Extreme VIP Recharge System

Chapter 184 Ye Fan eats a thunder disaster!

When Li Ran knew that Ye Fan didn't have a spiritual root, he had an urge to look directly at his soul memory, but Li Ran resisted it.

After all, this hurts people's self-esteem too much, and it also hurts Ye Fan's heart. It will definitely have a great impact on his future practice, and Ye Fan can't betray himself. In a way, servants are more trustworthy than anyone else.

As long as Li Ran thinks about it, as long as Ye Fan has a bad thought about him, he can sense it. He can even tamper with the deep-level memory of his soul at will, making him completely believe that he is a woman, just being transgendered... …

The speed of the spirit boat's return journey was extremely fast, much faster than when it came, and it didn't take long before it arrived at Sea God Island.

It seems that Li Ran's third-level examination spirit boat is not the first to come here after the examination. There are already many direct descendants who have completed the examination and are talking with each other about their respective assessments.

"Okay, let's go down, take advantage of the rest of the day to rest and take part in the competition tomorrow!"

The old examiner didn't say much, but waited for everyone to fly off the spirit boat, took a deep look at Li Ran, then pinched the spirit boat with his fingerprints to make the spirit boat smaller and took back the space ring, and then left.

After disembarking from the spirit boat, the other people who were with Li Ran hurriedly fled the place, as if there were high-level beasts chasing after them.

The two brothers Haihe and Haiqiu took a deep breath of fresh air, as if they were glad that they were able to come back alive.

"Uh, Master Lan Ran..." Ye Fan looked at a place, and said cautiously.

Li Ran knew what he meant. Although he would not take the initiative to peek into his heart, he could still easily understand what he meant, so he smiled gently and said, "Go tell someone else!"

Ye Fan's originally tense heart relaxed a little. It seems that Lan Ran is not difficult to get along with. I hope he is not pretending, but he is such a genius, it seems that there is no need to pretend...

Ye Fan's mind is disturbed, but now is not the time to think about it, he has to say goodbye to his friend, although Ye Fan is just using him, but he treats Ye Fan very sincerely.

"Master Tao..." Ye Fan looked at Haitao with some embarrassment.

Haitao is the second place in this assessment, and from a certain point of view, he is also in Ye Fan's favor.

After all, if Li Ran hadn't been in a good mood and let Haitao go, he might be killed or eliminated like everyone else now, so how could he get the second place in the third-level assessment.

"It's okay. Speaking of it, I still have to thank you, otherwise I wouldn't have won the second place. This is your chance, and you have a deep understanding of that person. He is not an ordinary arrogance!" , this time to win the second place is simply not even thought of, and the mood is also very good.

After "peacefully breaking up" with Haitao, the burden in Ye Fan's heart was also relieved a lot. He didn't say anything, just followed Li Ran in silence.

"Brother Ran, thank you so much. I didn't expect that I really won the first place. Let's go, I invite you to eat at the Sea God Palace on Sea God Island. It's much more delicious than any branch of the Sea God Palace in the city-state!"

Hai Zi'an was in high spirits, he was the first in the third stage of the first stage assessment this time, and he was so excited that even if he had a meal on Sea God Island, he would bleed profusely, and he was willing to do so!


Sea God Island, Sea God Palace.

The entire Sea God Island seems to be high-rise buildings in this place, and other places are flat and low manors.

The Sea God Palace on Sea God Island is used by the Hai family to recruit foreign guests, and only the direct descendants of some families can enter. Ordinary people are not qualified to enter.

Hai Zi'an directly opened a top-level VIP room, and it cost hundreds of thousands of contribution points just to open the room. Seeing this, Li Ran wished he could just tell me not to open it. Wouldn't it be nice for you to give me these hundreds of thousands of contribution points directly? ?

And Li Ran looked at the menu, complaining inwardly while still dripping blood, this nima meal won't cost millions of contributions?

The consumption of one person alone can reach several million contribution points, so the Sea God Palace is hundreds of feet high, how many emmm is there in this room...

Li Ran was completely speechless, how rich and powerful is this Nima Sea God Palace...

But Hai Zi'an didn't feel bad at all, because with Li Ran around, he didn't believe that anyone could win the first place from him. You can directly inherit the position of Patriarch!

This meal can be said to be very dark, and Li Ran felt that this meal alone was completely worth the help this time, and he was really delicious.

The craftsmanship of the high-end chefs is simply unbelievable!

Yes, there is a reason why the Sea God Palace on Sea God Island is expensive. Every chef here is at least an intermediate-level practitioner, and the highest-level VIP room is even cooked by a high-level chef. !

In a way, this is the personal service of enjoying high-level power!

High-level power, the top power of the Federation, is also the top existence in the entire Federation, and is the most important force to resist alien beasts and taboos.

The high-level powers accumulated by the Blue Star Federation for hundreds of years do not even have 10,000, not to mention those who are still alive. If you add up the high-level powers that died in battle and died due to various accidents, it is not even 10,000. ten thousand.

And in these hundreds of years, from birth to death one after another, how many people are there?

It can be said that the probability of the birth of a high-level power is one in a billion!

This is due to the emergence of talented people, equal emphasis on technology and practice, and multi-faceted theoretical guidance, which is much superior to traditional practice.

But even so, there are no more than 10,000 existing and dead high-level powers. One can imagine how difficult it is to produce high-level powers.

As for a high-level power who is a chef, this... Li Ran can't imagine that a high-level power can be a chef. He is also lucky to have a high-level power who is a chef, otherwise...he would not be able to taste This kind of enjoyment comes from the soul.

"Uh, Lord Lan Ran... I'm going to break through to the fourth level, the kind that I can't suppress..." Ye Fan suddenly said in embarrassment while eating.

Li Ran was not surprised either. After all, this is a meal made by a high-level chef. Apart from being delicious, it must have many extraordinary functions:

"By the way, are you sure? Do you want me to help!"

These words made Ye Fan speechless, he didn't believe it at all, this is a thunder calamity, no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible for others to bear the thunder calamity.

You must know that the thunder disaster is coming, as long as there are other people to help resist the thunder disaster, the power will increase exponentially, and then both of them will be locked by the thunder disaster, and there will be no place to die!

Li Ran knew what he meant without looking at his eyes, and said with a smile: "I know what you mean, isn't it just that you can't let outsiders help you during the catastrophe, otherwise the power of the thunder catastrophe will increase exponentially, but let me tell you, even The power of Thunder Tribulation has increased tenfold, so it is no surprise that I am here!"

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