The military representative felt that Qian Cheng was here to disrupt the situation.

The price was set at 100 million yuan when you first came up. Aren’t you trying to rob it?

I'm not a fool, so how could I buy it?

You know, the cost of Dongfeng III is only a few million, and the unit is still yuan.

You're selling something worth millions to someone for a billion dollars. Why aren't you here to disrupt the situation?

Even a black-hearted businessman would not dare to sell like this!

Are you still planning to negotiate this deal? no! We can't let him continue to act like this!

The deputy representative on the side smiled and said:"Your Excellency, I think today's negotiations can be suspended. You can discuss it again when you go back, and we will make an appointment to talk again.""

"OK, please show your sincerity in negotiating."The prince got up and was about to take people away.

"Your Excellency, I need to remind you that I will raise the price next time. Qian

Cheng stood up and reminded him indifferently.

"you···, I want to protest, I want to protest to your leaders!"

The prince said sternly

"If you have time to protest, you should go back and research how much to buy. If it is delayed for a long time and the news is leaked, other countries will confuse you if you want to buy it."

After that, Qian Cheng turned around and left without waiting for the prince to say anything else.

Seeing that Qian Cheng was so strong, the prince left with a headache.

Only now did he understand why the chief negotiator was changed, because this young man was more difficult to deal with than the last one.

Part 1 This negotiator is eloquent and full of wisdom.

I can still deal with him for a while.

Today's person is absolutely confident, and his words are full of confidence.

He doesn't even have the courage to parry.

In fact, today's price is completely acceptable to me, but I just want to get some discounts.

However, the young man has seen through everything and leaves no room for change.

The prince went back to contact us at this price, leaving aside how much he would buy at this price.

The negotiation on the Chinese side had just ended, and the military All the people left, and no one greeted Qian Cheng.

They chatted with each other for a while and decided to report to their superiors immediately to get rid of this businessman who couldn't negotiate.

How can there be such negotiation? If the other party is not allowed to negotiate, then there is no way. What are you talking about?

Seeing that no one is paying attention to him, Qian Cheng knows that the price he offers has scared them.

I hope the chief designer will not be scared by his quotation and if he continues to change, then his work ahead will be in vain.

Money Cheng drove back to the hotel to wait for the news.

The chief designer listened to someone talk about the negotiation process and was shocked when he heard the quotation.

Wouldn't such a high quotation scare people away?

"When he made this offer, what was the other party's reaction? asked the old man

"What else could I do to react? Just protest!"

"Old Chief, I admit that Qian Cheng has a very strong analysis of the international situation, but he cannot treat such a big matter as a child's play!"

The deputy negotiator said.

The old man smiled, tapped him with his hand and said,"We all misjudged the value of Dongfeng III."

"The fact that Prince Camel did not walk away after hearing the price proved that he could accept the price. Are you scared by the price?"

"No need to talk about it, Qian Cheng will still negotiate the next negotiation, so don't make trouble."

The old man could judge the camel's heart with just one action. Not everyone can do this.

It was the old man's wisdom that made him trust Qian Cheng even more and insist on using Qian Cheng to continue to host the negotiations.

The next day, Negotiations continue.

Sitting at the table today, Prince Camel took the lead.

"Let me talk about it first today."

Qian Cheng nodded and smiled and gave the other party a gesture of invitation.

"Now the whole of China has less than 3 billion foreign exchange reserves. You need a lot of foreign exchange."

"We happen to be able to buy magnesium knives. This is a business that benefits both sides."

"I think you will not give up on this arms sale, so please give a more sincere price."

After saying that, Prince Camel looked at Qian Cheng with a smile. He knew before he came that today was a duel between the two.

There was no contempt as when they just met yesterday, and the young man in front of him showed too much confidence.

From where Qian Cheng sat There, a message is being conveyed - I've got you!

The military representative was convinced after hearing Prince Camel's words. China is currently short of foreign exchange, and this arms deal must be concluded!

He looked at Qian Cheng , I hope this young man will just let it go and stop irritating the other party.

Even if the price is slightly lowered, it is an attitude that shows that the negotiation can continue.

"Well, then I will give you a sincere price. Today, the prices of all products have increased by 10 million!"

Qian Cheng spoke, and this sentence set off another storm on the negotiating table.

What? The prince thought he heard wrongly, he···Did he raise the price?

Did you listen carefully to what I said? I said your country needs foreign exchange! Shouldn't you be eager to close this deal?

You want to talk about it!

When the negotiators on Qian Cheng's side heard Qian Cheng's words, they were first shocked, then angry, and finally returned to indifference.

He glanced at Qian Cheng and pretended that nothing had happened.

In fact, at this moment, all the Chinese negotiators wanted to tear Qian Cheng alive, a boy who didn't know the heights of the world.

The negotiations might collapse in the next moment, and no one dares to show abnormal emotions now.

He couldn't let the reason for the breakdown of the negotiation have anything to do with him. It was all the fault of Qian Cheng.

This is the tacit understanding of all representatives.

From now on, it's up to Qian Cheng.

In the end, the responsibility rests with him alone.

"His Royal Highness can continue to suspend negotiations"

"But please remember, every day you delay is one day closer to danger"

"The future national defense security of your country depends entirely on your own decision."

"Maybe at this moment, Bald Eagle has sent someone to stop this negotiation."

Yes, Qian Cheng began to exert maximum pressure.

No one knew Luo Tuo's situation better than him.

This negotiation was not equitable in the first place.

"You are taking advantage of the situation!"His Royal Highness the Prince said angrily.

"Humph, His Highness the Prince doesn’t know my identity yet. Go back and check [Jiuding Group] to see how many magnesium knives I, Qian Cheng, have in my hand."

"You produce few magnesium knives, so I may not be able to take a fancy to them!"

After speaking, Qian Cheng left the meeting first, and the negotiation was terminated again.

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