In the shocked eyes of a group of officers, Qian Cheng and Prince Camel left the scene one after another.

"Is it a 9.6 billion magnesium knife?"The old general still thought that he couldn't hear clearly.

The middle-aged colonel on the side said excitedly,"Mr. Qin, that's right! It’s a 9.6 billion magnesium knife!"

"9.6 billion!"

The camel negotiation team has left, and the soldiers cheered wildly.

So many, so much was actually sold!

Qian Cheng had already left by car, and had done everything he should do. He just went back and waited for the final result..

The budget for Luotuo's visit to China to purchase missiles this time was 8 billion. The reason why Luotuo was able to negotiate an additional 1.6 billion was entirely because Qian Cheng repeatedly put pressure on the other party in these negotiations. In the past, Luotuo only had security crises and deliberately weakened the surrounding dangers.

During the negotiation, Qian Cheng put all the crisis risks of Luotuo in the face. This made Luotuo, who had been avoiding this issue, truly realize that if he could not buy the missile this time, he would soon follow the example of Pahlavi. Following in the footsteps of others.

In the face of life and death, Prince Camel was naturally willing to spend money.

When he returned to the Friendship Hotel, he had not sat down to drink water.

The call came and the chief designer summoned him.

When he arrived at the place, several old people in the conference hall were chatting happily. Touching the sky.

Seeing Qian Cheng arriving, the chief designer stood up to greet him personally

"We have a great hero coming."

As he said this, he shook hands with Qian Cheng.

Several old people nearby also stood up to greet him.

This made Qian Cheng very frightened. He knew these people without any introduction. They are all seniors who have dedicated their lives to the country.

They are all meritorious veterans of the country.

"I was just trying to earn more foreign exchange for the country, so how could I bear the personal welcome of several respected elders? Qian

Cheng said, bowing to several people again and again.

"Xiaoqian, you know how difficult the country is now, but you don’t know how much of a problem you have helped us solve this time!"

Wearing a light gray Chinese tunic suit, the tall old man said

"Mr. Li, you are so old. Please sit down. Seniors, please sit down."

Qian Cheng was moved when he saw an old man who was old enough to be his grandfather standing with him like this.

These old people really worked hard for this country, and he really looked too small in front of them.

"Qian Cheng is a great name! The future is bright! Seeing that you are young and promising, we old guys will never accept it!"

The old man in green praised happily.

"Nie Shuai, you are such a bad boy."The old man's praise made Qian Cheng a little proud. Which of these people is not his idol?

Being recognized by his idol is really a blessing in life!

"I called you here today because, firstly, my old friends are curious about how you, a young man who can speak like a lion, have three heads and six arms."

"Second, the arms purchase contract is being signed now, and Prince Camel has asked you to attend the banquet tonight."

The old man explained the purpose of calling Qian Chenglai.

"Well, I just want to know why you are so sure that Prince Camel will buy our Dongfeng III missiles."The old man in military uniform spoke. This is why the old man insisted on coming to see Qian Cheng at the age of 88.

After hearing the old marshal's question, Qian Cheng began to tell everyone what he knew.

The geopolitics around Camel, his own military Strength and the relationship with the two poles.

These are commonplaces. Several old people have clearly understood it through the negotiation report.

Now I listen to Qian Cheng explain it carefully.

Listening to Qian Cheng’s words can make you understand the camel more intuitively than reading the report. After all, Qian Cheng’s words at the negotiation table contained elements of negotiation skills and processing and exaggeration. After listening to the objective interpretation, all the old people present nodded repeatedly, and looked at Qian Cheng with even more appreciation.

After talking about the situation of the camels, Qian Cheng spoke up Let’s talk about our own Dongfeng III missiles

"Seniors, aside from me taking advantage of the situation, how much do you think our Dongfeng III missiles are worth?"

When it comes to the value of Dongfeng III, as the old marshal who was once in charge of national science and technology has the most say

"In my opinion, the normal price should be tens of millions of yuan."

The old general thought for a moment and said,

"The old marshal is right. This is a price estimate based on planned economy thinking."

After hearing what Qian Cheng said, the sharp-thinking old people knew that Qian Cheng had more to say, and looked at him to hear what he thought later.

"In a market economy, in addition to considering various costs such as production materials and labor costs, the value of a product also has more influencing factors."

"Product value is the value generated by the function, characteristics, quality, variety and style of the product, etc."

"Take the Dongfeng III missile as an example. In your evaluation, these values ​​are worth tens of millions of yuan."

"However, the value of some products in a market economy also needs to consider other attributes."

"For example, scarcity is manifested in the functions that other products cannot achieve, the quantity of the product itself, and the channels through which it can be purchased."

"Once a product is scarce, it will have a premium"

"Note that the premium is also the value of the product itself"

"Our Dongfeng III, similar products in the world, are the Bald Eagle's Lance missile and the Polar Bear's Scud missile."

"But you can’t buy these camels"

"So I feel that I am not as open as a lion about this business, but everyone is still in the mindset of planned economy."

Qian Cheng didn't say anything, that is, if the price is clearly marked, you have to buy it for takeout.

This price is also being robbed in the world market.

"Well, we still don’t look far enough into the market economy."The chief designer nodded. Judging from the fact that Prince Camel asked Qian Cheng to attend the banquet by name.

What Qian Cheng said is right. If someone really suffers a loss and wishes to never see you again in this life, how can he ask for it? What about attending a banquet?

"I think the [86] plan proposed by the country last year is very good. In the future, high-tech products will become scarce because of technological barriers."

"If the product is scarce, the premium will be greater, and we will be able to make more profits."

"Our vigorous development of high technology is a very correct path!"

What I said before is actually the foreshadowing of Qian Cheng. Qian Cheng's real purpose is to make the country truly pay attention to the development of science and technology.

I believe that the country has benefited from this arms sale and will be more determined to develop science and technology.

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