"Open it, Capricorn doorway – Caprico. A

gentleman-type star spirit with a male goat's head, sunglasses, iron bracelets on both wrists, pointed nails, and a suit appeared in front of Lucy.

"Miss Lucy, is there anything I need to do?" asked Caprico, bowing down.

"Caplico, trouble you to beat this guy. Lucy commanded, pointing at Medusa.

"Obey, Miss Lucy. Caprico

rushed towards Medusa at a very fast speed, punching and kicking Medusa with lightning speed, so fast that Medusa could not react at all, and was hit like a storm, and could not help but cry out in pain.

On the other side, Elusha changed into the armor of the heavenly wheel and flew into the air.

Not to be outdone, Yuri Ellie also flapped her golden wings, crossing Elusha's height, condescending.

The sword behind Elusa instantly attacked Yuri Ellie, so fast that ordinary enemies could not even see through the sword light.

But these swords are extremely slow in the eyes of Yuri Ellie, flap their wings hard, and turn and dodge among the ten thousand swords, these blades cannot get close, and even Yuri Ellie is still approaching Elusa while dodging.

The speed of the flight was so fast that Elusha did not react for a while.

I saw Yuri Ellie stretching out her hideous claws and grabbing towards Elusa, and the sharp claws directly left an ugly claw mark on the armor of the celestial wheel.

Seeing this, Yuri Ellie wanted to make another claw, but Elusha reacted in time and pulled away.

Elusa realizes that Yuri Ellie's flight speed is fast and she is also very flexible in the air, and she is a natural air warrior with sharp claws that remind Elusa of Mira's Satanic form.

In the armor form of the Celestial Wheel, Elusa draws the sword into a triangular orbit at high speed to attack the opponent.

Since the other party is flying fast, it is close to combat, so that she cannot play the advantage of flying speed.

Yuri Ellie raised her claws to resist, and occasionally launched sneak attacks from time to time with the angular tail of the snake.

Elusha, who had suffered a loss before, was extremely cautious, and she was always watching Yuri Ellie's snake tail, and when she saw its twitching snake tail sneak attack, she summoned the sword blade behind her to resist the response.

The battle between the two instantly entered the white-hot stage, and you came and went, which was thrilling.

Compared to the slight superiority and close match between the two battlefields, Gray's battle is slightly more embarrassing.

Silkena is extremely powerful, and the shape ice made by Gray is fragile in front of Silkena.

Gray gathered the ice qi in his hands, and then slapped his palms to the ground, and the ice qi released would bloom like a flower in an instant, and with Gray as the center, the surrounding floor was frozen.

Gray, who was at a disadvantage, had to create a relatively favorable combat environment for himself first.

Although Silkena's strength is good, relatively speaking, her speed and flexibility are far behind.

Gray is accustomed to ice and moves more flexibly on the ice board, swimming around Silka to attack.

Ice Shape: Ice Cannon!

Gray made a two-handed bow pulling motion, created a huge cannon with an ice shell, and fired a large number of avalanche-like snow impact attacks at Silka, which was quite lethal.

However, most of the impact was relieved a lot in front of Sirina's snake scales, and with Silkena's powerful physique, this injury was not painful at all.

However, the cold nature attached to the ice and snow made Silka feel very uncomfortable, and even her body became dull and stiff.

Silka clenched her fists with both hands and slammed down on the ice floor, instantly smashing a deep pit on the ice floor, while the crack spread to the periphery, and finally turned into ice slag.

The ice floor was destroyed by Silkena's blow.

Gray had mastered the trick at this time, creating ice under his feet to slide quickly, widening the distance between Serena, and then firing an ice and snow cannon, maintaining this attack mode, following the sixteen-character policy learned from Ai Xuan: "The enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy is stationed and I disturb, the enemy is tired and I fight, and the enemy retreats and I pursue".

So angry that Silka had no choice, she directly destroyed all the way, destroying all around, leaving Gray with no way to slip, and was finally forced to stop.

"You slide again!" Serena looked at Gray proudly, "the monkey jumping up and down, it's the man who fights me head-on."

"In that case, then I will satisfy you!"

Gray condensed two ice blades in his hands, slender and sharp ice blades, showing infinite murderous intent.

Gray used the ice as a blade, like a dance in ice and snow, and launched a continuous slash at Silka to split the target.

"It's just right!" said Silka with a laugh, showing her hideous fangs and clenching her fists to greet her.

The ice blade broke the scales on Silkena's body, and the pain stimulated Silka to go even more crazy, eating the damage of the ice blade hard, and punching Gray in the abdomen.

With an extremely powerful punch, he directly beat Gray into a shrimp shape, spitting out blood, and then was knocked out, smashed into the wall, and buried by broken stones.

"Gray!" Elusa

has been paying attention to Lucy and Gray, seeing this scene, she was also subconsciously distracted, and was seized by Yuri Ellie, tearing the armor of the heavenly wheel, leaving scars on Elusa's body, bleeding nonstop, and faintly emitting a fishy smell from the wound.

"How much you look down on me when you dare to be distracted when you fight me. Yuri Ellie said dissatisfied, turning to disdain, "That's all you have." What else can you do now that is highly poisonous!"

Always subconsciously thinking that Gray and Lucy need their own protection. As an S-class magician, since he took them on S-class tasks, he should protect them thoroughly.

"Elusa, I'm okay!" said Gray, breaking free from the rubble and turning to Elusa, "I know Elusa not like that. How can such an opponent make you so embarrassed. Let them see what a fairy tail wizard is!" Gray

reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said to Serena, "Now start the second round." Gray

is already a full-fledged Magister, a Magi of Fairy Tail. My thinking is simply disrespectful to them.

"I'm sorry, the fight just now was my blasphemy, now start the real fight!" said Elusa to Yuri Ellie.

At this time, Elsa's hairstyle will change to a ponytail, wearing black armor with a white cross, bat-like wings on her back, and holding a black one-handed sword, posing in a fighting stance.

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