to maximize his influence, so that he can be more convincing in recruiting talents!

Next! On the day of

The acquisition of the factory was negotiated.

Qian Cheng bought the whole factory at a high price of 18 million yuan. The factory will not do anything this year. Next year, the factory will officially implement the contract system and redundant departments and personnel will be laid off.

With that, This sign is also more convenient when recruiting people.

In January, everyone is preparing to celebrate the New Year, and Qian Cheng and Xiao Jue plan to spend the New Year in the capital.

Today, they are worrying about how to expand the group's influence, and Ma Peng comes to discuss with him about celebrating the New Year in the capital. In the past few days , several units and old generals have invited me to celebrate the New Year with them.

They were all rejected by Qian Cheng.

I still don’t know what those people think?

They are all staring at my own handwriting!

What are they getting ? Don’t even change it with yourself!

With this calligraphy, Qian Cheng can gain a firm foothold in the mainland.

I dare not say more. In thirty years, no one dares to talk about his position.

Ma Peng has also seen that calligraphy Yes, he also knew that these old generals were paying attention, and after a long time, they helped Qian Cheng block many invitations.

This invitation was different, and he felt it was necessary to discuss it with Qian Cheng.

"Mr. Ma, I want to be quiet during the Chinese New Year. I believe you won’t cause trouble for me, right?"Seeing Ma Peng coming, Qian Cheng said in advance

"I know that this invitation is different."As he said that, Ma Peng handed over the invitation letter in his hand.

Qian Cheng came in and took a look, huh?

This time is really different.

Seeing the invitation letter, Qian Cheng thought of a new solution!

"Is this invitation real? Qian Cheng asked in surprise.

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