Laxus and the Vaal of the Twelve Shields went head-to-head, and the thunder of the sky collided with the mecha electromagnetism, making the night Magnolia illuminate as much as day.

In the interval between the confrontation with Laxus, Val issued an order to attack the Caldia Cathedral with the four weak soldiers he had brought.

Laxus felt something strange and was knocked to the ground by an elbow in a moment of distraction.

Laxus prostrate on the ground, receiving continuous attacks from the other party until he spat out a mouthful of black blood. But at the same time, a circle of words appeared on the ground.

Val realized that the man in front of him actually knew how to do magic. In order to prevent himself from falling into the trap of the spell, he immediately cleared the spell with the elimination spell.

But at the moment of the clearance, Laxus softly thanked Fred.

Val also reacted instantly, and found that the spell was a text bound to the magic barrier particles in his body. Now that the technique is gone, it means that all the residual poison in his body has been removed.

"I really can't underestimate you, an old wound that is difficult for the best doctors in Ishgar to heal was actually healed by one of your warriors!" Laxus stood up, the particles of thunder and lightning gathering in his hand, crackling.

"Warrior, is this what you're looking forward to?" Val saw that the fully embodied Laxus became serious, and also turned on his warrior form.

"I'm on fire!"

Laxus and Vaal acted at the same time, and the two beams collided violently. The scattered electric light also pierced through all the stone pillars of the surrounding houses.

Inside the Caldia Cathedral, four Weakness Robots also break through the window. Both Abba Greene and Bigusru were a little unresponsive. However, in order not to interfere with Fried, the two of them separately attacked the two weak robots.

"Elf machine gun

!" "Light particle cannon!" Abba

Greene and Bigusru attacked at the same time.

After seeing that the weak robot avoided their attacks, it scanned them with a mechanical eye and analyzed their abilities.

When Bigusru wanted to use magic again, his soul possession magic was purified by the Sanskrit sound magic matched by the weak robot.

And Abba Green, who wants to use the Petrified Eye to support, is also ineffective because the other party is a robot. Even her scale bomb is consumed by a black hole summoned by the weak android man.

At this moment, the two who are slightly weaker in physical skills are very easy to be ravaged by the weak robot.

"Blowing Snow: White Earth"

Eevee of the cyan Pegasus rushes over and unleashes snow magic to contain the weak robot.

Immediately after that, the cyan Pegasus appeared outside the door of the Caldia Cathedral with Lotus and Hibiki on the night.

Hibiki retrieved the four weaknesses from the database magic, and the robot was forged by the alchemy of the Northern Continent. Let them pay attention to their gaze overnight, and they can't be scanned to analyze their weaknesses, and try to solve them with one trick.

Ren followed Hibiki's advice and dodged the weak robot's gaze. and attacked them using the sky magic "Empty Magic Ball".

But to his surprise, these weak robots can not only use scanning to analyze enemies. Their weaknesses can also be analyzed by the strength of their magic.

Even if there is a night of fragrant magic blessed with the ability double. Eevee and Hibiki are still defeated by fire and lightning magic. Hibiki also blocked his database magic due to the electromagnetic interference of one of the weak robots. Hibiki, who lacks analytical ability, is also knocked down by a weak robot that moves at high speed with physical skills.

At this point, the weakness robot suddenly stopped attacking, as if it had received some information. Three of them evacuated, leaving only one of them to confront the night head-on.

"One Night Teacher!" the three men who fell from the cyan Pegasi pinned all their hopes on One Night.

"Mr. Robot, I think you need to elevate your tastes!" One night, a teleporter came to the Weakness Robot and began to introduce him to the perfume suitable for robots.

The Weakness Robot blinked and sent a scanning light at it, revealing that the person was actually full of weaknesses, and he didn't know where to start.

"There's a flaw!" A bright light flashed in front of his eyes one night, sensing the hesitation of his opponent.

The Weak Robot also sensed that it had an attack intent overnight, but its reaction was a little slower.

"Ma Ma Fruit Perfume - One Night Lightning" sprinkled a bottle of yellow perfume overnight, forming a huge electric barrier around it, gathering magic power overnight, flicking out lightning and hitting the weak robot.

"yes, one night teacher!" the three handsome men of the cyan Pegasi began to cheer.

"This is a perfume that can be compared to the masculine smell of Laxus, man~" stirred his bangs overnight.

This beautiful scene made Fried, who was maintaining his defensive technique, almost collapse. Fortunately, with his imagination of Laxus's perfect body, he barely stabilized the magic array in his hand.

But after a night of electro-light attacks, the weak robot didn't seem to be harmed, but became more excited. It seems that this enemy is not only immune to lightning, but also, like Natsu, use lightning as food to replenish energy.

Thinking of the three weak robots who had just left, if they were to besiege Laxus, would he be able to handle it?

At this time, the weak robot in the church turned the absorbed magic into accelerated energy, punched the lower abdomen of the night, and knocked it into the bronze bell of the church, making a dang dang sound.

The weakness robot turned this combat experience into program code and wrote it into the system.,People like this who are weak all over the body.,There's no need to analyze how to restrain it.,Just crush it with absolute strength.。

But this time he recorded learning, and it is estimated that it will be the last. Because at this time, during the night inside the bronze bell, he had strengthened his body with power perfume, and the strong muscles directly burst the bronze bell. With every step he took, he could feel the floor vibrate.

"Analyze!" the weakness bot scanned the night again. But this time, no matter how much he aimed his gaze at the night, the scan turned out to be a red cross.

With a bang, a close one-night punch fell, directly smashing the weak robot into a pile of scrap metal. Only one core energy source rolled out.

"Mr. Night, be careful!" Fried noticed something was wrong with the core energy source, and shouted a warning to Nightnight.

At this time, Yiye also realized the danger, and hurriedly rushed over to pick up the green core energy source. Then he used his legs to burst out all the strength of his body, and directly hit the ceiling of the church and rose into the air.

With a bang, a huge explosion was created over the Caldia Cathedral.

When Val saw the situation in the Caldia Cathedral, he smiled triumphantly. The energy of this weak robot's explosion was enough to blow the guy who used the technique to pieces.

This also distracted Laxus a lot, because he didn't know what was going on in the church, in case Fried...

Before Laxus could think about it, Val's flying kick hit him directly in the knee.

With a click, the joint of Laxus's knee appeared to break, and he knelt on one knee in front of Val in pain.

Boom, boom, Vaal unleashed another series of magic bombs, scarring Laxus.

"I have to admit that you are an opponent worth knocking down! Because no one in Albarez can survive a fight against the Twelve Shields for so long! I admire your strength, but you just met me!" Vaal gathered energy in his hand and formed a blade of light aimed at Laxus's head.

"When I say this, I want to return it to you as it is!" Laxus, who had a broken foot, pressed against his red and swollen knee and exerted force with one foot, saying that the thunder and lightning gathered in his head and gave Val a hammer on the head.

Such a close and powerful collision caused the program in Val's mind to suddenly appear chaotic. But it was quickly repaired by his system.

However, Laxus's attack did not stop there, and another blow of the thunder dragon's heavy wrist hit Vaal in the back.

hit him until he coughed up a spark. The hard metal shell on the back also showed large and small cracks.

But Val was quick to fix it.

In this way, Laxus wounded Val for several minutes. Val also repaired himself for a few minutes.

Finally, the exhausted Laxus fell to the ground, and his willpower was no longer to the extent that Val admired. It even made Val, a robot without a heart, feel a little heartbeat.

Vaal then received a message from the Desert King Argir using a contact robot that the army of the Kingdom of Fioret had launched a surprise attack on them. The third of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar also joined the war to protect Magnolia. In order not to encircle and suppress the vanguard troops they brought, they could only choose to retreat temporarily. Wait until Albarez's army officially arrives before going head-to-head.

Val looked at the dying Laxus and thought that keeping him would be a hidden danger for Albarez in the future. So I wanted to get to know the enemy in front of me.

But his lightsaber was eventually blocked by a flaming fist. Just as he had rescued Makarov at the hands of three assassins, Natsu once again used his arm to stand in front of his companions. Protect these guild powerhouses who once protected themselves behind him.

"Laxus!" Natsu looked back and exchanged glances with Laxus.

Natsu remembered the handsome figure when Laxus rained thunder from the sky on Sirius Island, remembered the scene when he turned all his magic power into thunder and lightning and gave it to him, and then endured Hades (Presitto's Amaterasu Twenty-Eight Rules) with a flesh and blood body without magical power, and remembered the scene when he woke up with the "roar of the Thunder Flame Dragon" that ran through the entire Sirius Island.

Now, Natsu wants to show Albarez's vanguard the power of the Fairy Tail Bond with the same power.

Flames and lightning intertwined, and Natsu's eyes became fierce, and the roar condensed in his mouth.

Even Val, who had experienced a lot of battles, felt the shock of this power, and he tried to flee, but Natsu grabbed his wrist.

A roar of the Thunder Dragon resounded through the sky, piercing the night. Val's body gradually faded away in the air, only this time, someone "gave him" a ride...

"Natsu!" Laxus smiled at the young man in front of him, he didn't expect him to be able to roar with such power on his own, and he felt very relieved in his heart.

"Rak—" Before Natsu could finish his sentence, he fell to the ground from exhaustion and fell asleep.

And with Natsu's roar, the support of many fraternal guilds rose up, and the remnants of Albarez's vanguard were wiped out.

Kagura of the Mermaid's Heel and Mineba of the Sword Biting Tiger meet with Elsa again, only this time they are not rivals in the martial arts arena of the Great Demon Director, but close friends who fight side by side.

Kagura's gravitational magic shook the earth, limiting enemy movement to what the soles of their feet could touch.

Mineba's absolute realm makes it impossible for every enemy to escape the explosion of the surrounding space.

In the end, the Akatsuki Sixteen Blades under Elsa's Red Sakura Demon Knife slashed all the enemies in front of him.

Lucy, who wakes up, meets Yukino and recites a spell at the stars. Let the magic of the stars shine once again on this continent. Their final story of the Star Atlas also dealt with Shaga, a famous general who led the army under the command of Agil.

With his thoughts of Gray, Jubia and Melty use the magic of merger, the Water Covenant. Countless water swords shuttled through the enemy's camp, slashing down the horses and cavalry one by one.

Everyone seems to have found the best partner outside of their guild in this continent. Elfman and the four-headed hound's macho army, Wendy and Shellia's Sky Combo, Mirajane and Cyan Pegasus' Jenny, the former Zero Dirion and the Witch's Sins of the Six Demons also form a wonderful match, and Bunny Maru leads Romeo to a new generation of sorcerers... They are not just protecting the city of Magnolia, but their entire continent and their homeland.

Makarov stood in front of the Senate, the former Ten Saints and Ten Magisters, and now there were only five of them left. The burden of the entire continent may not be able to rely entirely on their group of old people in the future. Perhaps among the new generation of magicians, there will be magicians who are better and more outstanding than them. And before they retire, they are bound to protect this continent, even if their opponent is Jelf, Albarez's Guardian Twelve Shields, they will uphold the spirit of the Ten Holy Wizards, and create a stable and peaceful magical world for their descendants.

Perhaps comfort makes them forget how to realize their ambition to expand abroad, but protecting this comfort will make them extremely powerful...

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